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Author Zhang, Wei| Kitagawa, Hiroshi| Nakamura, Eizo|
Keywords SW Japan slab lithium isotope arc magma melt transport
Note Zhang, W., Kitagawa, H., & Nakamura, E. (2023). Lithium isotope constraints on slab and mantle contribution to arc magmas. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128, e2022JB025670. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JB025670. To view the published open abstract, go to https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JB025670.|
Published Date 2023-04-25
Publication Title Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
Volume volume128
Issue issue5
Publisher American Geophysical Union
Start Page e2022JB025670
ISSN 2169-9313
NCID AA10819743
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © 2023. American Geophysical Union.
File Version publisher
DOI 10.1029/2022jb025670
Web of Science KeyUT 001000306200001
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JB025670
FullText URL J_Geophys_Res_122_158.pdf
Author Yoshino, Takashi| Zhang, Baohua| Rhymer, Brandon| Zhao, Chengcheng| Fei, Hongzhan|
Note This is an article published by Taylor & Francis Group|
Published Date 2017-01-14
Publication Title Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth
Volume volume122
Issue issue1
Publisher American Geophysical Union
Start Page 158
End Page 171
ISSN 2169-9313
NCID AA10819743
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.ja
File Version publisher
DOI 10.1002/2016JB013555
Web of Science KeyUT 000395658900009
Related Url https://doi.org/10.1002/2016JB013555
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Imura, Yuki| Michibata, Takuro|
Keywords cloud phase partitioning precipitation microphysics climate
Published Date 2022-12
Publication Title Journal Of Advances In Modeling Earth Systems
Volume volume14
Issue issue12
Publisher American Geophysical Union
Start Page e2022MS003046
ISSN 1942-2466
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © 2022 The Authors.
File Version publisher
DOI 10.1029/2022MS003046
Web of Science KeyUT 000924494800001
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1029/2022MS003046