フルテキストURL mjou_061_019_035.pdf
著者 Cahen, Benjamin|
抄録 We introduce a Schr¨odinger model for the generic representations of a Heisenberg motion group and we construct adapted Weyl correspondences for these representations by adapting the method introduced in [ B. Cahen, Weyl quantization for semidirect products, Differential Geom. Appl. 25 (2007), 177-190].
キーワード Weyl correspondence Berezin quantization Heisenberg motion group Schr¨odinger representation Bargmann-Fock representation Segal-Bargmann transform unitary representation coadjoint orbit
発行日 2019-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 19
終了ページ 35
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2019 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
フルテキストURL mjou_061_037_073.pdf
著者 Higashiyama, Kazumi|
抄録 In the present paper, we study configuration space groups. The goal of this paper is to reconstruct group-theoretically the inertia groups associated to various types of log divisors of a log configuration space of a smooth log curve from the associated configuration space group equipped with its collection of log-full subgroups.
キーワード anabelian geometry configuration space log divisor log-full subgroup
発行日 2019-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 37
終了ページ 73
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2019 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
フルテキストURL mjou_061_075_084.pdf
著者 Izadi, Farzali| Baghalaghdam, Mehdi|
キーワード Diophantine equations Cubes Quintics Elliptic curves Rank
発行日 2019-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 75
終了ページ 84
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2019 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
フルテキストURL mjou_061_085_098.pdf
著者 Watanabe, Taisuke|
抄録 We verify some cases of a conjecture by C. Hayashi on the structure of the profile of a finite connected quandle.
キーワード connected quandle finite quandle
発行日 2019-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 85
終了ページ 98
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2019 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
フルテキストURL mjou_061_099_128.pdf
著者 Hakim, Denny Ivanal| Nogayama, Toru| Sawano, Yoshihiro|
抄録 This paper extends the result in [8] to Triebel-Lizorkin-Morrey spaces which contains 4 parameters p, q, r, s. This paper reinforces our earlier paper [8] by Nakamura, the first and the third authors in two different directions. First, we include the smoothness parameter s and the second smoothness parameter r. In [8] we assumed s = 0 and r = 2. Here we relax the conditions on s and r to s ∈ R and 1 < r ≤ ∞. Second, we apply a formula obtained by Bergh in 1978 to prove our main theorem without using the underlying sequence spaces.
キーワード smoothness Morrey spaces Triebel-Lizorkin-Morrey spaces complex interpolation square function
発行日 2019-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 99
終了ページ 128
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2019 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
フルテキストURL mjou_061_129_139.pdf
著者 Shimeno, Nobukazu|
抄録 We prove that the radial part of the class one Whittaker function on a split semisimple Lie group can be obtained as an appropriate limit of the Heckman-Opdam hypergeometric function.
キーワード root system hypergeometric function Whittaker function
発行日 2019-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 129
終了ページ 139
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2019 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
フルテキストURL mjou_061_141_158.pdf
著者 Raj, Kuldip| Anand, Renu| Pandoh, Suruchi|
抄録 The present paper focus on introducing certain classes of Cesàro Orlicz sequences over n-normed spaces. We study some topological and algebraic properties of these spaces. Further, we examine relevant relations among the classes of these sequences. We show that these spaces are made n-BK-spaces under certain conditions. Finally, we compute the Köthe-Toeplitz duals of these spaces.
キーワード Orlicz function Musielak-Orlicz function n-normed spaces difference sequence spaces Köthe-Toeplitz dual
発行日 2019-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 141
終了ページ 158
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2019 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
フルテキストURL mjou_061_159_166.pdf
著者 Tasaka, Fuminori|
抄録 A 2-block of a finite group having a Klein four hyperfocal subgroup has the same number of irreducible Brauer characters as the corresponding 2-block of the normalizer of the hyperfocal subgroup.
キーワード group theory modular representation hyperfocal subgroup
発行日 2019-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 159
終了ページ 166
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2019 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
フルテキストURL mjou_061_167_172.pdf
著者 Brown, Stephen C.| Davis, Chad T.|
抄録 Due to a theorem of Dedekind, factoring ideals generated by prime numbers in number fields is easily done given that said prime number does not divide the index of the field. In this paper, we determine the prime ideal factorizations of both 2 and 3 in cyclic quartic fields whose index is divisible by one of or both of these primes.
キーワード Cyclic quartic field Prime ideal factorization
発行日 2019-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 167
終了ページ 172
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2019 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
フルテキストURL mjou_061_173_186.pdf
著者 Sato, Yuichiro|
抄録 This paper gives, in generic situations, a complete classification of ruled minimal surfaces in pseudo-Euclidean space with arbitrary index. In addition, we discuss the condition for ruled minimal surfaces to exist, and give a counter-example on the problem of Bernstein type.
キーワード minimal surface ruled surface pseudo-Euclidean space
発行日 2019-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 173
終了ページ 186
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2019 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
フルテキストURL mjou_061_187_198.pdf
著者 Rashid, M.H.M.|
抄録 A Banach space operator satisfies property (Bw) if the complement of its B-Weyl spectrum in its the spectrum is the set of finite multiplicity isolated eigenvalues of the operator. Property (Bw) does not transfer from operators T and S to their tensor product T ⊗ S. We give necessary and /or sufficient conditions ensuring the passage of property (Bw) from T and S to T ⊗ S. Perturbations by Riesz operators are considered.
キーワード property (Bw) SVEP tensor product
発行日 2019-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 187
終了ページ 198
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2019 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
フルテキストURL mjou_061_199_204.pdf
著者 Hamid, Nur| Oura, Manabu|
抄録 The Terwilliger algebra plays an important role in the theory of association schemes. The present paper gives the explicit structures of the Terwilliger algebras of the group association schemes of the finite groups PSL(2, 7), A6, and S6.
キーワード Terwilliger algebragroup association scheme
発行日 2019-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 199
終了ページ 204
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2019 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
フルテキストURL mjou_062_001_025.pdf
著者 Ohara, Mariko|
抄録 In this paper, we study K-theory of spectral schemes by using locally free sheaves. Let us regard the K-theory as a functor K on affine spectral schemes. Then, we prove that the group completion ΩBG(BGGL) represents the sheafification of K with respect to Zariski (resp. Nisnevich) topology G, where BGGL is a classifying space of a colimit of affine spectral schemes GLn.
キーワード Infinity category Derived algebraic geometry K-theory
発行日 2020-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 25
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2020 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
著者 Oshima, Hideaki| Oshima, Katsumi|
キーワード Toda bracket Unstable higher Toda bracket Higher composition Cofibration Coextension Extension
発行日 2020-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 27
終了ページ 86
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2020 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
フルテキストURL mjou_062_087_178.pdf
著者 Hiroshima, Toya|
抄録 The branching coefficients of the tensor product of finite-dimensional irreducible Uq(g)-modules, where g is so(2n + 1, C) (Bn-type), sp(2n,C) (Cn-type), and so(2n,C) (Dn-type), are expressed in terms of Littlewood-Richardson (LR) coefficients in the stable region. We give an interpretation of this relation by Kashiwara’s crystal theory by providing an explicit surjection from the LR crystal of type Cn to the disjoint union of Cartesian product of LR crystals of An−1-type and by proving that LR crystals of types Bn and Dn are identical to the corresponding LR crystal of type Cn in the stable region.
キーワード Kashiwara crystals Littlewood-Richardson crystals Kashiwara-Nakashima tableaux Branching rule
発行日 2020-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 87
終了ページ 178
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2020 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
フルテキストURL mjou_062_179_195.pdf
著者 Fujimori, Shoichi| Kawakami, Yu| Kokubu, Masatoshi| Rossman, Wayne| Umehara, Masaaki| Yamada, Kotaro|
抄録 Catenoids in de Sitter 3-space S31 belong to a certain class of space-like constant mean curvature one surfaces. In a previous work, the authors classified such catenoids, and found that two different classes of countably many exceptional elliptic catenoids are not realized as closed subsets in S31 . Here we show that such exceptional catenoids have closed analytic extensions in S31 with interesting properties.
キーワード constant mean curvature de Sitter space analytic extension
発行日 2020-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 179
終了ページ 195
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2020 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
フルテキストURL mjou_062_197_210.pdf
著者 Amy Poh Ai Ling| Taniguchi, Masaharu|
抄録 The existence and stability of the Allen–Cahn equation discretized in space and time are studied in a finite spatial interval. If a parameter is less than or equals to a critical value, the zero solution is the only stationary solution. If the parameter is larger than the critical value, one has a positive stationary solution and this positive stationary solution is asymptotically stable.
キーワード Allen–Cahn equation stationary solution comparison theorem discretized
発行日 2020-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 197
終了ページ 210
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2020 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
フルテキストURL mjou_063_001_014.pdf
著者 Graef, John R.| Beldjerd, Djamila| Remili, Moussadek|
抄録 In this paper, sufficient conditions are established for the stability, boundedness and square integrability of solutions for some non-linear neutral delay differential equations of third order. Lyapunov’s direct method is used to obtain the results.
キーワード boundedness stability square integrability
発行日 2021-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 14
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2021 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
フルテキストURL mjou_063_015_052.pdf
著者 da Silva, Luiz C. B.|
抄録 We study invariant surfaces generated by one-parameter subgroups of simply and pseudo isotropic rigid motions. Basically, the simply and pseudo isotropic geometries are the study of a three-dimensional space equipped with a rank 2 metric of index zero and one, respectively. We show that the one-parameter subgroups of isotropic rigid motions lead to seven types of invariant surfaces, which then generalizes the study of revolution and helicoidal surfaces in Euclidean and Lorentzian spaces to the context of singular metrics. After computing the two fundamental forms of these surfaces and their Gaussian and mean curvatures, we solve the corresponding problem of prescribed curvature for invariant surfaces whose generating curves lie on a plane containing the degenerated direction.
キーワード Simply isotropic space pseudo-isotropic space singular metric invariant surface prescribed Gaussian curvature prescribed mean curvature
発行日 2021-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 15
終了ページ 52
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2021 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
フルテキストURL mjou_063_053_060.pdf
著者 Iokibe, Gaku|
抄録 In this paper, we refine the method introduced by Izadi and Baghalaghdam to search integer solutions to the Diophantine equation. We show that the Diophantine equation has infinitely many positive solutions.
キーワード Diophantine equations Elliptic Curves
発行日 2021-01
出版物タイトル Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
出版者 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
開始ページ 53
終了ページ 60
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Copyright©2021 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University