JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/54117
Title Alternative Petrography of foundation stones of the Bizen Kokubunji Temple, Okayama Prefecture, Japan ―an attempt to identify their collected site―
FullText URL esr_022_1_025_030.pdf
Author Suzuki, Shigeyuki| Nishimura, Norihide| Ariga, Yuji|
Abstract The Bizen Kokubunji Temple was constructed in the 8th century, in Maya, Akaiwa City, Okayama. Only foundation stones are preserved. Geological characteristics of the foundation stones suggest that they are collected from mountain area of Maya, about 300 to 800m west from the site. The similarity of the foundation stones and the rocks Maya are identified by the following characteristics. 1) Assemblage of rock types (high grade welded tuff breccia, tuff breccia, tuffaceous sandstone and conglomerate) are the same. 2) Lithology of the 3 rock type of the foundation stones and the rocks from Maya are the same. 3) Rheomorphic flow structures are developed in both high grade welded tuff breccia. 4)Mudstone fragments are contained in both high grade welded tuff breccia tuff breccia.
Keywords Bizen Kokubunji Temple foundation stone collected site Okayama
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Published Date 2015-12-27
Volume volume22
Issue issue1
Start Page 25
End Page 30
ISSN 1340-7414
language Japanese
Copyright Holders © 2015 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
File Version publisher
NAID 120005728630
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/54119
Title Alternative Facies analysis of the Jito Formation ( Upper Triassic Nariwa Group ) in Jito Area, Kawakami, Okayama Pref., SWJapan.
FullText URL esr_022_1_031_039.pdf
Author Masaoka, Yuto| Suzuki, Shigeyuki|
Abstract Facies analysis and analysis of stratigraphy together with folded structure of the Norian Jito Formation were studied in Jito Area, Kawakami, Okayama Pref., SW Japan. Results of regional mapping and measured sections reconstruct three-dimensionally distribution of the Jito Formation. The Jito Formation is sub-divided into the four new members; the Shimohira Muddy Sandstone Member, the Otofuji Coarse-grained Turbidite Member, the Misawa Fine-grained Turbidaite Member, and the Ide Conglomerate Sandstone Member in ascending order. The shimohira Muddy Sandstone Member is interpreted to be deposited in an inner-bay. The Otofuji Coarse-grained Turbidite Member and The Misawa Fine-grained Turbidite Member are considered to be deposited on a continental shelf. The Ide Conglomerate Sandstone Member is inferred to be a shallow marine deposit. As a result, the Jito Formation is regarded as one transgressive-regressive package.
Keywords Jito Formation Nariwa Group Norian facies analysis turbidite
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Published Date 2015-12-27
Volume volume22
Issue issue1
Start Page 31
End Page 39
ISSN 1340-7414
language Japanese
Copyright Holders © 2015 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
File Version publisher
NAID 120005728631
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/15022
Title Alternative Permian and Triassic molluscan fossils from the Maizuru Zone,Okayama City, Southwest Japan
FullText URL 015_001_008.pdf
Author Nakazawa, Keiji| Roger Lyman Batten| Suzuki, Shigeyuki| Uwada, Hideto|
Abstract Permian and Triassic molluscan fossils are found from Mitsu-area, Okayama City, Southwest Japan. Permian bivalve and gastropod fossils are collected from mudstones of the Upper Formation of the Maizuru Group. 4 species of bivalves (Nuculopsis? sp. ind., Leptodesma sp. ind., Streblopteria cf. eichwaldi, Posidonia sp. ind.) and 5 species of gastropods (Worthenia cf. corrugata, Callitomaria n. sp. cf. stanislavi, Apachella n. sp. ind., ??Eunemopsis like trochid, ??Yunnania sp.) are identified. Lower Triassic bivalve fossils are collected from sandstones of the Oono Formation. Neoschizodus cf. laevigatus and Bakevellia (Maizuria) kambei are identified.
Keywords Permian Triassic bivalve and gastropod fossils the Maizuru Zone Mitsu area
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Published Date 2009-03-31
Volume volume15
Issue issue1
Start Page 1
End Page 8
ISSN 1340-7414
language Japanese
Copyright Holders 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
File Version publisher
NAID 120002307247
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/15024
Title Alternative Microscopic observations of the recent soils: a step for understanding the paleosols
FullText URL 015_009_032.pdf
Author 福地 亮| Suzuki, Shigeyuki|
Abstract The microscopic observations of the recent soil horizons were conducted in Okayama, Japan (moderate climate). The several soil horizons, including two surface (epipedon) and three subsurface horizons, were recognized in the forest, poorly vegetated hill, and riverside around the Okayama University. The umbric epipedon can be segregated from the organic-rich subsurface horizons by the scattered organic materials in thin sections. The ochrich epipedon shows the sandy matrix without any cements and the illuviation of clay minerals. The subsurface horizons identified in the study area are as follows: albic, argillic, and cambic horizons. Each subsurface horizon shows the specific structures in thin sections. The albic horizon is characterized by the absence of the illuviation. The argillic horizon definitely shows the clayey matrix and the illuviation of clay minerals. The primary structures may be retained in the cambic horizon. The microscopic examination of the Miocene paleosols from the Ukan-cho, Okayama, was attempted. By comparing the recent soils, the cambic horizon and spodic horizon, which is characterized by the concentration of sesquioxides, are identified in the paleosols. This attempt suggests that the microscopic observations of the recent soils is a useful guide to understanding the paleosols
Keywords soil paleosol soil horizon soil structure microscopic observation
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Published Date 2009-03-31
Volume volume15
Issue issue1
Start Page 9
End Page 32
ISSN 1340-7414
language Japanese
Copyright Holders 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
File Version publisher
NAID 120002307964
Author 野崎 貴博| 岩崎 志保| 鈴木 茂之| 山本 悦世| 南 健太郎| 田中 克典| 加藤 鎌司|
Published Date 2013-12-27
Publication Title 岡山大学埋蔵文化財調査研究センター紀要
Volume volume2012
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Title Alternative Bulletin of Archaeological Research Center Okayama University 2016
FullText URL barc_2016.pdf
Author Yamaguchi, Yuji| Yamamoto, Etsuyo| Suzuki, Shigeyuki| Iwasaki, Shiho| 白石 純| Minami, Kentaro| Nozaki, Takahiro| 佐藤 朗| 二宮 和彦|
Publication Title 岡山大学埋蔵文化財調査研究センター紀要
Published Date 2018-03-28
Volume volume2016
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Pages 86
Title Alternative Bulletin of Archaeological Research Center Okayama University 2017
FullText URL 紀要2017.pdf
Author Nozaki, Takahiro| Minami, Kentaro| Yamamoto, Etsuyo| Suzuki, Shigeyuki| Yamaguchi, Yuji| Iwasaki, Shiho| 古環境センター| 吉田生物研究所|
Publication Title 岡山大学埋蔵文化財調査研究センター紀要
Published Date 2019-03-29
Volume volume2017
language Japanese
Copyright Holders Archaeological Research Center, Okayama University
File Version publisher
Pages v, 96 p.
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/66846
FullText URL esr_030_021_035.pdf
Author MAURER, Robert| HARKER, Stuart| SUZUKI, Shigeyuki| WHEELER, Allan|
Abstract  Mantle convection currents are the currently accepted driving force for plate tectonics that have ripped apart the continents and created oceans. Because of these actions, continental collisions and ocean closures have resulted. Our paper challenges the conventional concept and provides an alternate, mathematically justified drive mechanism. The pull-push motions of such convection currents in the upper mantle are here concluded to be too weak to be the driving mechanism.
 Our proposal for such global scale forces concerns the effect of an offset centre of mass of the Earth that results in rotational wobbling. Kepler’s laws of planetary motion demonstrate the rotational behavior of the Earth to be aligned with the Sun on the outward and inward motions of the elliptical orbit. The unbalanced rotation on a fixed gravitational axis results in circumferential stresses on the outer Earth’s rim that is more than strong enough to pull the continental plates apart. The proposed unbalanced rotational stress force equation is shown to be sufficient to drive the cyclic breakup and reassembly of the continental plates, as well as the generation of new oceanic crust and subduction zones. Mantle convection currents are here demonstrated to have a passive rather than active role in the plate movements.
Keywords Differential circumferential tensile force Rotating Earth Offset centre of mass radius of eccentricity
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Published Date 2024-03-31
Volume volume30
Issue issue1
Start Page 21
End Page 35
ISSN 1340-7414
language English
Copyright Holders © 2024 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
File Version publisher