JaLCDOI 10.18926/15297
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_33_2_97.pdf
Author Jindai, Mitsuru| Osaki, Hirokazu| Kajihara, Yasuhiro| Munesawa, Yoshiomi| Tano Masakazu| Okamoto Katsuyuki| Nishino Akira| Okamoto Asao| Nishimori Naoki|
Abstract We propose the recognition method of bridge soldering base metal on the circuits by comparing CAD figure and input image of image processing to locate the soldering iron tip accurately to secure the high quality Firstly, three dimensional CAD assembly drawing of circuits which are assembled perpendicularly in each other is projected on an imaginary two dimensional screen which is vertical to the optical axis of the camera The projected image is used as the standard CAD figure to inspect the location of the bridge soldering base metal. The positions among the bridge soldering base metals show the line state. So this line (connecting line) is used as the reference line to inspect the location of the bridge soldering base metal. The characteristics of the standard figure are represented by the connecting line, edge line and center points of base metal. Secondly, the position and gradient of connecting line among bridge soldering base metals in the input image is estimated. And the position of base metal and assembly accuracy of circuit units are calculated by comparing the shape and position of each base metal with its standard figure based on the connecting line Furthermore, the length between the opposite edges of the base metals are calculated to inspect the positions and the assemble accuracy of circuit units.
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 1999-04-27
Volume volume33
Issue issue2
Start Page 97
End Page 103
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002307283
JaLCDOI 10.18926/15269
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_35_47.pdf
Author Doumae, Yukihiro| Konishi, Masami| Imai, Jun| Asada, Hideki| Kitamura, Akira|
Abstract In this paper, an identification method of motor parameters for the diagnosis of rotor bar defects in the squirrel cage induction motor is proposed. It is difficult to distinguish the degree of deterioration by a conventional diagnostic method such as Fourier analysis. To overcome the difficulty, a motor simulator is used to identify the degree of deterioration of rotors in the squirrel cage induction motor. Using this method, the deterioration of rotor bars in the motor can be estimated quantitatively.
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 2001-03-27
Volume volume35
Issue issue1-2
Start Page 47
End Page 51
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002307181
JaLCDOI 10.18926/15166
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_31_1_19.pdf
Author Totsuji, Hiroo| Kishimoto, Tokunari| Totsuji, Chieko|
Abstract As a model of dusty plasmas in external fields, Yuka.wa system in a one-dimensional external field is analyzed by molecular dynamics simulations and theoretical approaches. It is shown that particles form clear thin layers (sheets) at low temperatures and the number of layers changes discretely with characteristic parameters of the system, accompanying the rearrangements of whole system from nearly equipartitioned layers to also nearly equipartitioned layers. The number, positions and populations of layers are obtained as functions of characteristic parameters. The shell (sheet) model which has been successful for confined one-component plasmas is extended to this system and results of numerical experiments are reproduced to a good accuracy. The effect of cohesive energy in each layer is of essential importance to reproduce discrete changes in the number of sheets.
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 1996-12-27
Volume volume31
Issue issue1
Start Page 19
End Page 33
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002307616
JaLCDOI 10.18926/15164
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_35_41.pdf
Author Kuroboshi, Manabu| Tanaka, Muneaki| Kishimoto, Suguru| Goto, Kentaro| Tanaka, Hideo|
Abstract In 360 females, Bone mineral density (BMD) in lumbar vertebrae (L2-L4) was assessed by quantitative computed tomography (QCT), and the values obtained were compared with the frequency of vertebral transformation or fracture as assessed by lateral scan image (scanogram) by X-ray CT. A correlation was observed between the frequency of vertebral transformation (or fracture) and lumbar BMD values : BMD under 125 mg/cm(3) was observed over 90% of women with vertebral transformation, and BMD under 70mg/cm(3) was found about 50% of them. These results suggest that decrease in BMD in lumbar vertebrae leads to vertebral transformation or fracture. Thus, measurement of BMD by QCT would be very useful in predicting vertebral transformation or fractures.
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 2001-03-27
Volume volume35
Issue issue1-2
Start Page 41
End Page 46
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002307948
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14158
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_39_1_93.pdf
Author Iokibe, Kengo| Toyota, Yoshitaka| Wada, Osami| Koga, Ryuji|
Abstract The optical properties of clouds were measured with a polarization Mie lidar during April, 2004 and investigated to categorize the particles detected by the lidar. The cloud layers were categorized into five types according to the depolarization ratios, as follows: (I) constant and small (less than 5%); increasing with height (II) nearly from 0% and (III) from about 50%; (IV) large and varying with the backscattering coefficient; and (V) sharply decreasing. This categorization of clouds enabled us to separate aerosols from clouds in a lidar signal. Comparison of the backscattering coefficients between clouds of types (I) and (II) suggested that the depolarization ratio induced by multiple scattering in dense clouds does not depend on the particle density. Estimation of the particle phase for the five cloud categories was also examined.
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 2005-01
Volume volume39
Issue issue1
Start Page 93
End Page 101
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308479
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14157
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_39_1_82.pdf
Author Wang, Feng| Nogami, Yasuyuki| Morikawa, Yoshitaka|
Abstract In this paper, we focus on developing a high-speed square root (SQRT) algorithm required for an elliptic curve cryptosystem. Examining Smart algorithm, the previously well-known SQRT algorithm, we can see that there is a lot of computation overlap in Smart algorithm and the quadratic residue (QR) test, which must be implemented prior to a SQRT computation. It makes Smart algorithm inefficient. The essence of our proposition is thus to present a new QR test and an efficient SQRT algorithm to avoid all the overlapping computations. The authors devised a SQRT algorithm for which most of the data required have been computed in the proposed QR test. Not only there is no computation overlap in the proposed algorithm and the proposed QR test, but also in the proposed algorithm over GF(p(2)) (4 | p − 1) some computations can be executed in GF(p); whereas in Smart algorithm over GF(p(2)) all the computations must be executed in GF(p(2)). These yield many reductions in the computational time and complexity. We implemented the two QR tests and the two SQRT algorithms over GF(pm) (m=1, 2) in C++ language with NTL (Number Theory Library) on Pentium4 (2.6GHz), where the size of p is around 160 bits. The computer simulations showed that the proposed QR test and the proposed algorithm over GF(p(m)) were about 2 times faster than the conventional QR test and Smart algorithm over GF(p(m)).
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 2005-01
Volume volume39
Issue issue1
Start Page 82
End Page 92
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308422
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14156
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_39_1_71.pdf
Author Nogami, Yasuyuki| Morikawa, Yoshitaka|
Abstract This paper proposes an algorithm for generating prime order elliptic curves over extension field whose extension degree is a power of 2. The proposed algorithm is based on the fact that the order of the twisted elliptic curve is able to be a prime number when the extension degree for the twist operation is a power of 2. When the definition field is F(2(40)−87)(4) , the proposed algorithm can generate a prime order elliptic curve within 5 seconds on PentiumIII (800MHz) with C language.
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 2005-01
Volume volume39
Issue issue1
Start Page 71
End Page 81
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308036
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14155
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_39_1_63.pdf
Author Kanatani, Kenichi|
Abstract Geometric fitting is one of the most fundamental problems of computer vision. In [8], the author derived a theoretical accuracy bound (KCR lower bound) for geometric fitting in general and proved that maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is statistically optimal. Recently, Chernov and Lesort [3] proved a similar result, using a weaker assumption. In this paper, we compare their formulation with the author’s and describe the background of the problem. We also review recent topics including semiparametric models and discuss remaining issues.
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 2005-01
Volume volume39
Issue issue1
Start Page 63
End Page 70
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308366
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14153
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_39_1_56.pdf
Author Sugaya, Yasuyuki| Kanatani, Kenichi|
Abstract We present a new method for extracting objects moving independently of the background from a video sequence taken by a moving camera. We first extract and track feature points through the sequence and select the trajectories of background points by exploiting geometric constraints based on the affine camera model. Then, we generate a panoramic image of the background and compare it with the individual frames. We describe our image processing and thresholding techniques.
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 2005-01
Volume volume39
Issue issue1
Start Page 56
End Page 62
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308594
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14152
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_39_1_52.pdf
Author Kanamori, Katsuya| Totsuji, Chieko| Tsuruta, Kenji| Totsuji, Hiroo|
Abstract Thermal behavior of Coulomb clusters in a three dimensional confining potential is investigated by molecular dynamics simulations for system sizes of 1,000 to 20,288 ions. The specific heat of the system of shell-structured 20,000 ions is peaked almost at the same temperature as the system of bcc-structured 20,288 ions with much sharper structure for the latter. The diffusion coefficient and the peak to valley ratio of the two-dimensional pair distribution function on the outermost shell are obtained both as a function of temperature. The rotational movement of each shell in the system of 104 ions is observed.
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 2005-01
Volume volume39
Issue issue1
Start Page 52
End Page 55
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308445
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14150
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_39_1_46.pdf
Author Kadono, Keisuke| Totsuji, Chieko| Tsuruta, Kenji| Totsuji, Hiroo|
Abstract We present a real-space, polynomial-expansion approach to electron dynamics in nanostructured semiconductors. The Chebyshev expansion method is employed for efficient calculation of timeevolution of single-electron wave function. Details of the formulation are described. The method is applied to the electron transport in nanostructured semiconductors such as Si nanowires. The mean-square displacement and diffusivity of electron in Si chains are obtained as functions of length of the chains. The results show clearly ballistic behavior of electron in the pure Si chain.
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 2005-01
Volume volume39
Issue issue1
Start Page 46
End Page 51
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308231
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14149
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_39_1_40.pdf
Author Al-Sehaim, Sulaiman| Konishi, Masami| Nose, Kazuo|
Abstract In this paper, two problems, plant allocation problem and that of transfer routing from plants to customers, are considered simultaneously. Especially, adaptation scheme for emergency cases are checked. To solve these problems, decentralized agent based optimization procedures are used. In our study, oil production and products transfer in Saudi Arabia are treated. Through numerical experiments, practicability of the proposed method is verified.
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 2005-01
Volume volume39
Issue issue1
Start Page 40
End Page 45
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308505
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14148
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_39_1_28.pdf
Author Ishimaru, Kazuhito| Konishi, Masami| Imai, Jun| Nishi, Tatsushi|
Abstract In reactor furnace, due to high temperature and high pressure, data can be measured only near the furnace wall. In this paper, the way to estimate temperature distribution in a reactor furnace using measured data near the furnace walls and to control temperature distribution to the desired temperature distribution was studied. In the estimation, SQP method is employed using measured data near the furnace walls. As the result, the whole temperature distribution in a furnace could be obtained from such limited data. Furthermore, to control the temperature distribution in a reactor furnace, gas flow from multiple tuyeres and supplying material for controlling temperature distribution in a reactor furnace were determined by the SQP method. It was shown that temperature distribution in a furnace was regulated to achieve various desired distribution. Thus, it was verified that complicated temperature distribution in a reactor furnace could be controlled by combining furnace simulation and SQP method.
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 2005-01
Volume volume39
Issue issue1
Start Page 28
End Page 39
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308270
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14146
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_39_1_21.pdf
Author Torigoe, Takashi| Konishi, Masami| Imai, Jun| Nishi, Tatsushi|
Abstract In this paper, neuro based intelligent diagnosis methods for electro-mechanical control system are proposed. A self organizing map neural network (SOM) is used to classify measured data of the target system as a qualitative diagnostic method. Besides of the above procedure, it is expected to attain more efficient maintenance by a quantitative estimation of failure. For the purpose, new method is proposed using a hierarchical neural network (HNN). In the method, classified results by SOM are processed for the quantitative diagnosis. Hierarchical neural network can identify inner structure of the relations between failure causes and its results that enables a quantitative diagnosis.
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 2005-01
Volume volume39
Issue issue1
Start Page 21
End Page 27
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308342
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14136
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_39_1_16.pdf
Author Uchida, Tetsuya| Ishimaru, Sanae| Shimamura, Kaoru| Uji, Akihito| Matsuo, Toshihiko| Ohtsuki, Hiroshi|
Abstract PE film was treated with fuming nitric acid at 80℃ for 20 min, resulting in introduction of COOH moieties on the film surface. The COOH’s were reacted with ethylenediamine, whose amino groups were used for linking with (2-[4-(dibutylamino)phenyl]ethenyl)-3-carboxy-methylbenzo-thiazolium, photoelectric dye (NK-5962), which absorbs visible light and converts the photon energy to electric potentials. The dye molecules were immobilized on the PE film surface and they were able to stimulate chick retinal tissues on incidence of visible light. These facts hopefully lead to development of an artificial retinal prosthesis.
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 2005-01
Volume volume39
Issue issue1
Start Page 16
End Page 20
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308066
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14135
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_39_1_7.pdf
Author Wang, Xiaoqun| Abe, Takeji| Tada, Naoya| Shimizu, Ichiro|
Abstract Roughening on free surface of polycrystalline metal during plastic deformation is closely related to the inhomogeneous deformation in the respective grain at the surface. Uniaxial tensile tests are carried out on annealed pure aluminum sheet specimens with various averaged grain sizes. The roughening is measured by a 3-dimensional stylus instrument to examine the roughness change in both sides of specimen surfaces at each strain. The irregularities on one side are reversed on the backside, when the averaged grain size is as large as the thickness of the specimen. Discussions are made on the relation between the surface shapes of both sides adopting the cross correlation factor. The strains of respective grains are also measured from the grain boundary shape before and after plastic deformation. There are some deviations in the strains of the grains and their standard deviation increases with the applied strain.
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 2005-01
Volume volume39
Issue issue1
Start Page 7
End Page 15
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308149
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14134
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_39_1_1.pdf
Author Vladimir I. Klochikhin| Fujii, Masahiro| Yoshida, Akira|
Abstract Improvement of wear resistance and durability of machine elements with sliding friction pairs is the important tribological problems. The wear resistance has been determined with many configurative parameters, technological parameters, and operational parameters. In this study kinematics of cylindrical joint (CJ), whose motion is reciprocating and rotating, and influence of various parameters on wear resistance of friction pair was investigated.
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 2005-01
Volume volume39
Issue issue1
Start Page 1
End Page 6
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308183
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14126
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_40_1_84.pdf
Author Nogami, Yasuyuki| Morikawa, Yoshitaka|
Abstract This paper particularly deals with elliptic curves in the form of E(x, y) = y(2) − x(3) −b = 0, b ∈ F(* q) , where 3 divides q−1. In this paper, we refer to the well-known twist technique as x-twist and propose y-twist. By combining x-twist and y-twist, we can consider six elliptic curves and this paper proposes a method to obtain the orders of these six curves by counting only one order among the six curves.
Keywords elliptic curve twist third power residue/non-residue
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 2006-01
Volume volume40
Issue issue1
Start Page 83
End Page 94
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308548
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14125
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_40_1_78.pdf
Author Funabiki, Nobuo| Isogai, Megumi| Higashino, Teruo| Oda Masashi|
Abstract A variety of studies on face components such as eyes, lips, noses, and teeth have been proceeding in medicine, psychology, biometrics authentication, and other areas. In this paper, we present an algorithm of extracting eye contours from a face image using the deformable template matching method. Our template for an eye contour is composed of three quadratic functions for the perimeter and one circle for the pupil. In our algorithm, a digital color face image is rst converted to a binary image of representing eyes, after the region around eyes is identied on the face image by using hues and values of the color image. Then, parameters in the template are optimized by a local search method with a tabu period and a hill-climbing, so as to t the template to the eye contour in the binary image. The accuracy of our algorithm is evaluated through sample face images of students. In addition, the application of our proposal to eye shape indices is investigated in a face image database "HOIP", where recognizable dierence exists in index distributions between males and females.
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 2006-01
Volume volume40
Issue issue1
Start Page 78
End Page 82
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308500
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14124
FullText URL Mem_Fac_Eng_OU_40_1_64.pdf
Author Kanatani, Kenichi|
Abstract This article summarizes recent advancements of the theories and techniques for 3-D reconstruction from multiple images. We start with the description of the camera imaging geometry as perspective projection in terms of homogeneous coordinates and the definition of the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the camera. Next, we described the epipolar geometry for two, three, and four cameras, introducing such concepts as the fundamental matrix, epipolars, epipoles, the trifocal tensor, and the quadrifocal tensor. Then, we present the self-calibration technique based on the stratified reconstruction approach, using the absolute dual quadric constraint. Finally, we give the definition of the affine camera model and a procedure for 3-D reconstruction based on it.
Publication Title Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date 2006-01
Volume volume40
Issue issue1
Start Page 64
End Page 77
ISSN 0475-0071
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308332