JaLCDOI 10.18926/14903
Title Alternative Spa therapy for 999 patients with respiratory disease admitted at Misasa Medical Branch for last 7 years
FullText URL 071_001_009.pdf
Author Tanizaki, Yoshiro| Mifune, Takashi| Mitsunobu, Fumihiro| Hosaki, Yasuhiro| Ashida, Kozo| Tsugeno, Hirofumi| Okamoto, Makoto| Takata, Shingo| Ochi, Koji|
Abstract 1993年1月より1999年12月までの7年間に当院へ入院した呼吸器疾患999例のうち閉塞性換気障害を示す829例(気管支慌息BA+COPD)を対象に,年齢,地域分布などの経年変化について検討を加えた。 1.最近7年間に当院へ入院した閉塞性呼吸器疾患患者829例のうち, 気管支喘息は636例(76.7% )であった。閉塞性呼吸器疾患のなかで気管支喘息の占める割合の経年変化では,1996年度が最も高く(84.5% )その後徐々に低下する傾向か見られ1999年度では65.5% であった。一方′肺気腫は近年増加の傾向を示し,19993年度では5.6% であったが.1999年度では25.6% であった。  2.入院患者の地域分布では,鳥取県内からの入院患者に比べ,遠隔地(鳥取県外)からの入院患者が比較的多く,この7年間の鳥取県外(遠隔地)からの入院患者は829例中433例(52.2% )であった。また,岡山,大阪,兵庫,広島,山口,愛媛,東京,神奈川などからの入院症例か多い傾向が見られた。  3.年齢別検討では,いずれの地域においても,高齢者の入院症例が多く,鳥取県内,県外を問わず,70才以上の症例の頻度が明らかに高い傾向か見られた.そして,50才以上の症例の全症例に対する頻度は,鳥取県内では80.9% ,県外では96.7% であり,県内ではその多くが,また県外ではそのほとんどが50才以上の症例であった。
Keywords 気管支喘息 (asthma) 肺気腫 (pulmonary emphysema) 温泉療法 (Spa therapy) 高齢患者 (aged patients) 遠隔地 (distant area)
Publication Title 岡大三朝分院研究報告
Published Date 2001-02-01
Volume volume71
Start Page 1
End Page 9
ISSN 0918-7839
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308210
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14904
Title Alternative 高齢者気管支喘息における気道過敏性と温泉療法
FullText URL 071_010_018.pdf
Author Tanizaki, Yoshiro| Mitsunobu, Fumihiro| Mifune, Takashi| Hosaki, Yasuhiro| Ashida, Kozo| Tsugeno, Hirofumi| Okamoto, Makoto| Takata, Shingo| Ochi, Koji|
Abstract Clinical effects of spa therapy were examined in 150 patients with asthma in relation tobronchial hyperresponsiveness and patient age. 1. The efficacy rate of spa therapy was larger as the patient age was higher: the rate was 73.3% in patients under age 49, 81.8% in those between the ages of 50 and 59, 86.4% in those between the ages of 60 and 69, and 90.6% in those over age 70. The mean of efficacy rates was 83.3% in all subjects. 2. The bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BH) was lower as patient age was higher: the BH in patients between the ages of 60 and 69 and in those over age 70 was significantly lower compared to the BH in those under age 49 (p < O.OOl). 3. Clinical effects of spa therapy tended to be lower in patients with increased bronchial hyperresponsiveness. The bronchial hyperresponsiveness showed a tendency to decrease after spa therapy in whom the therapy was effective, however, the BH did not change in patients with slight or no efficacy during spa therapy.
Keywords spa therapy asthma bronchial hyperresponsiveness patient age
Publication Title 岡大三朝分院研究報告
Published Date 2001-02-01
Volume volume71
Start Page 10
End Page 18
ISSN 0918-7839
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308660
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14905
Title Alternative 胸部高分解能CT(HRCT)による肺野low attenuation area(LAA)の定量的評価 ―気管支喘息および肺気腫症例の比較検討―
FullText URL 071_019_028.pdf
Author Mitsunobu, Fumihiro| Mifune, Takashi| Ashida, Kozo| Hosaki, Yasuhiro| Tsugeno, Hirofumi| Okamoto, Makoto| Harada, Seishi| Nakai, Mutsuo| Tanizaki, Yoshiro|
Abstract Background: Assessment of low attenuation areas and lung densitometry on high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) have been reported in studies of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Objective : The purpose of this study was to examine if HRCT could separate asthmatic patients from normal control subjects and patients with emphysema. Methods : Subjects were divided into three groups : 24 patients with bronchial asthma, 23 patients with pulmonary emphysema and 15 normal controls. HRCT scans of the lung were performed at three different levels at both end inspiration and expiration in all patients and control subjects. Results : The mean CT number of three slices was significantly lower in asthmatic subjects compared with normal individuals at both end inspiration (p < 0.05) and expiration (p < 0.01). The relative area of the lung with an attenuation value lower than -950 HU (% LAA) for three slices was significantly higher in asthmatic subjects than in normal individuals at end inspiration (p < 0.05), but there was no significant difference at end expiration. The mean CT number and % LAA obtained from studies that were performed at three cm above the top of the diaphragm provided the best separation among three anatomic levels. In comparison between asthmatic and emphysema patients, both parameters were significantly different in asthmatic subjects than in those with emphysema at both end inspiration and expiration on each scan and in the total scans (p < 0.001). Conclusions : HRCT is a useful method to separate asthmatic subjects from patients with emphysema and normal subjects.
Keywords HRCT asthma emphysema
Publication Title 岡大三朝分院研究報告
Published Date 2001-02-01
Volume volume71
Start Page 19
End Page 28
ISSN 0918-7839
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308115
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14906
Title Alternative 気管支喘息患者における肺機能とHRCT上のlow attenuation areaに対する喫煙の影響
FullText URL 071_029_035.pdf
Author Mitsunobu, Fumihiro| Mifune, Takashi| Hosaki, Yasuhiro| Ashida, Kozo| Tsugeno, Hirofumi| Okamoto, Makoto| Takada, Shingo| Yokoi, Tadashi| Tanizaki, Yoshiro|
Abstract The influence of smoking on pulmonary function and emphysematous changes of the lung (percentage of attenuation area < -950 HU (% LAA) on high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) was examined in 49 patients with bronchial asthma. 1. In patients with asthma, the % residual volume (RV) in many nonsmokers was less than 129%, in contrast, the % RV in many smokers was between 130% and 189% , which was higher than that in nonsmokers. 2. Significant correlations between % RV and 96LAA value, and between % RV and CT number were observed both in nonsmokers and smokers with asthma, in which as % RV more increased, % LAA value was larger, and CT number was lower. 3. % DLco value was lower in smoking patients with asthma, whose % RV was between 130% and 189% and larger than 190% , however, the % DLco value did not change in nonsmoking patients despite of higher valure in % RV. 4. A significant correlation was also observed between % FEV1.0 value and % RV both in smoking and nonsmoking patients with asthma; as % RV value more increased, % FEV1.0 value was lower. 5. Any correlation between % FVC value and % RV was not observed. These results suggest that smoking affects the % LAA of the lung on HRCT and % DLco in patients with asthma.
Keywords asthma smoking % LAA of the lungs FEV1.0 DLco
Publication Title 岡大三朝分院研究報告
Published Date 2001-02-01
Volume volume71
Start Page 29
End Page 35
ISSN 0918-7839
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308294
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14907
Title Alternative 気管支喘息症例における末梢血白血球のロイコトリエンC4産生能とロイコトリエン受容体括抗薬プランルカストの効果に関する検討
FullText URL 071_036_041.pdf
Author Mifune, Takashi| Takada, Shingo| Okamoto, Makoto| Tsugeno, Hirofumi| Ashida, Kozo| Mitsunobu, Fumihiro| Hosaki, Yasuhiro| Tanizaki, Yoshiro| Harada, Mine|
Abstract The correlation between the efficacy of 4-weeks administration with pranlukast, leukotriene receptor antagonist, and LTs generation by peripheral leukocytes were evaluated in 18 patients with mild-persistent asthma. The efficacy of pranlukast administration was assessed by symptom, morning PEF and pulmonary function. Pranlukast were effective in 12/18(67%) patients. In those patients, LTC4 generation before pranlukast administration was significantly high, compared with that in pranlukast-ineffective patients. LTC4 generation decreased after 4-weeks administration with pranlukast in effective patients. In ineffective patients, however, LTC4 generation increased after 4-weeks administration. LTB4 had shown no significant difference between effective and ineffective patients before administration, and LTB4 decreased after 4-weeks in both groups. Proport ion of peripheral eosinophi Is in effective patients were higher than that in ineffective patients, however not significant. After 4-weeks, proportion of eosinophi Is was decreased in effective patients and increased in ineffective patients. These findings suggest that pranlukast is effective for patients with high LTC4 generation and has the effect to suppress the accumulation of eosinophils in such patients.
Keywords bronchial asthma pranlukast leukotriene receptor antagonist LTC4
Publication Title 岡大三朝分院研究報告
Published Date 2001-02-01
Volume volume71
Start Page 36
End Page 41
ISSN 0918-7839
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308269
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14908
Title Alternative 寒冷負荷の末梢循環に及ぼす影響
FullText URL 071_042_049.pdf
Author Hosaki, Yasuhiro| Mitsunobu, Fumihiro| Mifune, Takashi| Ashida, Kozo| Tsugeno, Hirofumi| Okamoto, Makoto| Takata, Shingo| Yokoi, Tadashi| Tanizaki, Yoshiro| Ochi, Koji| Tsuji, Takao|
Abstract The purpose of this study is the effect of partial cold-loading on whole body peripheral circulation. The body surface peripheral circulation in 24 cases (25 years old to 86 years old, the average was 64.3 years) who were suffering coldness, numbness or pain in their feet was examined using Laser-Doppler blood flowmetry. The peripheral circulation at the base of the 2nd toe of the right foot was estimated after the foot was submerged and cooled for 5 min in a water bath at 20°C (i. e. cold-loading). At the same time, the distant body surface peripheral circulation was estimated at the base of the 2nd finger of the right hand. Simultaneous observations were made of blood flow, blood mass and blood velocity. The peripheral blood flow of the upper limbs at a room temperature of 20°C (pre-loading) was 5.00 ml/min 100 9 tissue on average. The average blood rnass was 287 and the average blood velocity was 0.516. On the other hand, the average peripheral blood flow of the lower limbs was 2.23, the average blood mass was 149 and the average blood velocity was 0.574. This result shows that the blood flow and blood mass of the upper limbs were more than in the lower limbs. The average blood flow at the upper limbs decreased to 3.69 from 5.00 (or at 26.2% ) when the lower limbs were submerged and cooled for 5 min in a water bath at 20°C (i. e. cold-loading). On the other hand, blood flow of the lower limb was 1.51 m l under a condition of cold-loading, and decreased 32.3% from 2.23. Blood mass of the upper limb was 241 on average and decreased 16.0% from 287. Blood mass of the lower limb was 113 on average and decreased 24.2% from 149. There was no difference between blood velocity of the upper limb under the conditions of room temperature at 20°C (0.516) and cold-loading (0.501). However, blood velocity of the lower limb increased to 0.642 from 0.574. After the end of cold loading, there was some tendency for blood flow, blood rnass and blood velocity to return to the amount at pre-loading. Twenty minutes after the end of cold-loading, blood flow increased to 5.74 (14.8% ) compared with pre-loading (5.00). However, blood flow of the lower limb remained at only 83.9% (1.87) of the amount at pre-loading (2.23). These results show that partial cold-loading of the lower limb had a quantitative effect on the distant peripheral circulation. The speculated mechanism of this phenomenon is that it to protects against loosing body heat from the body surface under the conditions of local cold-loading. Our body has defense mechanisms to decrease whole body peripheral circulation to protect against loosing body heat.
Keywords Laser-Doppler blood flowmetry (レーザードプラー血流計) cold loading (冷水負荷) peripheral circulation (末梢循環) blood flow (血流量) blood velocity (血流速度)
Publication Title 岡大三朝分院研究報告
Published Date 2001-02-01
Volume volume71
Start Page 42
End Page 49
ISSN 0918-7839
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308072
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14909
Title Alternative 脂肪の変化と関連した気管支喘息に対するn-3系脂肪酸食の効果 ― n-6系脂肪酸との比較
FullText URL 071_050_058.pdf
Author Okamoto, Makoto| Mitsunobu, Fumihiro| Ashida, Kozo| Mifune, Takashi| Hosaki, Yasuhiro| Tsugeno, Hirofumi| Takata, Shingo| Tanizaki, Yoshiro| Harada, Mine|
Abstract N-3 fatty acids have been reported to be effective for asthma. In the present study, the effects of perilla seed oil (n-3 fatty acids) on asthma were compared with the effects of corn oil (n-6 fatty acids) in terms of pulmonary function, lipometabolism and the generation of leukotriene C4 (LTC4) by leucocytes. A total of 28 asthmatic patients were randomly divided into two groups : Group A patients (15 subjects) consumed perilla seed oil-rich supplementation, while Group B patients (13 subjects) consumed corn oil-rich supplementation for 4 weeks. Generation of LTC4 by leucocytes, respiratory function and the serum levels of lipids were compared between the two groups. The generation of LTC4 by leucocytes decreased significantly in Group A subjects following perilla seed oil-rich supplementation for 2(P < 0.05) and 4 weeks(P < 0.01). A significant difference in the generation of LTC4 was observed between the two groups after different dietary supplementations for 4 weeks (P < 0.05). Significantly increased values for PEF (P < 0.01), FVC (P < 0.05) and FEV1.0 (P < 0.05) were found in Group A subjects following perilla seed oil supplementation for 4 weeks, compared with the initial value prior to supplementation. A significant decrease in the serum level of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and phospholipid was detected in Group A subjects following perilla seed oil supplementation for 4 weeks. The present results suggest that peril la seed oil-rich supplementation is effective in the treatment of asthma in terms of its ability to suppress LTC4 generat ion by leucocytes, and in inducing an improvement in pulmonary function associated with changes in the serum level of lipids.
Keywords perilla seed oil (エゴマ抽) a -1inolenic acid (α-リノレン酸) leukotriene C4 (ロイコトリエンC4) respiratory function (呼吸機能) 脂質代謝
Publication Title 岡大三朝分院研究報告
Published Date 2001-02-01
Volume volume71
Start Page 50
End Page 58
ISSN 0918-7839
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308088
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14910
Title Alternative ステロイド依存性気管支喘息症例の病的骨折と皮質骨傷害の検討
FullText URL 071_059_067.pdf
Author Tsugeno, Hirofumi| Goto, Bunrei| Nakai, Mutsuro| Okamoto, Makoto| Takata, Singo| Mifune, Takashi| Hosaki, Yasuhiro| Mitsunobu, Fumihiro| Ashida, Kozo| Akiyama, Tsuneo| Tsuji, Takao| Tanizaki, Yoshiro|
Abstract In a previous study, we demonstrated that chronic administration of systemic glucocorticoids decreases cortical bone mineral density (BMD) and induces development of pathologic fractures in asthmatic patients. To investigate cortical bone porosity due to glucocorticoids, we studied cortical bone volume, BMD, bone strength, and fractures in patients with asthma in this report. A total of 82 postmenopausal asthmatic patients were enrolled in the study. Vertebral fractures were diagnosed via plain spinal radiograms. Peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) was used to measure cortical BMD, relative cortical volume, and Strength Strain Index (SSI). Multiple regression analysis, Student's t test, and other statistical analyses were performed. Patients with systemic glucocorticoids therapy had lower cortical BMD, relative cortical volume, SSI, and more number of vertebral fractures than patients without it. Lifetime cumulative dose of glucocorticoids was related to cortical BMD, relative cortical volume, SSI, and the number of vertebral fractures. The cortical volumedensity relationship appeared to remain constant regardless of systemic glucocorticoid administration. The number of vertebral fractures correlated highly with cortical BMD, relative cortical volume, and SSI at the radius. In conclusion, systemic glucocorticoid administration decreases cortical bone density, cortical bone volume, and bone strength. G lucocorticoid administration appears to be responsible for the process of cortical bone porosity at both endosteal and intracortical sites. Given that both cortical bone density and volume provide bone strength, cortical bone porosity was seen to contribute to glucocorticoid - induced bone strength loss and fractures.
Keywords glucocorticoid cortical bone pQCT osteoporosis
Publication Title 岡大三朝分院研究報告
Published Date 2001-02-01
Volume volume71
Start Page 59
End Page 67
ISSN 0918-7839
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308222
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14911
Title Alternative A case of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
FullText URL 071_068_072.pdf
Author Takata, Singo| Okamoto, Makoto| Tsugeno, Hirofumi| Harada, Seishi| Hosaki, Yasuhiro| Mifune, Takashi| Mitsunobu, Fumihiro| Tanizaki, Yoshiro| Niiya, Kenji| Harada, Mine|
Abstract 播種性血管内凝固症候群(DIC)を合併した全身性エリテマトーデス(SLE)を経験したので報告する。症例は73歳女性。64歳時慢性関節リウマチ(RA)と診断された。1999年1月食欲低下を訴え当科受診した。血小板減少、FDP高値、PT上昇等よりDIC発症を疑った。膠原病では凝固系の異常を認めるが、本症例では凝固系が完進しDICを来したと考えられた。 本症例はリウマチ因子陽性であったが、朝のこわばり等典型的なRAの所見に乏しく他の膠原病の合併を疑い、腎障害、血小板減少、抗Sm抗体、抗核抗体陽性よりSLEと診断した。
Keywords 慢性関節リウマチ (Rheumatoid arthritis) 全身性エリテマトーデス (Systemic lupus erythematosus) 播種性血管内凝固症候群 (Disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome)
Publication Title 岡大三朝分院研究報告
Published Date 2001-02-01
Volume volume71
Start Page 68
End Page 72
ISSN 0918-7839
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308643
Author 中村 寿美江|
Published Date 2001-02-01
Publication Title 岡大三朝分院研究報告
Volume volume71
Content Type Others
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14912
FullText URL 071_073_075.pdf
Author Ashida, Kozo| Tsugeno, Hirofumi| Hosaki, Yasuhiro| Mitsunobu, Fumihiro| Mifune, Takashi| Nishida, Norikazu| Okamoto, Makoto| Takata, Shingo| Tanizaki, Yoshiro| Tsuji, Takao|
Abstract 症例は80才,女性。76才時[平成7年11月]より肝機能異常[アルカリフォスファターゼ高値]を認め,肝機能異常出現1年7ケ月後,血清学的検索で原発性胆汁性肝硬変症が疑われたが,無治療にて外来で経過を観察を行った。アルカリフォスファターゼ値は漸増傾向を示し,トランスアミナーゼ値の異常も伴ってきたため,平成12年11月精査目的で入院。組織検査等で無症候性原発性胆汁性肝硬変症[PBC]と診断した。PBCは中年・女性に好発する疾患で,高齢【特に後期高齢者]での発症は極めて稀である。4年間の自然経過も含め,興味深いと考えられたので報告する。
Keywords 原発性胆汁性肝硬変症 (primary biliary cirrhosis) 高齢 (elderly) 自然経過 (natural course)
Publication Title 岡大三朝分院研究報告
Published Date 2001-02-01
Volume volume71
Start Page 73
End Page 75
ISSN 0918-7839
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308230
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14913
Title Alternative マトリックスメタロプロテアーゼと膵疾患
FullText URL 071_076_083.pdf
Author Yokoyama, Motohiro| Ochi, Koji| Mizushima, Takaaki| Ichimura, Mitsuko| Tsurumi, Tetsuya| Mitsunobu, Fumihiro| Tanizaki, Yoshiro|
Abstract Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) is a family of collagenolytic enzymesand are associated with many pathological conditions. Especially, MMPs have a strong relation with tumor progression and invasion. In this review, we focused on association of MMPs and pancreatic diseases, and a potential treatment of MMPs inhibitors for pancreatic cancer.
Keywords matrix metalloproteinase(MMP) tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase(TIMP) pancreatic cancer (膵癌) chronic pancreatitis (慢性膵炎)
Publication Title 岡大三朝分院研究報告
Published Date 2001-02-01
Volume volume71
Start Page 76
End Page 83
ISSN 0918-7839
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308587
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14914
Title Alternative Evaiuation of spa therapy by questionnaire. Characteristics of patients from distant areas.
FullText URL 071_084_088.pdf
Author Nishimura, Nobuko| Terasaki, Kayo| Yamamoto, Sadae| Yoshio, Keiko| Nakamura, Sumie| Tanizaki, Yoshiro|
Abstract 1999年4月~12月の9ケ月間の遠隔地からの入院患者80名(痔痛性疾患47例,呼吸器疾患33例)を対象に,岡大三朝分院に来院した動機,入院前の状態,温泉療法の効果,薬剤の変化,退院決定の動機等について退院前にアンケート調査を行い検討を加えた。対象症例の年齢は60才以上の高齢者力て多く,入院期間は1ケ月~2ケ月末満が多い傾向であった。入院前の状態では,今までの治療に不満,限界を感じて来院している症例が71例(88.7%)を占めていた。地域別では広島,大阪,京都,兵庫からの来院か多く,その他18都府県に及んでいた。アンケート結果では,疾患別による若干の傾向と,温泉療法に対する評価として症状の改善が見られ,また,使用薬剤の減量の可能性が示唆された。
Keywords 遠隔地 (distant area) 温泉療法 (spa therapy) アンケート (questionaire) 呼吸器疾患 (respiratory disease) 疼痛性疾患 (pain disease)
Publication Title 岡大三朝分院研究報告
Published Date 2001-02-01
Volume volume71
Start Page 84
End Page 88
ISSN 0918-7839
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308118
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14915
FullText URL 071_089_093.pdf
Author 石田 美枝子|
Abstract 通院患者の温泉プール利用者95名を対象にアンケート調査し,主に訓練に対する満足度と期待度について調査した。 結果は有効回答85名,対象者の年齢65歳以上58名(68%)65歳末満27名(32%),疾患別では呼吸器疾患39名(45.9%)療病性疾患29名(34.1%)その他の疾患17名(20%)であった。 t検定の結果有意差(P<0.05)があったのは,療病性疾患群では呼吸器疾患群に比べ期待度が高い,訓練が頻回な群で期待度が高い,指導あり群で満足度が高い,であった。年齢別での効果では65歳末満と65歳以上の比較で有意差はなかったが,高齢者(65歳以上)において高い傾向が見られた。温泉プール訓練は高齢者に効果的な訓練と考えられ,より効果を高めるための課題として訓練指導を充実する必要がある。
Keywords 温泉プール訓練 外来通院患者 満足度 期待度
Publication Title 岡大三朝分院研究報告
Published Date 2001-02-01
Volume volume71
Start Page 89
End Page 93
ISSN 0918-7839
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308152
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14917
FullText URL 071_094_095.pdf
Author Nakamura, Sumie|
Keywords 看護部 入院状況 運動器疾患
Publication Title 岡大三朝分院研究報告
Published Date 2001-02-01
Volume volume71
Start Page 94
End Page 95
ISSN 0918-7839
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308355
Author 三朝医療センター|
Published Date 2001-02-01
Publication Title 岡大三朝分院研究報告
Volume volume71
Content Type Others