Author Agaoka, Yoshio|
Published Date 2011-01
Publication Title Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Volume volume53
Issue issue1
Content Type Journal Article
JaLCDOI 10.18926/mjou/41406
Author Zhongkui, Liu| Xiaoyan, Yang|
Published Date 2010-01
Publication Title Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Volume volume52
Issue issue1
Content Type Journal Article
JaLCDOI 10.18926/mjou/33505
Author Morimoto, Shoji|
Published Date 1994-01
Publication Title Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Volume volume36
Issue issue1
Content Type Journal Article
JaLCDOI 10.18926/mjou/33210
FullText URL mjou_008_143_179.pdf
Author Otsuki, Tominosuke|
Published Date 1958-12
Publication Title Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Volume volume8
Issue issue2
Publisher Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
Start Page 143
End Page 179
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
Content Type Journal Article
language English
Copyright Holders Copyright©1958 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Author Tietz, Hubert|
Published Date 1989-01
Publication Title Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Volume volume31
Issue issue1
Content Type Journal Article
JaLCDOI 10.18926/mjou/33232
Author Cazaran, Jilyana|
Published Date 1999-01
Publication Title Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Volume volume41
Issue issue1
Content Type Journal Article
JaLCDOI 10.18926/mjou/33624
Author Enochs, Edgar E.| Rozas, J.R. Garcia|
Published Date 1997-01
Publication Title Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Volume volume39
Issue issue1
Content Type Journal Article
JaLCDOI 10.18926/mjou/33583
FullText URL mjou_061_199_204.pdf
Author Hamid, Nur| Oura, Manabu|
Abstract The Terwilliger algebra plays an important role in the theory of association schemes. The present paper gives the explicit structures of the Terwilliger algebras of the group association schemes of the finite groups PSL(2, 7), A6, and S6.
Keywords Terwilliger algebragroup association scheme
Published Date 2019-01
Publication Title Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Volume volume61
Issue issue1
Publisher Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
Start Page 199
End Page 204
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
Content Type Journal Article
language English
Copyright Holders Copyright©2019 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Author Kachi, Hideyuki| Mukai, Juno|
Published Date 2000-01
Publication Title Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Volume volume42
Issue issue1
Content Type Journal Article
JaLCDOI 10.18926/mjou/33289
Author Imaoka, Mitsunori|
Published Date 1989-01
Publication Title Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Volume volume31
Issue issue1
Content Type Journal Article
JaLCDOI 10.18926/mjou/33248
Author Tsuboi, Kenji|
Published Date 1994-01
Publication Title Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Volume volume36
Issue issue1
Content Type Journal Article
JaLCDOI 10.18926/mjou/33197
Author He, Yu| Liu, Peide|
Published Date 1997-01
Publication Title Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Volume volume39
Issue issue1
Content Type Journal Article
JaLCDOI 10.18926/mjou/33585
Author Okazaki, Yoshiaki| Takahashi, Yasuji|
Published Date 1993-01
Publication Title Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Volume volume35
Issue issue1
Content Type Journal Article
JaLCDOI 10.18926/mjou/33485
Author Nowak, Werner Georg| Recknagel, Winfried|
Published Date 1989-01
Publication Title Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Volume volume31
Issue issue1
Content Type Journal Article
JaLCDOI 10.18926/mjou/33239
Author Mukai, Juno|
Published Date 1994-01
Publication Title Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Volume volume36
Issue issue1
Content Type Journal Article
JaLCDOI 10.18926/mjou/33201
Author Ishida, Masanori|
Published Date 1995-01
Publication Title Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Volume volume37
Issue issue1
Content Type Journal Article
JaLCDOI 10.18926/mjou/33791
FullText URL mjou_061_167_172.pdf
Author Brown, Stephen C.| Davis, Chad T.|
Abstract Due to a theorem of Dedekind, factoring ideals generated by prime numbers in number fields is easily done given that said prime number does not divide the index of the field. In this paper, we determine the prime ideal factorizations of both 2 and 3 in cyclic quartic fields whose index is divisible by one of or both of these primes.
Keywords Cyclic quartic field Prime ideal factorization
Published Date 2019-01
Publication Title Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Volume volume61
Issue issue1
Publisher Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
Start Page 167
End Page 172
ISSN 0030-1566
NCID AA00723502
Content Type Journal Article
language English
Copyright Holders Copyright©2019 by the Editorial Board of Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Author Akhmedov, Ali M.| Basar, Feyzi|
Published Date 2008-01
Publication Title Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Volume volume50
Issue issue1
Content Type Journal Article
JaLCDOI 10.18926/mjou/33130
Author Wojtkowiak, ZdzisÃlaw|
Published Date 2005-01
Publication Title Mathematical Journal of Okayama University
Volume volume47
Issue issue1
Content Type Journal Article
JaLCDOI 10.18926/mjou/33597