FullText URL ClinExpDermatol_44_1_40.pdf
Author Morizane, S.| Kajita, A.| Mizuno, K.| Takiguchi , T.| Iwatsuki, K.|
Published Date 2018-05-16
Publication Title Clinical and Experimental Dermatology
Volume volume44
Issue issue1
Publisher Wiley
Start Page 40
End Page 46
ISSN 03076938
NCID AA00607691
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
File Version author
PubMed ID 29770468
DOI 10.1111/ced.13604
Web of Science KeyUT 000452173800006
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1111/ced.13604