JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/32058
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Murao, Tsuyoshi| Kamoi, Masaki| Asano, Keno|

A hard fibroma of the urinary bladder was found in an autopsy case of a 69 year-old female. The tumor, 10x9x6 cm, occurred in the superior wall of the bladder. Ultrastructurally, the principal cells of the tumor were myofibroblasts. Fibroblasts and fibrocytes were also present. Including our case, the number of reported cases of pure fibroma of the urinary bladder in Japan is 12. These are reviewed briefly.

Keywords fibroma urinary bladder ultrastructure myofibroblast
Amo Type Article
Publication Title Acta Medica Okayama
Published Date 1979-04
Volume volume33
Issue issue2
Publisher Okayama University Medical School
Start Page 113
End Page 120
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
Content Type Journal Article
language English
File Version publisher
Refereed True
PubMed ID 157669
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/32057
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Ocho, Munehiko| Ogura, Hajime| Tanaka, Terukazu| Oda, Takuzo|

Human cells derived from malignant tumors (HeLa, HEp-2 and KB) and human cells transformed by tumor viruses (KCand RSb) formed syncytia by simian sarcoma virus type I (SSV-I/SSAV-I), but human diploid or non-transformed cells (WI-38, HEL and HEC) did not.

Keywords simian sarcoma virus syncytia formation cell fusion human transformed cell lines human cell strains
Amo Type Brief Note
Publication Title Acta Medica Okayama
Published Date 1979-04
Volume volume33
Issue issue2
Publisher Okayama University Medical School
Start Page 137
End Page 140
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
Content Type Journal Article
language English
File Version publisher
Refereed True
PubMed ID 224650
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/32056
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Hatase, Osamu| Fujii, Toshitake| Kuramitsu, Makoto| Itano, Toshifumi| Takahashi, Fumio| Murakami, Tetsuhide| Nishida, Isamu|
Abstract Factors that inhibit and stimulate cell proliferation were found to coexist in rat liver supernatant. The inhibitory and stimulatory factors were separated by ethanol fractionation. Both factors were sensitive to heat- and trypsin-treatment. The activity of the inhibitor was diminished by partial hepatectomy. The inhibitor from normal livers inhibited DNA and RNA synthesis in the L-cell system, but the same fraction from regenerating livers caused little or no inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis. The stimulatory factor from regenerating livers had a stronger effect on cell proliferation than that of normal livers. Furthermore, the inhibitor from normal livers depressed DNA synthesis in vivo in regenerating livers.
Keywords growth factors growth stimulants growth inhibitants rat liver cytoplasm cell proliferation
Amo Type Article
Publication Title Acta Medica Okayama
Published Date 1979-04
Volume volume33
Issue issue2
Publisher Okayama University Medical School
Start Page 73
End Page 80
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
Content Type Journal Article
language English
File Version publisher
Refereed True
PubMed ID 157671
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/32055
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Tsutsui, Ken| Hatase, Osamu| Oda, Takuzo|

Catalase was partially purified (about 380-fold purification) from the post-mitochondrial supernatant of bovine heart and compared with catalases from bovine erythrocytes and bovine liver. The electrophoretic mobility in polyacrylamide gel (pH 8.0) of heart catalase was the same as that of erythrocyte catalase and was smaller than that of the liver enzyme. The heart catalase was indistinguishable from erythrocyte catalase in regard to the molecular weights of subunit polypeptides, the inhibition patterns produced by several catalase inhibitors, and specific activity. The pH-activity curve of heart catalase consisted of a characteristic biphasic pattern with a peak at pH 7.5 and a shoulder at pH 10.

Keywords catalse muscle bovine heart
Amo Type Article
Publication Title Acta Medica Okayama
Published Date 1979-04
Volume volume33
Issue issue2
Publisher Okayama University Medical School
Start Page 103
End Page 111
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
Content Type Journal Article
language English
File Version publisher
Refereed True
PubMed ID 157668
NAID 120002311382
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/32054
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Misumi, Hiromasa| Oda, Takuzo|

RNA polymerase was extracted from the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of Rous sarcoma virus (SR-RSV)-induced C3H/He mouse ascites sarcoma cells (SR-C3H). RNA polymerase was separated into RNA polymerases I and II by DEAE-Sephadex chromatography. RNA polymerase I was separated into Ia and Ib fractions by phospho-cellulose chromatography. In SR-C3H cells RNA polymerase Ib was the main component of RNA polymerase I. At 0.05--0.1 M ammonium sulphate RNA polymerase I transcribed native DNA most actively, and RNA polymerase II transcribed denatured DNA most actively. Partial digestion of DNA by DNAase I enhanced RNA synthesis by RNA polymerases I and II. At ionic strength over 0.2 M ammonium sulphate, the initiation reaction of RNA polymerases I and II was inhibited. The initiation complexes of RNA polymerases I and II with native DNA were more stable against high salt concentration than with denatured DNA.

Keywords RNA polymerase Pous sarcoma virus mouse ascites sarcoma
Amo Type Article
Publication Title Acta Medica Okayama
Published Date 1979-04
Volume volume33
Issue issue2
Publisher Okayama University Medical School
Start Page 91
End Page 102
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
Content Type Journal Article
language English
File Version publisher
Refereed True
PubMed ID 38635
NAID 120002312121
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/32053
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Hashimoto, Kozo| Yunoki, Sho| Hosogi, Hidemi| Takahara, Jiro| Ofuji, Tadashi|

Biologically active peptides and neurotransmitter substances were added to anterior pituitary cell cultures to examine the presence of corticotropin releasing factor (CRF)-like activity. Hypothalamic extract (HE) induced significant dose-related increase of ACTH, and the lowest effective dose was 0.01 HE/ml. Other tested substances including luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone, thyrotropin releasing hormone, melanocyte stimulating hormone release inhibiting factor, somatostatin, substance P, neurotensin, beta-endorphin. leu-enkephalin, met-enkephalin, bradykinin, norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, histamine, gamma-amino butyric acid or gamma-hydroxy butyric acid showed no CRF-like activity. Relatively high doses of lysine vasopressin, arginine vasopressin and angiotensin II increased the release of ACTH in pituitary cell cultures, but the maximal ACTH response was markedly less than with HE. These results indicate that cultured anterior pituitary cells are sensitive and fairly specific in detecting CRF(s) comparing with other detecting procedures.

Keywords pituitary cell cultures corticotropin releasing factor ACTH neuropeptides neurotransmitter substances
Amo Type Article
Publication Title Acta Medica Okayama
Published Date 1979-04
Volume volume33
Issue issue2
Publisher Okayama University Medical School
Start Page 81
End Page 90
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
Content Type Journal Article
language English
File Version publisher
Refereed True
PubMed ID 38634
NAID 120002311394
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/32052
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Makino, Hirofumi| Ota, Zensuke| Takaya, Yasumasa| Kida, Keiko| Miyoshi, Akira| Hiramatsu, Makoto| Takahashi, Kayo| Ofuji, Tadashi|

The tubular basement membrane (TBM) (i.e. tubular basal lamina) of rat kidney was shown to be a fine meshwork by electron microscopy after negative staining. Strands of the meshwork formed a regular three dimensional lattice work. The pores of the meshwork were polygonal. There were two main pore sizes: one approximately 30 A in diameter, the other 42--60 A. In view of our previous observation that glomerular and alveolar basement membranes were made up fine meshwork, it is quite possible that the basement membranes of other organs are also made up such fine meshwork.

Keywords renal tubular basement membrane mesh work structure pore negative staining electron micro scopy
Amo Type Brief Note
Publication Title Acta Medica Okayama
Published Date 1979-04
Volume volume33
Issue issue2
Publisher Okayama University Medical School
Start Page 133
End Page 136
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
Content Type Journal Article
language English
File Version publisher
Refereed True
PubMed ID 89787
NAID 120002312032
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/32051
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Tsuji, Takao| Naito, Kunihiko| Inoue, Junichi| Tsuchiya, Masao| Araki, Kiyonori| Shinohara, Toru| Onoue, Kimiaki| Nagashima, Hideo| Tokuyama, Katsuyuki| Okada, Takeshi|

A study of 52 liver biopsies (47 hepatitis type B and 5 asymptomatic carriers) was performed to clarify the roles of HBe antigen (HBeAg), HB surface antigen (HBsAg) and HB core antigen (HBcAg). In this study, the Gudat classification was modified so as to classify the patterns of HB antigens into six reaction types including: type O (negative for both liver HBsAg and liver HBcAg), type III-A (characterized by a spotty HBsAg pattern) and type III-B (characterized from a sub-lobular to lobular HBsAg localization pattern). This classification enabled accurate prediction of the prognosis of hepatitis. Patients with positive serum HBeAg had either minimal hepatitis with mild clinical features or chronic aggressive hepatitis with severe clinical features. Ten patients negative for both HBeAg and HBeAb were all positive for liver HBcAg. In all 3 patients on corticosteroid administrations liver tissue was markedly positive for HBcAg and serum was usually positive for HBeAb.

Keywords HBs antigen HBc antigen HBe antigen hepatitis B virus hepatitis type B chronic hepatitis type B chronic hepatitis
Amo Type Article
Publication Title Acta Medica Okayama
Published Date 1979-04
Volume volume33
Issue issue2
Publisher Okayama University Medical School
Start Page 121
End Page 131
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
Content Type Journal Article
language English
File Version publisher
Refereed True
PubMed ID 157670
NAID 120002311621