FullText URL srfa_113_007_010.pdf
Author Phan, Thao Thu| Fukushima, Keigo| Tanaka, Yoshiyuki| Yasuba, Ken-ichiro| Yoshida, Yuichi| Goto, Tanjuro|
Abstract Cold wet treatment is frequently applied to Eustoma seeds to enhance the bolting rate of plants grown under high temperatures. Our previous study indicated that cold PEG‒primed Eustoma seeds could maintain their germination rate and bolting rate even after being re‒dried for 30days and grown under high temperatures. The present study aimed to investigate whether prolonged storage after cold PEG‒priming affect the germination, growth, and flowering of Eustoma ‘Exe Lavender’ seedling. Seeds were initially cold‒primed with water or PEG‒6000 at ‒1.5 MPa for 5 weeks at 10°C in the dark and were then subjected to re‒drying and storage for 30, 60, 90 and 360days at 10°C. After 360days of storage, cold PEG‒primed seeds germinated earlier and more effectively than cold hydro‒primed seeds. Compared to the results after 30days of storage, plants grown from 360days exhibited similar bolting rate, days to bolting, bolting node and flowering rate, cut flower length and number of flower node. These results suggest that ‘Exe Lavender’ seeds can germinate and develop well even after 360days of storage and under high temperature conditions when subjected to cold PEG‒6000 treatment.
Keywords bolting chilling dehydrate long storage PEG-6000
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2024-02-01
Volume volume113
Start Page 7
End Page 10
ISSN 2186-7755
language English
File Version publisher
FullText URL srfa_111_001_006.pdf
Author Thao Thu Phan| Fukushima, Keigo | Tanaka, Yoshiyuki| Yasuba, Ken-ichiro| Yoshida, Yuichi| Goto, Tanjuro|
Abstract In Eustoma (Eustoma grandiflorum (Raf.) Shinn) cultivation in southwestern Japan, cold imbibition treatment of seeds is important to accelerate bolting and flowering of seedlings grown in the summer season. In order to facilitate the handling of cold imbibed seeds, re-drying treatment (RDT) after wet treatment at 10°C for 35 days in dark conditions (WT10°C) is considered to be an essential technique. The investigation of five Eustoma cultivars ‘Exe Lavender’, ‘Orb Snow’, ‘Philia Lavender’ , ‘Dure Lavender’ and ‘Exe Light Pink’ was to find the germinability and the growth characteristics of Eustoma when re-drying and storage at 10°C for 30 days were applied immedietely after ending the WT10°C. The results showed that germination and growth responses differed among Eustoma cultivars. RDT seeds and non- RDT seeds of ‘Exe Lavender’, ‘Orb Snow’ and ‘Philia Lavender’ had a similar germination rate. However, germination rate of RDT seeds in ‘Dure Lavender’ and ‘Exe Light Pink’ was lower than that of non-RDT seeds. There was no significant difference in cut-flower quality grown from RDT and non-RDT among ‘Exe Lavender’, ‘Orb Snow’ and ‘Dure Lavender’. However, bolting and flowering rate of RDT in ‘Dure Lavender’ and ‘Exe Light Pink’ were lower than those of non-RDT. This suggested that it might not be useful to apply RDT after the cold-wet treatment of Eustoma seed due to lower germination or bolting rates in some cultivars. Further investigation of cold-wet exposure and dehydrating conditions is required to establish RDT procedures for Eustoma cultivars.
Keywords bolting chilling cut flower quality dehydrate flowering
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2022-02-01
Volume volume111
Start Page 1
End Page 6
ISSN 2186-7755
language English
File Version publisher
FullText URL fulltext20220216-2.pdf
Author Thi Cam, Nguyen| Sunagawa, Naomichi| Sesumi, Miho| Kitamura, Yoshikuni| Tanaka, Yoshiyuki| Goto, Tanjuro| Yasuba, Ken-ichiro| Yoshida, Yuichi|
Published Date 2022-01-22
Publication Title The Horticulture Journal
Volume volume91
Issue issue1
Publisher Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
Start Page 58
End Page 67
ISSN 2189-0102
NCID AA12708073
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © 2022 The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (JSHS)
File Version publisher
NAID 120007193740
DOI 10.2503/hortj.utd-315
Web of Science KeyUT 000749466800001
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.2503/hortj.utd-315
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Yoshida, Yuichi| Ding, Xue| Iwatsuki, Kohei| Taniizumi, Katsuya| Inoue, Hirofumi| Wang, Jin| Sakai, Kenji| Kiwa, Toshihiko|
Keywords terahertz cancer genomic medicine cancer cells
Published Date 2021-11-17
Publication Title Sensors
Volume volume21
Issue issue22
Publisher MDPI
Start Page 7631
ISSN 1424-8220
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © 2021 by the authors.
File Version publisher
PubMed ID 34833707
DOI 10.3390/s21227631
Web of Science KeyUT 000724960700001
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.3390/s21227631
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Ahmed, Feroz| Yoshida, Yuichi| Wang, Jin| Sakai, Kenji| Kiwa, Toshihiko|
Published Date 2021-07-26
Publication Title AIP Advances
Volume volume11
Issue issue7
Publisher AIP Publishing
Start Page 75224
ISSN 2158-3226
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © 2021 Author(s).
File Version publisher
DOI 10.1063/5.0056597
Web of Science KeyUT 000692318200001
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0056597
FullText URL srfa_109_021_027.pdf
Author Annah Khatenje Indeche| Yoshida, Yuichi| Miyaji, Daisuke| Goto, Tanjuro| Yasuba, Ken-ichiro| Tanaka, Yoshiyuki|
Abstract The objectives of this study were to (i) determine the optimum number of whole leaves to retain on a tomato plant for effective blossom-end rot (BER) management and (ii) explore the relationship between shoot calcium (Ca) and fruit Ca in non-defoliated plants in two different sized fruit cultivars, a large-fruited cultivar ‘Momotaro fight’ and a medium-fruited cultivar ‘Cindy sweet’. Treatments involved maintaining 18, 15 and 12 leaves on a plant. All lateral shoots were removed regularly throughout the growing period except the shoot closest to the flowering truss in the 18-leaf treatment. At the length of 10cm, these shoots were sampled for real time Ca determination using a hand held Ca2+ meter. In the plants defoliated to 18 leaves, BER was higher in ‘Momotaro fight’ at 10% compared to 2% in ‘Cindy sweet’. Fruit growth rate was significantly increased by defoliation in ‘Momotaro fight’, however no significant difference was observed among treatments in ‘Cindy sweet’. Defoliating to 12 leaves increased daily Ca transport rate by 59% and 37% in ‘Momotaro fight’ and ‘Cindy sweet’, respectively. Defoliating to 12 leaves increased the water-soluble Ca concentration in the distal part of fruit by 34% and 14% in ‘Momotaro fight’ and ‘Cindy sweet’, respectively. In the plants defoliated to 18 leaves where only old yellowish leaves were removed, a significant steady decrease was observed in the concentration of water soluble Ca in the distal part of fruit with increase in truss order. There was a significant linear relationship between water-soluble Ca concentration in the distal part of the fruit and Ca concentration in the lateral shoot of plants defoliated to 18 leaves. We conclude that under moderate water stress by root zone restriction and also certain other BER inductive conditions, defoliation to 12–15 leaves on a tomato plant should be a promising approach for decreasing BER incidence in susceptible large fruit cultivars.
Keywords BER management defoliation water-soluble Ca lateral shoot Ca root zone restriction
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2020-02-01
Volume volume109
Start Page 21
End Page 27
ISSN 2186-7755
language English
File Version publisher
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Yoshida, Yuichi| Nishimoto, Toshi|
Published Date 2020
Publication Title The Horticulture Journal
Volume volume89
Issue issue2
Publisher The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
Start Page 87
End Page 95
ISSN 21890102
NCID AA12708073
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
File Version publisher
NAID 130007829010
DOI 10.2503/hortj.UTD-R010
Web of Science KeyUT 000526056300002
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.2503/hortj.UTD-R010
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Indeche, Annah Khatenje| Yoshida, Yuichi| Goto, Tanjuro| Yasuba, Ken-ichiro| Tanaka, Yoshiyuki|
Published Date 2020
Publication Title The Horticulture Journal
Volume volume89
Issue issue1
Publisher The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
Start Page 22
End Page 29
ISSN 21890102
NCID AA12708073
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
File Version publisher
NAID 130007788542
DOI 10.2503/hortj.UTD-079
Web of Science KeyUT 000509223100003
Related Url isVersionOf ttps://doi.org/10.2503/hortj.UTD-079
Title Alternative Effect of boron deficiency on tip burn and malformed fruit incidence in strawberries
FullText URL srfa_108_005_013.pdf
Author Sesumi, Miho| Yoshida, Yuichi| Kinjo, Akari| Hidaka, Kei| Goto, Tanjuro| Yasuba, Ken-ichiro| Tanaka, Yoshiyuki|
Abstract Boron (B) is an essential micro element for plants and plays important roles in the synthesis and functions of cell wall. B deficiency has been reported as one of the causes of fruit malformation in strawberries. We investigated the effect of B deficiency on flower and fruit development of forced strawberries for two cropping seasons (2015-2017). In the second season, B was resupplied for B-deficient plants and we investigated changes in fruit development. When B-free nutrient solutions were supplied, tip burn began to occur in newly emerging leaves and calyx 2 to 3 months later, and fruit malformation including seedy or only partly developed fruits with undeveloped achenes occurred frequently. However, these deficient symptoms were quickly disappeared by supplying B containing nutrient solutions. In conclusion, B nutrition is closely related to the occurrence of fruit malformation through fertility of pollen and pistils, and also development of receptacle tissue in strawberries. It should be possible to reduce fruit malformation in strawberries by proper control of B nutrition.
Keywords floral organs Fragaria × ananassa Duch. pistil fertility receptacle growth seedy fruit
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2019-02-01
Volume volume108
Start Page 5
End Page 13
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
FullText URL HJ88_1_1.pdf
Author Yoshida, Yuichi|
Published Date 2019-01-31
Publication Title The Horticulture Journal
Volume volume88
Issue issue1
Publisher Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
Start Page 1
ISSN 21890102
NCID AA12708073
Content Type Others
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
File Version publisher
DOI 10.2503/hortj.88.1
Web of Science KeyUT 000457292200001
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.2503/hortj.88.1
FullText URL bfsc_040_pre.pdf
Author Yoshida, Yuichi|
Publication Title Bulletin of the Field Science Center, Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2018-04-01
Volume volume40
ISSN 0910-8742
language Japanese
Copyright Holders 岡山大学農学部
File Version publisher
FullText URL bfsc_039_pre.pdf
Author Yoshida, Yuichi|
Publication Title Bulletin of the Field Science Center, Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2017-04-01
Volume volume39
ISSN 0910-8742
language Japanese
Copyright Holders 岡山大学農学部
File Version publisher
Author Kinjoa, Akari| Hanada, Atsushi| Yoshida, Yuichi| Goto, Tanjuro| Yasuba, Ken-ichiro| Tanaka, Yoshiyuki| Yoshida, Atsuko|
Published Date 2017-02-01
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Volume volume106
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Author Tanaka, Yoshiyuki| Hara, Motohito| Goto, Tanjuro| Yoshida, Yuichi| Yasuba, Ken-ichiro|
Published Date 2017-02-01
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Volume volume106
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Author Yoshida, Yuichi|
Published Date 2016-04-01
Publication Title Bulletin of the Field Science Center, Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Volume volume38
Content Type Others
Author 吉田 裕一| 後藤 丹十郎| 安場 健一郎| 田中 義行|
Published Date 2015-04-01
Publication Title 岡山大学農学部センター報告
Volume volume37
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Author 吉田 裕一| 宮地 大介| 後藤 丹十郎| 田中 義行| 安場 健一郎| 本村 翔|
Published Date 2015-04-01
Publication Title 岡山大学農学部センター報告
Volume volume37
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Author Yoshida, Yuichi| Ohmori, Toshimasa| Goto, Tanjuro| Tanaka, Yoshiyuki| Murakami, Kenji|
Published Date 2014-02-01
Publication Title 岡山大学農学部学術報告
Volume volume103
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Author Yoshida, Yuichi| Shingai, Aya| Ooyama, Mitsuo| Murakami, Kenji| Goto, Tanjuro|
Published Date 2013-02-01
Publication Title 岡山大学農学部学術報告
Volume volume102
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper