JaLCDOI 10.18926/19953
フルテキストURL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_44_1.pdf
著者 Nagai Shinji| Umeda Ryosuke| 鶴田 健二|
抄録 In this paper, we investigate a light-confinement phenomenon in the structure which has triangular latice composed of Double NeGative Metamaterial (DNGM). In geometrical optics consideration, this structure is expected to confine lights completely by sequential refractions in the structure. We demonstrate it by using the two dimensional finite-difference time-domain simulations. We introduce Drude-Lorentz model for dielectric and magnetic dispersion of the material at optical frequencies. We analyze quantitatively the effects of energy loss in the DNGM on the light-confinement efficiency.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 2010-01
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 6
ISSN 1349-6115
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002309117
JaLCDOI 10.18926/19954
フルテキストURL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_44_7.pdf
著者 Maetani Noriaki| Kurose Tomoyuki| 鶴田 健二|
抄録 The lens effect of acoustic waves in a two-dimensional (2D) phononic crystal is studied by numerical simulation based on the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. We calculate the phonon band structure of 2D phononic crystals, consisting of metal cylinders placed periodically in water. Lens effect is observed by the negative refraction of acoustic waves, which results in refocusing of the waves at the point outside the crystal. To increase the focal intensity, we introduce a 2D phononic crystal shield with a different composition of material, which returns the incident waves back to the lens via the perfect reflection. Also, the dependence on filling fraction of metal in the crystal is studied.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 2010-01
開始ページ 7
終了ページ 12
ISSN 1349-6115
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002309019
JaLCDOI 10.18926/19955
フルテキストURL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_44_13.pdf
著者 金谷 健一| Sugaya Yasuyuki|
抄録 A new numerical scheme is presented for computing strict maximum likelihood (ML) of geometric fitting problems having an implicit constraint. Our approach is orthogonal projection of observations onto a parameterized surface defined by the constraint. Assuming a linearly separable nonlinear constraint, we show that a theoretically global solution can be obtained by iterative Sampson error minimization. Our approach is illustrated by ellipse fitting and fundamental matrix computation. Our method also encompasses optimal correction, computing, e.g., perpendiculars to an ellipse and triangulating stereo images. A detailed discussion is given to technical and practical issues about our approach.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 2010-01
開始ページ 13
終了ページ 23
ISSN 1349-6115
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002309170
JaLCDOI 10.18926/19956
フルテキストURL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_44_24.pdf
著者 金谷 健一| Sugaya Yasuyuki|
抄録 We present an improved version of the MSL method of Sugaya and Kanatani for multibody motion segmentation. We replace their initial segmentation based on heuristic clustering by an analytical computation based on GPCA, fitting two 2-D affine spaces in 3-D by the Taubin method. This initial segmentation alone can segment most of the motions in natural scenes fairly correctly, and the result is successively optimized by the EM algorithm in 3-D, 5-D, and 7-D. Using simulated and real videos, we demonstrate that our method outperforms the previous MSL and other existing methods. We also illustrate its mechanism by our visualization technique.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 2010-01
開始ページ 24
終了ページ 31
ISSN 1349-6115
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002309159
JaLCDOI 10.18926/19957
フルテキストURL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_44_32.pdf
著者 金谷 健一| Niitsuma Hirotaka| Sugaya Yasuyuki|
抄録 We present an alternative approach to what we call the “standard optimization”, which minimizes a cost function by searching a parameter space. Instead, the input is “orthogonally projected” in the joint input space onto the manifold defined by the “consistency constraint”, which demands that any minimal subset of observations produce the same result. This approach avoids many difficulties encountered in the standard optimization. As typical examples, we apply it to line fitting and multiview triangulation. The latter produces a new algorithm far more efficient than existing methods. We also discuss optimality of our approach.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 2010-01
開始ページ 32
終了ページ 41
ISSN 1349-6115
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002309124
JaLCDOI 10.18926/19958
フルテキストURL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_44_42.pdf
著者 金谷 健一| Rangrajan Prasanna|
抄録 This paper presents a new method for fitting an ellipse to a point sequence extracted from images. It is widely known that the best fit is obtained by maximum likelihood. However, it requires iterations, which may not converge in the presence of large noise. Our approach is algebraic distance minimization; no iterations are required. Exploiting the fact that the solution depends on the way the scale is normalized, we analyze the accuracy to high order error terms with the scale normalization weight unspecified and determine it so that the bias is zero up to the second order. We demonstrate by experiments that our method is superior to the Taubin method, also algebraic and known to be highly accurate.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 2010-01
開始ページ 42
終了ページ 49
ISSN 1349-6115
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002309054
JaLCDOI 10.18926/19959
フルテキストURL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_44_50.pdf
著者 金谷 健一| Niitsuma Hirotaka| Rangrajan Prasanna|
抄録 We present highly accurate least-squares (LS) alternatives to the theoretically optimal maximum likelihood (ML) estimator for homographies between two images. Unlike ML, our estimators are non-iterative and yield solutions even in the presence of large noise. By rigorous error analysis, we derive a “hyperaccurate” estimator which is unbiased up to second order noise terms. Then, we introduce a computational simplification, which we call “Taubin approximation”, without incurring a loss in accuracy. We experimentally demonstrate that our estimators have accuracy surpassing the traditional LS estimator and comparable to the ML estimator.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 2010-01
開始ページ 50
終了ページ 59
ISSN 1349-6115
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002308986
JaLCDOI 10.18926/19960
フルテキストURL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_44_60.pdf
著者 Nogami, Yasuyuki| Morikawa, Yoshitaka|
抄録 This paper proposes a method for generating a certain composite order ordinary pairing–friendly elliptic curve of embedding degree 3. In detail, the order has two large prime factors such as the modulus of RSA cryptography. The method is based on the property that the order of the target pairing–friendly curve is given by a polynomial as r(X) of degree 2 with respect to the integer variable X. When the bit size of the prime factors is about 500 bits, the proposed method averagely takes about 15 minutes on Core 2 Quad (2.66Hz) for generating one.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 2010-01
開始ページ 60
終了ページ 68
ISSN 1349-6115
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002309063
JaLCDOI 10.18926/19961
フルテキストURL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_44_69.pdf
著者 Nekado, Kenta| Kato, Hidehiro| Nogami, Yasuyuki| Morikawa, Yoshitaka|
抄録 Recently, pairing–based cryptographies have attracted much attention. For fast pairing calculation, not only pairing algorithms but also arithmetic operations in extension field should be efficient. Especially for final exponentiation included in pairing calculation, squaring is more important than multiplication. This paper proposes an efficient squaring algorithm in extension field for Freeman curve.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 2010-01
開始ページ 69
終了ページ 72
ISSN 1349-6115
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002309070
JaLCDOI 10.18926/19962
フルテキストURL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_44_73.pdf
著者 Imanaka, Hiroyuki| Tanaka, Soukichi| Feng, Bin| Imamura, Koreyoshi| Nakanishi, Kazuhiro|
抄録 We used modified Czapek-Dox (mCD) or dextrin-peptone-yeast extract (DPY) media to cultivate a filamentous fungus, Aspergillus oryzae IAM 2706 by three different cultivation methods, i.e., shaking-flask culture (SFC), agar-plate culture (APC), and membrane-surface liquid culture (MSLC), to identify the differences in cultivation behaviors and gene transcriptional profiles. The fungi cultivated by APC or MSLC secreted a greater number of different proteins/enzymes in larger quantities compared with fungi cultivated by SFC, particularly when DPY medium was used. In particular, the amounts of protease secreted by fungi cultivated via MSLC or APC were much greater compared with SFC. When mCD medium was used, α-amylase activity was barely detectable in all cultures while the activity was detected in MSLC and APC in a quantity that was several times higher than that in SFC using DPY medium. SDS-PAGE analysis and N-terminal amino acid sequences confirmed 6 proteins in the culture supernatants when DPY medium was used. Among these proteins oryzin (an alkaline protease) and α-amylase were detected at much higher levels in APC and MSLC compared with SFC, which was consistent with the measured activity of the secreted enzymes. However, when mCD medium was used, only oryzin was detected in significant amounts in MSLC and APC. Microarray analyses of the fungi cultivated by SFC, APC or MSLC using either mCD or DPY media indicated that the gene transcriptional profile of the MSLC sample was similar to that of the APC sample but different from that of the SFC sample. When mCD medium was used, most of the genes that were up-regulated 10-folds or greater in the MSLC sample relative to the SFC sample were unknown or predicted proteins. Transcription of the oryzin gene was only slightly up-regulated in the MSLC sample while transcription of the α-amylase gene was slightly down-regulated. On the other hand, when DPY medium was used, many known genes including the oryzin gene were up-regulated in the MSLC sample versus the SFC sample.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 2010-01
開始ページ 73
終了ページ 83
ISSN 1349-6115
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002309053
JaLCDOI 10.18926/20011
フルテキストURL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_29_1_7.pdf
著者 Hiroyuki Tachibana| 東辻 浩夫| 奈良 重俊| 東辻 千枝子|
抄録 Effects of interface fluctuations on the electronic states in semiconductor quantum dots are analyzed on the basis of numerical solutions for ground state wave functions and energy eigenvalues. It is shown that the effective volume of confinement becomes smaller than the real volume of quantum dots due to fluctuation. This effect comes from the fact that the wave functions with larger characteristic wavelength are not able to deform themselves following the fluctuation of interfaces exactly.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 1994-11-30
開始ページ 7
終了ページ 14
ISSN 0475-0071
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310741
JaLCDOI 10.18926/20012
フルテキストURL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_29_1_15.pdf
著者 東辻 千枝子| Matsubara, Takeo| Obuchi, Masumi|
抄録 A molecular orbital approach to the electronic structure of C(60) molecule is formulated on the basis of optimized bond orbital model and the stability of the truncated icosahedron structure is examined.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 1994-11-30
開始ページ 15
終了ページ 22
ISSN 0475-0071
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310919
著者 Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University|
発行日 2004-03
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
資料タイプ その他
JaLCDOI 10.18926/46946
フルテキストURL mfe_38_1-2_001_004.pdf
著者 Sakakibara, Akira| Kanadani, Teruto|
抄録 The relationship between occurrence of serration and reversion heat treatment was studied by tensile test on Al-10mass%Zn alloy. Serration was observed for the furnace cooled specimen, but not for the as-quenched one and the shortly aged one, which result is difficult to be interpreted by the Cottrell theory. The stress amplitude in the serration increased with increasing the time of annealing for reversion up to 10ks and then stayed at a constant value which might be interpreted by the Cottrell theory. The stress amplitude in the serration decreased with increasing the annealing temperature, which is contrary to the prediction by the Cottrell theory. The specimen directly annealed without aging and the one annealed after aging agreed well with each other in the tensile strength and the stress amplitude in the serration, which suggests solute clusters as the cause of serration.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 2004-03
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 4
ISSN 0475-0071
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 80016785932
JaLCDOI 10.18926/46947
フルテキストURL mfe_38_1-2_005_014.pdf
著者 Ishimaru, Kazuhito| Konishi, Masami| Imai, Jun| Nishi, Tatsushi|
抄録 Temperature distribution in the reactor furnace is mainly operated by gas blowing from multiple tuyeres and material charge distribution. The objective of our research is obtain the optimal profile of gas flow to control temperature distribution in the reactor furnace in the shortest possible time. We formulated the optimization problem to reduce deviation of temperature distribution from its desired one in the reactor furnace. Based on the formulation, gas blow conditions are optimized by a sequential quadratic programming method to realize the desired temperature distribution. The validity of the method was checked through numerical experiments.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 2004-03
開始ページ 5
終了ページ 14
ISSN 0475-0071
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 80016785933
JaLCDOI 10.18926/46948
フルテキストURL mfe_38_1-2_015_027.pdf
著者 Torigoe, Takashi| Konishi, Masami| Imai, Jun| Nishi, Tatsushi|
抄録 In these days, mechanical systems are becoming more complex and highly automated. So, there exist wide variety of demands for reliable diagnostic technology. A reliable data analysis and quantitative diagnosis method of mechanical system is necessary for the purpose. In this paper a quantitative diagnosis method for looper height control system has been developed based on neural network technologies. The wavelet transformation is used for pre-processing to analyze characteristics of looper height control system. And, self organizing map neural network is used for the purpose of classification based on the pre-processed data. After that, the classified results are used for quantitative diagnosis in hierarchical neural network.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 2004-03
開始ページ 15
終了ページ 27
ISSN 0475-0071
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 80016785934
JaLCDOI 10.18926/46949
フルテキストURL mfe_38_1-2_029_032.pdf
著者 Totsuji, Hiroo| Totsuji, Chieko| Ogawa, Takafumi| Tsuruta, Kenji|
抄録 The structure of dust particles in dusty plasmas under microgravity has been analyzed by molecular dynamics simulation. The charge neutrality condition satisfied by the system composed of dust particles and ambient plasma is properly taken into account. It is shown that dust particles form shell structures at low temperatures and the number of shells are obtained as a phase diagram in the plane of two parameters characterizing the system: the number of particles and the strength of screening. It is also shown that these structures are almost independent of the strength of screening.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 2004-03
開始ページ 29
終了ページ 32
ISSN 0475-0071
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 80016863328
JaLCDOI 10.18926/46950
フルテキストURL mfe_38_1-2_033_037.pdf
著者 Liman, M. Sanusi| Totsuji, Chieko| Tsuruta, Kenji| Totsuji, Hiroo|
抄録 The dynamic structure factor and the spectrum of the momentum-density fluctuations of 2D Yukawa liquids are analyzed in the domain of weak and intermediate coupling and screenlng parameters. The dispersion relations of the longitudinal and transverse collective excitations are obtained and compared with the random phase approximation (RPA) and harmonic approximation for triangular lattice.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 2004-03
開始ページ 33
終了ページ 37
ISSN 0475-0071
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 80016863329
JaLCDOI 10.18926/46952
フルテキストURL mfe_38_1-2_039_059.pdf
著者 Kanatani, Kenichi|
抄録 We investigate the meaning of "statistical methods" for geometric inference based on image feature points. Tracing back the origin of feature uncertainty to image processing operations, we discuss the implications of asymptotic analysis in reference to "geometric fitting" and "geometric model selection", We point out that a correspondence exists between the standard statistical analysis and the geometric inference problem. We also compare the capability of the "geometric AIC" and the "geometric MDL' in detecting degeneracy. Next, we review recent progress in geometric fitting techniques for linear constraints, describing the "FNS method", the "HEIV method", the "renormalization method", and other related techniques. Finally, we discuss the "Neyman-Scott problem" and "semiparametric models" in relation to geometric inference. We conclude that applications of statistical methods requires careful considerations about the nature of the problem in question.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 2004-03
開始ページ 39
終了ページ 59
ISSN 0475-0071
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 80016889442
JaLCDOI 10.18926/19654
フルテキストURL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_33_2_9.pdf
著者 山本 恭二|
抄録 The molecular dynamics study is applied for interaction of the gas molecule with the solid wall to analyse the flow of a rarefied gas between two wall. The wall consisting of Pt molecules is considered to be in a state of physical adsorbates. Two problems are considered : one is the flow problem and the other is the temperature problem. It is found that the tangential momentum accommodation coefficient is about 0.8 when the relative speed ratio of the two walls is unity, while it decreases with increasing Knudsen number when the relative wall speed ratio is 5.0. It shown that the temperature accommodation coefficient is about 0.85 at 300K wall, 0.75 at 450K wall, and 0.69 at 600K wall.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 1999-04-27
開始ページ 9
終了ページ 17
ISSN 0475-0071
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002309121