FullText URL srfa_113_cover_e.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2024-02-01
Volume volume113
ISSN 2186-7755
language English
File Version publisher
FullText URL srfa_113_colophon.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2024-02-01
Volume volume113
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative The List of Published by Members of the Faculty From January to December 2023.
FullText URL srfa_113_061_073.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2024-02-01
Volume volume113
Start Page 61
End Page 73
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative Application of grafting-induced flowering to the breeding and seed production of cruciferous crops
FullText URL srfa_113_055_059.pdf
Author Motoki, Ko|
Abstract Grafting-induced flowering has the potential to be applied to plant breeding and seed production, to shorten the time needed for floral induction, and to expand the environment in which seed production is possible. However, it is difficult to induce flowering by grafting in some crop species, which currently limits the use of this technique to specific plant species. We have established a technique for inducing flowering in cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) by grafting, which had hitherto been considered difficult, by clarifying the causes of different flowering responses caused by various rootstocks. This article introduces the key factors for the floral induction of cabbage by grafting and its potential application to the breeding and seed production of cruciferous crops. It was observed that cabbage grafted onto B. oleracea rootstocks did not flower at all, while cabbage grafted onto some accessions of Raphanus sativus rootstocks did flower. Furthermore, the ability of R. sativus to induce flowering of grafted cabbage varied even within the species. Immunoblotting analysis of the FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) protein, a main component of florigen, revealed that floral induction was quantitatively correlated with the level of accumulated FT protein in the grafted scion. It was concluded that increasing the total amount of FT protein produced in the rootstock is important for the stable floral induction of the grafted cabbage, and this can be accomplished by increasing FT transcription and the leaf area of the rootstock. Field cultivation experiments with cabbage progenies obtained by the grafting method indicated the direct applicability of this method to breeding and seed production in cruciferous crops.
Keywords Brassica oleracea Raphanus sativus grafting rapid flowering induction florigen
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2024-02-01
Volume volume113
Start Page 55
End Page 59
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative Identification of novel early flowering genes in tetraploid wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) and development of efficient methods for their genetic analysis
FullText URL srfa_113_049_054.pdf
Author Nishimura, Kazusa|
Abstract Wheat (Triticum spp.) is one of the world's three major cereals and a staple food for more than 35% of the world's population, and while nearly doubling crop yields is essential to meet the caloric demands of a growing population by 2050, current rates of wheat yield growth are insufficient to meet this demand. Therefore, it is important to promote the improvement of wheat varieties and to increase yields in a stable manner by utilizing all available genetic resources. Here I would like to introduce some research that has been conducted in this regard, using tetraploid wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) as a genetic resource in the search for genes related to flowering time and the research related to the streamlined genetic analysis technique.
Keywords Wheat Tetraploid wheat Flowering time Allopolyploid MIG-seq
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2024-02-01
Volume volume113
Start Page 49
End Page 54
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
FullText URL srfa_113_041_048.pdf
Author Tanaka, Yu| Watanabe, Tomoya| Katsura, Keisuke| Tsujimoto, Yasuhiro| Takai, Toshiyuki| Tanaka, Takashi Sonam Tashi| Kawamura, Kensuke| Saito, Hiroki| Homma, Koki| Mairoua, Salifou Goube| Ahouanton, Kokou| Ibrahim, Ali| Senthilkumar, Kalimuthu| Semwal, Vimal Kumar| Matute, Eduardo Jose Graterol| Corredor, Edgar| El-Namaky, Raafat| Manigbas, Norvie| Quilang, Eduardo Jimmy P.| Iwahashi, Yu| Nakajima, Kota| Takeuchi, Eisuke| Saito, Kazuki|
Abstract Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important cereals, which provides 20% of the world’s food energy. However, its productivity is poorly assessed especially in the global South. Here, we provide a first study to perform a deep learning-based approach for instantaneously estimating rice yield using RGB images. During ripening stage and at harvest, over 22,000 digital images were captured vertically downwards over the rice canopy from a distance of 0.8 to 0.9m at 4,820 harvesting plots having the yield of 0.1 to 16.1 t ha-1 across six countries in Africa and Japan. A convolutional neural network (CNN) applied to these data at harvest predicted 68% variation in yield with a relative root mean square error (rRMSE) of 0.22. Even when the resolution of images was reduced (from 0.2 to 3.2cm pixel-1 of ground sampling distance), the model could predict 57% variation in yield, implying that this approach can be scaled by use of unmanned aerial vehicles. Our work offers low-cost, hands-on, and rapid approach for high throughput phenotyping, and can lead to impact assessment of productivity-enhancing interventions, detection of fields where these are needed to sustainably increase crop production.
Keywords Rice (Oryza sativa L.) rough grain yield convolutional neural network RGB images UAV
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2024-02-01
Volume volume113
Start Page 41
End Page 48
ISSN 2186-7755
language English
File Version publisher
Title Alternative Comparisons of nitrogen use efficiency between rice cv. Nipponbare and Takanari at different fertilization levels
FullText URL srfa_113_033_039.pdf
Author Saitoh, Kuniyuki| Danno, Yusuke|
Abstract The rice cultivar Nipponbare and the high-yielding cultivar Takanari were cultivated in field trials for three years from 2003, and in pot trials (1/2,000a) for two years from 2004. In the field trials, the following three levels of fertilizer were applied:“0N” without fertilizer, “1N” with the standard amount(8kgN 10a–1), and “2N” with twice the standard amount (16kgN 10a–1). In the pot trial, three levels of fertilizer were applied:“0N” without fertilizer, “1.5N” with 1.5times the standard amount (1.5gN pot–1), and “3N” with three times the standard amount (3gN pot–1). In the field trials, yields were higher in Takanari (538 to 843g m–2) than in Nihonbare (423 to 577g m–2), and the increase in yield with fertilizer application was also larger in Takanari. This was related to the larger sink capacity of Takanari and the smaller decrease in the percentage of filled grain with larger sink capacity. The dry matter weight and nitrogen uptake at the panicle initiation stage were higher in the plots with higher fertilizer application, but the differences between the cultivars were small. Dry matter weight and nitrogen uptake at harvest time were higher in Takanari, and nitrogen use efficiency and sink production efficiency were also higher in Takanari, but the differences in nitrogen use efficiency between cultivars became smaller with increasing fertilizer application. The nitrogen use efficiency for dry matter production also decreased with increasing fertilizer application, and was higher in 2005 in Takanari. The leaf photosynthetic rate of Takanari was higher than that of Nipponbare in the pot experiment. The difference in leaf photosynthetic rate was related to the nitrogen use efficiency (photosynthetic rate / leaf nitrogen content), and the difference in leaf nitrogen content between cultivars was small. The nitrogen use efficiency for dry matter was highest in the “0N” and decreased with increasing fertilizer application, and was higher in Takanari than in Nipponbare. This was presumably related to the higher nitrogen use efficiency of photosynthesis. It was found that fertilizer application decreased nitrogen use efficiency and sink production efficiency, but yield increased with increasing sink capacity, and that differences in nitrogen use efficiency among cultivars were related to the amount of nitrogen absorbed up to the panicle initiation stage and sink production efficiency. In order to improve the efficiency of fertilizer application, it is desirable to increase nitrogen absorption, which is expressed as multiplying the number of days to panicle initiation and the rate of nitrogen absorption, and to select cultivars with higher sink production efficiency.
Keywords High-yielding rice cultivar Nitrogen use efficiency Nitrogen uptake Sink capacity Sink production efficiency
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2024-02-01
Volume volume113
Start Page 33
End Page 39
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative アメリカ産ダイズ品種‘UA4805’ の多収性に関する解析的研究-日本品種 ‘あきまろ’ との比較-
FullText URL srfa_113_025_032.pdf
Author Marouf, Sultanzada Mohammad| Hasegawa, Yu| Manabe, Ryuta| Saitoh, Kuniyuki|
Abstract Field experiments were conducted in 2020 and 2021 at the Field Science Center of Okayama Univ. (34°41’ N, 133°55’ E). Two Soybean cultivars ‘UA4805’ and ‘Akimaro’ were sown with two planting densities, 12.5plants m−2 (sparse, 80×10cm) and 25plants m−2 (dense, 80×5cm)on May 25 (early), June 29 (normal), and Aug. 3 (late) in 2020, and 80 and 30cm row-width, and 12.5 and 25 plant m−2 in 2021 on June 23. Seed yield was higher in ‘UA4805’ than in ‘Akimaro’ in 2020 and 2021. The later the sowing time, the higher the seeds/stem ratio. Both cultivars showed higher dry matter in dense planting. Dry matter was higher in ‘Akimaro’, while seed yield was lower than ‘UA4805’. In contrast, ‘UA4805’ showed lower dry matter with higher seed yield. The numbers of nodes, pods, and seeds were higher in ‘UA4805’ resulting in the higher seed yield. Lodging score is larger in ‘Akimaro’ especially in dense planting. The seeds/stem ratio is much higher in ‘UA4805’ than ‘Akimaro’ across 2 densities, 3 sowing times and 2 row width. Pods setting ratio was nearly two times higher in ‘UA4805’ compared to ‘Akimaro’. The greater seed yield of ‘UA4805’ compared to ‘Akimaro’ was due to the higher pod setting ratio, seeds/stem ratio, and lower lodging score, nevertheless the dry matter was larger in ‘Akimaro’. If late sowing is applied, higher planting density is recommended for better seed yield. Narrow row is an effective way to improve seed yield in soybean.
Keywords Narrow row Planting density Podding rate Seeds/stem ratio Seed yield Sowing time Soybean
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2024-02-01
Volume volume113
Start Page 25
End Page 32
ISSN 2186-7755
language English
File Version publisher
Title Alternative Cultivar differences in nitrogen use efficiency of rice
FullText URL srfa_113_017_024.pdf
Author Saitoh, Kuniyuki| Iwame, Yoshifumi| Maekawa, Masahiko| Takeda, Kazuyoshi|
Abstract We investigated the effects of fertilizer-free and fertilizer-applied cultivation on growth, yield and nitrogen (N) utilization of rice cultivars in our Kurashiki paddy fields (Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama Univ.), which have been cultivated without fertilizer since 1970, and also in our Okayama paddy fields, which are conventionally cultivated. In 2001, the cultivars Nipponbare (NIP) and Nourin 18 (N18) were cultivated in the Kurashiki fields, with a “0N plot” (no fertilizer application), a “1N plot” (standard fertilizer application), and a “2N plot” (double fertilizer application). In 2002, five cultivars were grown without fertilizer in the Kurashiki fields, and 51cultivars were tested in 0N and 1N plots in the Okayama fields. Yield (2001) in the Kurashiki fields was higher in the 0N plot for N18 (379g m–2), which had a higher number of spikelets per m2, than NIP (300 g m–2), while in the 1N and 2N plots it was higher for NIP, which had a higher percentage of ripening, and N18 had high yield potential even without fertilizer application, but low fertilizer tolerance. The differences in yield were related to N-uptake (NU), and the differences in N use efficiency (NUE, yield/NU) between cultivars were small. The pot experiment showed that the yield of 0N plot was higher for N18 than NIP grown in Kurashiki soil because of the higher number of spikelets per hill, and the yield in the Okayama soil was higher than that in the Kurashiki soil. Long-term non-fertilized soils are of poor soil fertility, which also decreases the NUE, and the NUE of N18 is higher than that of NIP under isolated conditions. The difference in yields is closely related to sink capacity (SC). In 2002, yields in the Kurashiki fields were highest in Takanari (TAK, 494g m–2) and lowest in NIP (350g m–2), and differences in yields were closely related to SC. NUE was highest in TAK (68.6) and lowest in Akebono (48.1). TAK had high NUE and high sink production efficiency (SPE, SC/NU), while N18 had low NUE but high SC due to higher NU, ensuring high yield even under unfertilized cultivation. Yields in the 0N and 1N plots cultivated in 2002 varied between 244–631g m–2 and 199–769g m–2, respectively. A close positive correlation was observed between yield and SC, and between NU and SC, suggesting that the SC through NU is involved in determining yield. A positive correlation was also observed between NUE and yield. It was found that yield increased with an increase in NUE, and that NUE decreased although yield increased with fertilizer application. Through selection of cultivars with high SPE, it is expected that it will be possible to breed low-input, high-yielding cultivars with high NUE in the future.
Keywords High-yielding rice cultivar Nitrogen use efficiency Nitrogen uptake Sink capacity Sink production efficiency Unfertilized paddy field
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2024-02-01
Volume volume113
Start Page 17
End Page 24
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative Genetic factors for yield related traits in lowland New Rice for Africa (NERICA)
FullText URL srfa_113_011_016.pdf
Author Tomita, Asami| Akimoto, Yui|
Abstract Genetic factors of yield related traits in lowland New Rice for Africa variety (NERICA) using different nitrogen condition and QTL to increase rice yield in lowland NERICAs were clarified. Indica Group rice variety (Oryza sativa L.) IR64 increased panicle number, culm weight and panicle weight, according to nitrogen concentration. The tendency is especially remarkable under low nitrogen concentration. NERICA‒L‒19, which is derived from a cross between IR64 and TOG5681 (Oryza glaberrima S.), showed similar values for panicle weight and culm weight, and it showed higher plant height, panicle weight and culm weight and lower harvest index than those of IR64 under all the concentrations. QTL analysis for the agronomic traits were performed using hybrid population derived from a cross between IR64 and NERICA‒L‒19. A total of 22 QTLs were detected on chromosomes (chrs.) 1 (3 QTLs), 2 (2), 4 (2), 5 (5), 6 (1), 7 (1), 8 (6) and 10 (2). Among them, 4 regions at 34.1‒36.6Mbp of chr. 1, at 23.8‒27.8Mbp of chr. 5 and at 4.8Mbp and 20.3‒28.4Mbp of chr. 8 showed several QTLs’ peaks overlapped. The regions of chr. 5 and 4.8Mbp of chr. 8 increased panicle weight by IR64 allele. Those of chr. 1 and 20.3-28.4Mbp of chr. 8 increased plant height and harvest index, respectively, by NERICA‒L‒19 allele. These results indicated that the larger panicle type of lowland NERICA is suitable under low nitrogen condition. Also, the plant type was controlled by the combination of 4 QTLs’ regions on chr. 1 and short arm of chr. 8 originated from O. glaberrima, and those of chr. 5 and long arm of chr. 8 from O. sativa Indica Group.
Keywords lowland New Rice for Africa (NERICA) nitrogen agronomic traits QTL rice
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2024-02-01
Volume volume113
Start Page 11
End Page 16
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
FullText URL srfa_113_007_010.pdf
Author Phan, Thao Thu| Fukushima, Keigo| Tanaka, Yoshiyuki| Yasuba, Ken-ichiro| Yoshida, Yuichi| Goto, Tanjuro|
Abstract Cold wet treatment is frequently applied to Eustoma seeds to enhance the bolting rate of plants grown under high temperatures. Our previous study indicated that cold PEG‒primed Eustoma seeds could maintain their germination rate and bolting rate even after being re‒dried for 30days and grown under high temperatures. The present study aimed to investigate whether prolonged storage after cold PEG‒priming affect the germination, growth, and flowering of Eustoma ‘Exe Lavender’ seedling. Seeds were initially cold‒primed with water or PEG‒6000 at ‒1.5 MPa for 5 weeks at 10°C in the dark and were then subjected to re‒drying and storage for 30, 60, 90 and 360days at 10°C. After 360days of storage, cold PEG‒primed seeds germinated earlier and more effectively than cold hydro‒primed seeds. Compared to the results after 30days of storage, plants grown from 360days exhibited similar bolting rate, days to bolting, bolting node and flowering rate, cut flower length and number of flower node. These results suggest that ‘Exe Lavender’ seeds can germinate and develop well even after 360days of storage and under high temperature conditions when subjected to cold PEG‒6000 treatment.
Keywords bolting chilling dehydrate long storage PEG-6000
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2024-02-01
Volume volume113
Start Page 7
End Page 10
ISSN 2186-7755
language English
File Version publisher
Title Alternative Evaluator of adaptability of S. cerevisiae to grape juice using the oversxpression profiling ADOPT method
FullText URL srfa_113_001_006.pdf
Author Moriya, Hisao| Ono, Chiyuki Kohata |
Abstract The authors have recently developed the overexpression profiling ADOPT method. In the ADOPT method, yeast strains overexpressing most of the genes in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome are mixed and competitively cultured, and the genes overexpressed in the enriched strains are systematically identified. Furthermore, the identified genes can be used to identify bottleneck factors that are necessary but lacking for growth of S. cerevisiae under given conditions. In our previous studies, we have identified bottlenecks in artificially created stress environments in the laboratory, but in this study, we used grape juice for winemaking as an example to see if industrial bottlenecks can be identified. ADOPT experiments with sulfite-added grape juice used in conventional winemaking resulted in a strong enrichment of strains overexpressing the sulfite pump SSU1 and its transcription factor FZF1. Since enhancement of SSU1 function is known to occur in wine yeast acclimation, ADOPT was also shown to be useful in the search for industrial bottlenecks. On the other hand, no genes were strongly enriched by ADOPT in grape juice without sulfite addition, suggesting that grape juice is a balanced medium with few bottlenecks for S. cerevisiae growth.
Keywords yeast S. cerevisiae overexpression wine making
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2024-02-01
Volume volume113
Start Page 1
End Page 6
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
FullText URL srfa_113_contents.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2024-02-01
Volume volume113
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
FullText URL srfa_113_cover.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2024-02-01
Volume volume113
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
FullText URL srfa_112_cover_e.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2023-02-01
Volume volume112
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
FullText URL srfa_112_colophon.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2023-02-01
Volume volume112
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative The List of Published by Members of the Faculty From January to December 2022
FullText URL srfa_112_023_036.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2023-02-01
Volume volume112
Start Page 23
End Page 36
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative Sexual Dimorphism of Arginine Vasotocin Neuron in Birds
FullText URL srfa_112_019_022.pdf
Author Saito, Noboru|
Abstract Arginine vasotocin (AVT) is one of neurohypophysial peptides in birds and is well known both as an antidiuretic and oxytocic hormone. AVT is produced in the hypothalamus and mainly synthesized in magnocellular neurons, supraoptic nucleus (SON) and paraventricular nucleus (PVN). Recent, immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization results indicate that AVT is also synthesized in parvocellular neurons corresponding to mammalian stria terminalis (nST). The AVT neurons in nST in the male are more numerous than those in the female. Therefore, these data suggest that there is sexual dimorphism in the distribution of AVT neurons. Several experiments involving electrical lesion, testosterone implantation, and the detection of the immediately-early gene expression in birds expressing copulatory behavior suggested that nST and nucleus praeopticus medialis (POM) were related to the reproductive behavior. When male embryo was treated with estradiol, the distribution of AVT neurons assumes the same distribution as found in the female, and reproductive behavior was abolished, suggesting that AVT in the brain has an important role in reproductive behavior.
Keywords arginine vasotocin sexual dimorphism reproductive behavior parvocellular neurons bird
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2023-02-01
Volume volume112
Start Page 19
End Page 22
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative Studies on l-Glutamate Oxidase with Strict Substrate Specificity from Streptomyces sp.
FullText URL srfa_112_013_018.pdf
Author Nakayama, Natsume| Inagaki, K.|
Abstract l-glutamate oxidase (LGOX) from Streptomyces sp. is a heterohexameric flavin enzyme that catalyzes the oxidative deamination of l-glutamate to form α-ketoglutarate with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. LGOX shows strict substrate specificity for l-Glu. In addition, it is highly thermostable and pH stable. Because of these properties, LGOX is currently used as a biosensor for the trace determination of l-Glu in the food industry and clinical laboratories. The full-length cDNA is 2103 bp and is encoded by a single polypeptide chain consisting of 701 residues including subunits α-γ-β. The LGOX gene was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli JM109. The LGOX precursor expressed in E. coli is a homodimer with weak enzymatic activity and becomes a heterohexamer upon activation by protease treatment. X-ray crystallography and docking studies of purified recombinant LGOX suggest that the Arg305 residue is a key residue for substrate recognition. Mutant analysis showed that Arg305 is essential for substrate recognition, as the activity toward l-Glu was greatly reduced and substrate specificity was changed in some enzymes. The functional analysis of R305E-LGOX, which is an l-Arg oxidase, revealed that R305E-LGOX can be used as a enzyme biosensor for l-Arg.
Keywords l-glutamate oxidase biosensor substrate recognition X-ray crystallography modification of substrate specificity
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2023-02-01
Volume volume112
Start Page 13
End Page 18
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
FullText URL srfa_112_007_012.pdf
Author Thao Thu Phan| Fukushima, Keigo| Tanaka, Yoshiyuki| Yasuba, Ken-ichiro| Yoshida, Yuichi| Goto, Tanjuro|
Abstract This study aimed to investigate whether seed cold priming by PEG‒6000, followed by re‒drying would affect the germination, growth, and flowering of Eustoma ‘Exe Lavender’ raised seedling under high temperatures. Seeds of control treatment were not treated with cold‒priming or re‒drying. In experiment 1, seeds were cold‒primed with water and PEG‒6000 at ‒0.75 and ‒1.5 MPa for 5 weeks at 10°C in the dark and then subjected to re‒dried and storage for 30 days at 10°C. The results showed that cold‒primed seeds germinated earlier than those of the control. Compared to water treatment, plants grown from PEG‒6000 treatments and re‒drying showed similar germination rate, bolting rate, days to bolting, bolting node and flowering rate. In experiment 2, cold priming periods by water and ‒1.5 MPa PEG‒6000 were investigated for 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 weeks. ‘Exe Lavender’ seeds treated with cold water and in the dark for longer than 5 weeks increased their percentage of radicle emergence and decreased germination rate after 30 days of re‒drying and storage. Meanwhile, those treated with cold-PEG did not protrude the radicle even for 8 weeks of priming and maintained the germination rate after re‒drying and storage. Days to bolting and days to flowering tended to decrease when the priming period decreased. The results suggest that the seed cold priming treatment by ‒1.5 MPa PEG‒6000 and subsequent re‒drying improved germination rate and maintained bolting rate and flowering rate in Eustoma compared to cold priming treatment by water raised seedling under high temperature conditions.
Keywords bolting chilling dehydrate PEG-6000 storage
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2023-02-01
Volume volume112
Start Page 7
End Page 12
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher