FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Takemoto, Rika| Uchida, Haruhito A.| Toda, Hironobu| Okada, Ken| Otsuka, Fumio| Ito, Hiroshi| Wada, Jun|
Keywords augmentation index augmentation pressure peripheral arterial disease total vascular resistance
Published Date 2021-08-13
Publication Title Medicine
Volume volume100
Issue issue32
Publisher Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Start Page e26931
ISSN 0025-7974
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © 2021 the Author(s).
File Version publisher
PubMed ID 34397939
DOI 10.1097/MD.0000000000026931
Web of Science KeyUT 000683492600068
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000026931
FullText URL fulltext20210818-1.pdf
Author Hagiya, Hideharu| Fujita, Koji| Kamiyama, Shinya| Ocho, Kazuki| Yamada, Haruto| Otsuka, Fumio|
Keywords antimicrobial resistance certified nurses in infection control infection prevention and control infectious disease doctors japan nosocomial infections surveillance
Published Date 2021-07-26
Publication Title Cureus
Volume volume13
Issue issue7
Publisher Cureus Inc.
Start Page e16643
ISSN 2168-8184
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © Copyright 2021 Hagiya et al.
File Version publisher
DOI 10.7759/cureus.16643
Web of Science KeyUT 000680008700016
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.16643
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Omura, Daisuke| Yunoki, Naoko| Otsuka, Yuki| Nakano, Yasuhiro| Hagiya, Hideharu| Otsuka, Fumio|
Keywords appendicitis barium
Published Date 2021-07-23
Publication Title Clinical Case Reports
Volume volume9
Issue issue7
Publisher Wiley
Start Page e04583
ISSN 2050-0904
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © 2021 The Authors.
File Version publisher
PubMed ID 34322273
DOI 10.1002/ccr3.4583
Web of Science KeyUT 000678684500144
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1002/ccr3.4583
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Yasutomi, Eriko| Inokuchi, Toshihiro| Hiraoka, Sakiko| Takei, Kensuke| Igawa, Shoko| Yamamoto, Shumpei| Ohmori, Masayasu| Oka, Shohei| Yamasaki, Yasushi| Kinugasa, Hideaki| Takahara, Masahiro| Harada, Keita| Furukawa, Masaki| Itoshima, Kouichi| Okada, Ken| Otsuka, Fumio| Tanaka, Takehiro| Mitsuhashi, Toshiharu| Kato, Jun| Okada, Hiroyuki|
Published Date 2021-05-27
Publication Title Scientific Reports
Volume volume11
Issue issue1
Publisher Nature Research
Start Page 11086
ISSN 2045-2322
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © The Author(s) 2021
File Version publisher
PubMed ID 34045529
NAID 120007089817
DOI 10.1038/s41598-021-90441-x
Web of Science KeyUT 000658389400001
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-90441-x
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Yamamoto, Koichiro| Oka, Kosuke| Honda, Hiroyuki| Hasegawa, Kou| Otsuka, Fumio|
Keywords acromegaloidism gigantism growth hormone insulin-like growth factor-I pseudoacromegaly
Published Date 2021-05-15
Publication Title Clinical Case Reports
Volume volume9
Issue issue5
Publisher Wiley
Start Page e04095
ISSN 2050-0904
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © 2021 The Authors.
File Version publisher
PubMed ID 34026138
NAID 120007053370
DOI 10.1002/ccr3.4095
Web of Science KeyUT 000657911400113
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1002/ccr3.4095
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Li, Koki| Otsuka, Yuki| Nakano, Yasuhiro| Omura, Daisuke| Hasegawa, Kou| Obika, Mikako| Ueda, Keigo| Kataoka, Hitomi| Otsuka, Fumio|
Keywords chronic fatigue syndrome endothelial dysfunction microvascular angina myalgic encephalomyelitis vasospastic angina
Published Date 2021-03-06
Publication Title Diagnostics
Volume volume11
Issue issue3
Publisher MDPI
Start Page 460
ISSN 2075-4418
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © 2021 by the authors.
File Version publisher
PubMed ID 33800953
DOI 10.3390/diagnostics11030460
Web of Science KeyUT 000633585100001
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics11030460
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Nishimura, Yoshito| Miyoshi, Tomoko| Hagiya, Hideharu| Kosaki, Yoshinori| Otsuka, Fumio|
Keywords coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic burnout prevention healthcare delivery system intention to leave
Published Date 2021-03-02
Publication Title International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Volume volume18
Issue issue5
Publisher MDPI
Start Page 2434
ISSN 1660-4601
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © 2021 by the authors.
File Version publisher
DOI 10.3390/ijerph18052434
Web of Science KeyUT 000628102900001
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18052434
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Nishimura, Yoshito| Ochi, Kanako| Tokumasu, Kazuki| Obika, Mikako| Hagiya, Hideharu| Kataoka, Hitomi| Otsuka, Fumio|
Keywords COVID-19 online education depression pandemic anxiety medical student
Published Date 2021-02-18
Publication Title Journal of Medical Internet Research
Volume volume23
Issue issue2
Publisher JMIR Publications
Start Page e25232
ISSN 1438-8871
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © Yoshito Nishimura, Kanako Ochi, Kazuki Tokumasu, Mikako Obika, Hideharu Hagiya, Hitomi Kataoka, Fumio Otsuka.
File Version publisher
PubMed ID 33556033
DOI 10.2196/25232
Web of Science KeyUT 000619233300006
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.2196/25232
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/61424
FullText URL 75_1_1.pdf
Author Hamahara, Jun| Honda, Hiroyuki| Yamamoto, Koichiro| Tokumasu, Kazuki| Hanayama, Yoshihisa| Hagiya, Hideharu| Obika, Mikako| Ueda, Keigo| Kishida, Masayuki| Otsuka, Fumio|
Abstract To determine the clinical characteristics of low androgen status in adult males with diabetes, we retrospectively analyzed the medical records of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in whom serum free testosterone (FT) levels were examined for 1 year. Among the 46 patients (56 ± 1.5 years old), decreases in serum FT levels to < 8.5 pg/ml (indicating the occurrence of late-onset hypogonadism [LOH]) were detected in 18 (39%). The per-centages of patients with low FT levels were high in the ≥ 50 years age group (83%), the HbA1c < 7% group (67%), and the 25 ≤ BMI < 30 kg/m2 group (56%). The serum FT levels tended to decrease age-dependently. The level of HbA1c was significantly correlated with the Heinemann Aging Male Symptoms (AMS) score (R = 0.47). The low-FT group had decreased levels of hemoglobin. Of note, the serum FSH level (R = −0.32) was negatively correlated with the serum FT level, whereas the serum TSH level (R = 0.36) was positively correlated with the serum FT level. Collectively, these results revealed that many diabetic males may have low FT levels and that the AMS score is related to the HbA1c level. A slightly anemic condition, thyroid dysfunction, and obesity (class 1) might be involved in LOH in middle-aged diabetic males.
Keywords androgen diabetes mellitus late-onset hypogonadism testosterone thyroid function
Amo Type Original Article
Publication Title Acta Medica Okayama
Published Date 2021-02
Volume volume75
Issue issue1
Publisher Okayama University Medical School
Start Page 1
End Page 8
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
Content Type Journal Article
language English
Copyright Holders CopyrightⒸ 2021 by Okayama University Medical School
File Version publisher
Refereed True
PubMed ID 33649607
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Otsuka, Yuki| Nakano, Yasuhiro| Omura, Daisuke| Iwamoto, Takayuki| Hayashi, Ruiko| Otsuka, Fumio|
Keywords autonomous functioning thyroid nodule hyperthyroidism thyroid papillary cancer toxic multinodular goiter
Published Date 2021-01-26
Publication Title Clinical Case Reports
Volume volume9
Issue issue3
Publisher Wiley
Start Page 1810
End Page 1811
ISSN 2050-0904
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © 2021 The Authors.
File Version publisher
DOI 10.1002/ccr3.3843
Web of Science KeyUT 000611662800001
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1002/ccr3.3843
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Yamamoto, Akira| Fujii, Nobuharu| Obika, Mikako| Yamashita, Taro| Otsuka, Fumio|
Keywords localized AL amyloidosis ymphadenopathy PET-CT systemic AL amyloidosis
Published Date 2020-10-01
Publication Title Internal Medicine
Volume volume59
Issue issue19
Publisher The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Start Page 2415
End Page 2418
ISSN 1349-7235
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © 2020 by The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
File Version publisher
PubMed ID 32611959
DOI 10.2169/internalmedicine.4651-20
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.2169/internalmedicine.4651-20
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Sugihara, Yuusaku| Hiraoka, Sakiko| Yasutomi, Eriko| Oka, Shohei| Yamasaki, Yasushi| Inokuchi, Toshihiro| Kinugasa, Hideaki| Takahara, Masahiro| Morito, Yuki| Takahashi, Sakuma| Harada, Keita| Tanaka, Takehiro| Otsuka, Fumio| Okada, Hiroyuki|
Keywords graft-vs.-host disease terminal ileum allo-hematopoietic stem cell transplantation villous atrophy endoscopy
Published Date 2020-02-21
Publication Title Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine
Volume volume19
Issue issue4
Publisher Spandidos Publications
Start Page 3076
End Page 3080
ISSN 1792-0981
NCID AA12610820
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © Sugiharaet al.
File Version publisher
PubMed ID 32256795
DOI 10.3892/etm.2020.8538
Web of Science KeyUT 000523637100082
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.3892/etm.2020.8538
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Otsuka, Yuki| Harada, Ko| Yasuda, Miho| Nakano, Yasuhiro| Hasegawa, Kou| Otsuka, Fumio|
Keywords adrenal insufficiency coronary vasospasm steroid replacement
Published Date 2020-08-01
Publication Title Internal Medicine
Volume volume59
Issue issue15
Publisher The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Start Page 1873
End Page 1877
ISSN 0918-2918
NCID AA10827774
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © 2020 by The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
File Version publisher
PubMed ID 32350196
DOI 10.2169/internalmedicine.4337-19
Web of Science KeyUT 000558789000013
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.2169/internalmedicine.4337-19
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Nishimura, Yoshito| Hagiya, Hideharu| Obika, Mikako| Otsuka, Fumio|
Keywords septic pulmonary embolism blood culture procalcitonin
Published Date 2020-11-27
Publication Title Pathogens
Volume volume9
Issue issue12
Publisher MDPI
Start Page 995
ISSN 2076-0817
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © 2020 by the authors.
File Version publisher
PubMed ID 33260940
DOI 10.3390/pathogens9120995
Web of Science KeyUT 000602562400001
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens9120995
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Iwamuro, Masaya| Takahashi, Takahide| Watanabe, Natsuki| Omote, Sizuma| Matsueda, Katsunori| Tanaka, Takehiro| Ennishi, Daisuke| Otsuka, Fumio| Yoshino, Tadashi| Okada, Hiroyuki|
Keywords Flow cytometry Light chain restriction Gastrointestinal lymphoma Lymphocyte isolation
Published Date 2020
Publication Title MethodsX
Volume volume7
Publisher Elsevier
Start Page 101095
ISSN 2215-0161
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © 2020 The Author(s).
File Version publisher
PubMed ID 33102158
DOI 10.1016/j.mex.2020.101095
Web of Science KeyUT 000607658800035
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2020.101095
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/60797
FullText URL 74_5_381.pdf
Author Yamamoto, Koichiro| Hanayama, Yoshihisa| Hasegawa, Kou| Tokumasu, Kazuki| Miyoshi, Tomoko| Hagiya, Hideharu| Ogawa, Hiroko| Obika, Mikako| Itoshima, Koichi| Otsuka, Fumio|
Abstract To clarify the relevance of prolactin (PRL) to clinical parameters in patients who visited our general medicine department, medical records of 353 patients in whom serum PRL levels were measured during the period from 2016 to 2018 were retrospectively reviewed. Data for 140 patients (M/F: 42/98) were analyzed after excluding patients lacking detailed records and patients taking dopaminergic agents. Median serum PRL levels were significantly lower in males than females: 6.5 ng/ml (IQR: 4.2-10.3) versus 8.1 ng/ml (5.9-12.9), respectively. Pain and general fatigue were the major symptoms at the first visit, and past histories of hypertension and dyslipidemia were frequent. Male patients with relatively high PRL levels (≥ 10 ng/ml) had significantly lower levels of serum albumin and significantly higher levels of serum LDH than those with low PRL (< 10 ng/ml). There were significant correlations of male PRL level with the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (R=0.62), serum LDH level (R=0.39) and serum albumin level (R=−0.52), while the level of serum CRP (R=0.33) showed an insignificant but weak positive correlation with PRL level. Collectively, these results show that PRL levels had gender-specific relevance to various clinical factors, with PRL levels in males being significantly related to inflammatory status.
Keywords hormones hyperprolactinemia inflammation pituitary prolactin
Amo Type Original Article
Publication Title Acta Medica Okayama
Published Date 2020-10
Volume volume74
Issue issue5
Publisher Okayama University Medical School
Start Page 381
End Page 389
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
Content Type Journal Article
language English
Copyright Holders CopyrightⒸ 2020 by Okayama University Medical School
File Version publisher
Refereed True
PubMed ID 33106693
Web of Science KeyUT 000581970100002
NAID 120006892923
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Nishimura, Yoshito| Harada, Ko| Koyama, Toshihiro| Hagiya, Hideharu| Otsuka, Fumio|
Keywords Epidemiology Health policy Neurological disorders
Published Date 2020-09-23
Publication Title Scientific Reports
Volume volume10
Issue issue1
Publisher Nature Research
Start Page 15509
ISSN 2045-2322
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © The Author(s) 2020
File Version publisher
PubMed ID 32968173
DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-72519-0
Web of Science KeyUT 000573849300037
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-72519-0
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Omura, Daisuke| Ogata, Masatoshi| Sakane, Yoshio| Matsuo, Ryuichi| Nakatsukasa, Harushige| Hagiya, Hideharu| Otsuka, Fumio|
Keywords aortic aneurysm Salmonella
Published Date 2020-09-20
Publication Title Clinical Case Reports
Volume volume8
Issue issue12
Publisher Wiley
Start Page 3619
End Page 3620
ISSN 2050-0904
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © 2020 The Authors.
File Version publisher
DOI 10.1002/ccr3.3367
Web of Science KeyUT 000570991600001
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1002/ccr3.3367
FullText URL InternMed_59_2067_2070.pdf
Author Fukushima, Shinnosuke| Hagiya, Hideharu| Mizuta, Yuki| Nakano, Yasuhiro| Takahara, Masahiro| Okamoto, Kayo| Hayashi, Yuko| Yamada, Kiyoshi| Hasegawa, Kou| Otsuka, Fumio|
Keywords dentofacial abscesses odontogenic infection osteomyelitis multidrug resistance viridans Streptococcus
Published Date 2020-08-15
Publication Title Internal Medicine
Volume volume59
Issue issue16
Publisher The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Start Page 2067
End Page 2070
ISSN 0918-2918
NCID AA10827774
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
File Version publisher
PubMed ID 32389944
NAID 130007887682
DOI 10.2169/internalmedicine.4283-20
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.2169/internalmedicine.4283-20
FullText URL JIC_26_10_1095_1099.pdf
Author Oka, Kosuke| Yamane, Mai| Yokota, Yuya| Yasuda, Miho| Hasegawa, Kou| Fujimori, Takumi| Iio, Koji| Hagiya, Hideharu| Otsuka, Fumio|
Keywords Disseminated infection Immunoproliferative disorders Non-tuberculous mycobacteria Osteomyelitis TAFRO syndrome
Note This fulltext is available in July 2021.|
Published Date 2020-10
Publication Title Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy
Volume volume26
Issue issue10
Publisher Elsevier
Start Page 1095
End Page 1099
ISSN 1341-321X
NCID AA11057978
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
File Version author
PubMed ID 32684386
DOI 10.1016/j.jiac.2020.06.020
Web of Science KeyUT 000561076200017
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jiac.2020.06.020