Author Anna Maria, Dzienis|
Published Date 2012-09-27
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
FullText URL K0006005.abstract-review.pdf.pdf K0006005.fulltext.pdf.pdf
Published Date 2019-03-25
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第6005号
Granted Date 2019-03-25
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
Grantor 岡山大学
language English
FullText URL K0006215_abstract_review.pdf K0006215_fulltext.pdf
Author Jiang, Jiaming|
Published Date 2020-03-25
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第6215号
Granted Date 2020-03-25
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
Grantor 岡山大学
language English
FullText URL K0006876_abstract_review.pdf K0006876_fulltext.pdf
Published Date 2023-03-24
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第6876号
Granted Date 2023-03-24
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
Grantor 岡山大学
language English
Author Kaku, Shika|
Published Date 2012-03-23
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Author 西田 小百合|
Published Date 2001-03-25
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Author Haku, Sekisyo|
Published Date 2013-03-25
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
FullText URL K0005009_abstract_review.pdf K0005009_fulltext.pdf
Author 張 建|
Published Date 2014-03-25
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第5009号
Granted Date 2014-03-25
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
Grantor 岡山大学
language Japanese
FullText URL K0005181_abstract_review.pdf K0005181_fulltext.pdf
Author 韓 亮|
Published Date 2015-03-25
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第5181号
Granted Date 2015-03-25
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
Grantor 岡山大学
language Japanese
FullText URL K0006217_abstract_review.pdf K0006217_fulltext.pdf
Author 馮 君実|
Published Date 2020-03-25
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第6217号
Granted Date 2020-03-25
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
Grantor 岡山大学
language Japanese
FullText URL K0005183_abstract_review.pdf K0005183_fulltext.pdf
Author Fujimoto, Masayuki|
Published Date 2015-03-25
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第5183号
Granted Date 2015-03-25
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
Grantor 岡山大学
language Japanese
FullText URL K0005383_abstract_review.pdf K0005383_fulltext.pdf
Author Watanabe, Stsushi|
Published Date 2016-03-25
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第5383号
Granted Date 2016-03-25
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
Grantor 岡山大学
language Japanese
FullText URL K0006877_abstract_review.pdf K0006877_fulltext.pdf
Author XUE, Yuyang|
Published Date 2023-03-24
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第6877号
Granted Date 2023-03-24
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
Grantor 岡山大学
language Japanese