JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40544
Title Alternative Structural Problems of Japanese Main Ports -A Case of Kobe Port-
FullText URL oer_036_4_181_192.pdf
Author Tsumori, Takayuki|
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2005-03-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue4
Start Page 181
End Page 192
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002674192
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40543
Title Alternative A Study of the Systematic Problems of the General Consumption Tax and Tax Profits
FullText URL oer_036_4_167_179.pdf
Author Hirano, Masaki|
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2005-03-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue4
Start Page 167
End Page 179
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002576164
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40542
FullText URL oer_036_4_155_166.pdf
Author Kurokawa, Katsutoshi|
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2005-03-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue4
Start Page 155
End Page 166
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002576163
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40541
Title Alternative The Acquisition of Finance Knowledge and Optimization of a Portfolio
FullText URL oer_036_4_139_153.pdf
Author Nishimura, Yoshiko| Nishida, Sayuri| Murakami, Keiko|
Abstract 本稿では,金融資産管理シミュレーション・ゲームを実施して得たデータを基に,家計の選択するポートフォリオの効率性について検証を行う。資産選択の効率性を論じる指標として,平均分散アプローチによって導出した効率的フロンティアからの距離を用いる。Probit分析から得られた結果と,Panel Probit 分析から得られた結果は概ね整合的である。Panel Probit 分析の結果から示唆されることは,ゲーム参加者のうち,新たに習得した知識をより理解している者,過去の投資資産数の多い者,今後,株式市場が好転すると予測している者のポートフォリオの効率性は上昇し,資産選択の直前の株価の上昇は,ポートフォリオの効率性を低下させることである。また,ゲーム参加者の過去のポートフォリオの運用成績は,ポートフォリオの効率性に影響を与えない。
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2005-03-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue4
Start Page 139
End Page 153
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002576162
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40540
FullText URL oer_036_4_127_138.pdf
Author Furumatsu, Noriko| Shirai, Masatoshi|
Abstract We consider a society which consists of two sectors, the educational sector and the production sector. We define the educational sector as one that produces two outputs jointly, higher education forming human capital and research increasing the stock of social knowledge. Social knowledge determines the level of technology in the production of consumption goods. Our purposes are to clarify the nature of higher education and to analyze efficient resource allocation in a two−sector economy, considering the external effects of education and research activities in the context of an endogenous growth model.
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2005-03-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue4
Start Page 127
End Page 138
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002576161
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40539
Title Alternative Latest Development in the Electronic Settlement System in Japan
FullText URL oer_036_4_101_126.pdf
Author Nishigaki, Narunto|
Abstract This paper examines the latest development in the electronic settlement system in Japan by analyzing it from two points of view : the reason why the e−money−related businesses in Japan have grown so rapidly in the past few years ; and the projection on problems which are expected to arise after the quick prevalence of the use of e−money, with the absence of regulations in the dealing in particular. These analyses are made by taking into account the history of e−money project, ranging from the initial experiments in the U. K. and the U. S. to the recent commercialization efforts in Japan.
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2005-03-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue4
Start Page 101
End Page 126
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002576160
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40538
Title Alternative IT Investment and Labor Productivity in Japanese Industries
FullText URL oer_036_4_085_099.pdf
Author Shinjo, Koji| Zhang, Xingyuan|
Abstract 本研究では,まず,日米の産業別のIT 投資構造を比較分析し,日本産業をIT 生産・使用セクター及び非IT セクターに分類した。そのうえで,こうしたセクターの間,及び日米間の労働生産性の差異を検討した。それと同時に,セクター毎にVAR モデルを用いて,IT 投資の日本産業への生産効果に関する因果関係を分析した。主な結果は以下のように要約できる。日米の比較では,米国のIT セクター部門シェアは日本を大きく上回り,且つ労働生産性の成長率も90年代後半に目立って上昇している。日本の労働生産性成長率では,IT 製造業とIT サービス業が非IT の両部門を上回る傾向にある。IT 投資の生産性成長に対する因果関係は検証されなかったが,労働生産性の上昇がIT 投資を促進するという関係が認められた。また,サービス業におけるIT 投資成長率は,IT 部門と非IT 部門ともに製造業でのIT投資成長率によってプラスの影響を受けることが示された。
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2005-03-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue4
Start Page 85
End Page 99
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002576159
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40537
Title Alternative Regional Economic Interdependency in an Open Economy : An Introduction
FullText URL oer_036_4_039_067.pdf
Author Nakamura, Ryohei|
Abstract In this article I present an estimation procedure for regional economic variables which determine regional economic independency or autonomy such as export and import using some statistical data. In recent years not a few regions have been experienced a dependency on Tokyo central region in many respects and also been noticed thin effects of past policies in order to vitalize regional economies. The most important point is that local government does not recognize spillover effect which is derived from implementing regional policies. For examples, some materials are imported from outside the region even if local government invests on public capital formation, or some amounts of output sales are often transferred to headquarters at Tokyo from local factories. The local government, Akasaka−cho in Okayama Prefecture, has noticed the above situation and made a research project evaluating regional spillover/spillin effect in monetary term, which means to construct small region’s IO table in an extended version. As a result, Akasaka−cho grasped the circular−flow−of−the−economy constitution of the area, and carried out the policy evaluation analysis using it and succeeded to introduce regional money circular type factory and also job−creating industry. However, the case like Akasaka−cho is a very unique. To conduct such a research it is necessary for local governments to prepare both much time and money. Thus, this paper showed the model which estimates one section of a regional economy circulation constitution from such enquiry and the existing statistical data, and the example of an actual proof in the Tsuyama City zone is shown. By doing this procedure, we can identify which industry is baasic or nonbasic or which industry is effective for spreading an economic consequence. I want to develop the estimation procedure of an expenditure side from now on, to combine with a questionnaire or hearing enquiry, and to build the means of grasping the circulation constitution of regional economy comprehensively.
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2005-03-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue4
Start Page 39
End Page 67
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002576158
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40536
FullText URL oer_036_4_029_038.pdf
Author Wada, Junzo|
Abstract Capacity management has one of the most important issues for management accounting and cost management. It has huge accumulation of theoretical and empirical research through the 20th century. In other words, there remain many inextricable disputes on capacity management. Turning to the real business world, we must solve a variety of challenges from strategic mixture of company resources and measurement for their components. Now, capacity is the value−creating ability of an organization. Its ability comes from proper shapes of capacity and cost management system. This paper shows that measurement concept and techniques for capacity costing from historical background are mainly focusing on physical asset. Adding to that, central issue has been around the distribution of unused capacity cost to products. Today’s view of capacity cost management is reinforced to notify forward−looking not retrospective. In this meaning, this paper addresses that capacity cost management should provide supportive instruments in current and future utilization of capacity including nonphysical asset.
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2005-03-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue4
Start Page 29
End Page 38
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002576157
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40535
FullText URL oer_036_4_015_027.pdf
Author Haruna, Shoji|
Abstract We investigate R&D behavior of public firms by using oligopoly models with Cournot−type−quantity and Bertrand−type−price competition. Then the following results are obtained. When public and private firms in a mixed oligopoly market are involved in quantity competition, (i) the public firm has a greater incentive to invest in cost−reducing R&D in a public monopoly market than in that market if they are substitutes, and (ii) the public firm has a less incentive to invest in R&D in the oligopoly market if they are complements. Furthermore, suppose that public and private firms in a mixed oligopoly market are involved in price competition. (i) If the products are complements, then a public firm has a greater incentive to invest in cost−reducing R&D in the public monopoly market than in the mixed oligopoly market; and (ii) if they are substitutes, then the public firm has a less incentive to invest in cost−reducing R&D in the public monopoly market than in the mixed oligopoly market.
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2005-03-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue4
Start Page 15
End Page 27
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002576156
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40534
Title Alternative An Introductory Economic Study on Innovation -The Case of Manufacturing Industry-
FullText URL oer_036_4_001_013.pdf
Author Takemura, Shosuke|
Abstract The most important word is ‘innovator’ in the theory of Shumpetarian Hypothesis. That gives rise to the specific rivalry and competitive power in some vital facets of business fluctuation. This rivalry has both the innovative and strategic characteristics inside the firm. The notorious industrial policies used to depend on the good functions of production-investment circuit and cost-price one. None the less market fails. A series of the recent open market operations implemented by Japanese Central Bank, are related to a certain misunderstanding about our popular macroeconomic analysis. Let there be no mistake about it. In this article I will research the sustainable factors of R&D and the revised chain model inside the a few manufacturing firms and / or industries including semi-conductor industry. Besides we are going to make use of Japanese statistical materials about TFP comparing to those of U.S. and others as occasion demands. We can take notice that this work has some important fact findings in the article. Finally there will be explanation and emphasis about the distinguishing method between the firms of three types and the ‘inside’ problem.
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2005-03-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue4
Start Page 1
End Page 13
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002576155
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40533
Title Alternative Study on today’s changes in company’s employee welfare : On the basis of researches for Japanese companies
FullText URL oer_036_3_075_089.pdf
Author Matsuda, Yoichi|
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2004-12-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue3
Start Page 75
End Page 89
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002576154
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40532
Title Alternative Analysis of Financial Performance and Policies of Japanese Corporations under Borderless Competition
FullText URL oer_036_3_047_073.pdf
Author Koyama, Yasuhiro|
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2004-12-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue3
Start Page 47
End Page 73
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002576153
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40531
Title Alternative Data Source and Converter for 1990−1995−2000 Linked China−Japan International Input−Output Table
FullText URL oer_036_3_027_045.pdf
Author Teng, Jian| Fang, Wenhui|
Abstract The purpose of this research is analyzing the recent trend and structural changes of the mutual−dependence relation of China and Japan, by estimating China−Japan International Input−Output Table of 2000 and creating 1990−1995−2000 Linked China−Japan International Input−Output Table at the same time. For the preparation of China−Japan International Input−Output Table, examining the common section classification (Converter) is the preferential topic. The setting of this converter in the input−output table is a thing about intertemporal and different economic systems. In this paper, by explaining China−Japan International Input−Output Table’s estimation and the statistic data and clarifying the differences between these statistical data and classification methods of different years, the setting of common section classification is examined.
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2004-12-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue3
Start Page 27
End Page 45
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002576152
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40530
FullText URL oer_036_3_001_025.pdf
Author Shimizu, Koichi|
Abstract One of the widely held opinions about Japanese firms’ high performance suggests that Japanese employees, organized in teams, are making kaizen (continuous improvements) in their own jobs through quality circles or other initiatives such as a suggestion system. But who are these employees? They would have to be blue−collar workers in the Western perception, but the part of their contribution in improving productivity and price cost does not seem exceed 10% of all improvements obtained. Who then brings about the major part of these improvements? Are the kaizen activities carried out without having relation to the company’s profit strategy? If the employees have an objective in their kaizen activities, who provides the objectives? What do these objectives consist of? How are their activities managed? These questions invite us to inquire about a whole management system of kaizen at Toyota Production System, considered as the basic model of “Lean Production”. But Toyota reoriented its organized kaizen activities toward the construction of more humanized production system during 1990s. This paper then shows this reorientation and the new direction by showing the case of Tahara No.1 plant. Through these discussions, I want to emphasize the importance of organized kaizen activities that group leaders, chief leaders and engineers are carrying out, and also the fact that their activities are now centered not only upon productivity increase but also upon the humanization of work.
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2004-12-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue3
Start Page 1
End Page 25
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002576151
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40529
Title Alternative Е. А. Тюрина,Первоначальный опыт планирования в СССР в 20−егоды.Перспективный план развития сельского хозяйства Наркомата земледелия РСФСР (1923/1924-1927/1928гг.)
FullText URL oer_036_2_071_085.pdf
Author Genka, Tomonori|
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2004-09-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue2
Start Page 71
End Page 85
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002576150
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40528
Title Alternative Human−Resources Management at a Chinese Carmaker Tianjin FAW Automobile
FullText URL oer_036_2_049_069.pdf
Author Ren, Ji|
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2004-09-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue2
Start Page 49
End Page 69
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002576149
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40527
FullText URL oer_036_2_035_048.pdf
Author Yokoo, Masanori|
Abstract This note considers a situation in which the publisher of an academic journal seeks to maintain the number of contributions to the journal by subsidizing the contributors with some incentive payments. We show that under the incentive payment scheme that distributes some pre−determined total amount of payments equally to each contributor (the constant total payment scheme), the number of contributions can fluctuate cyclically as well as chaotically over time when the potential contributors form adaptive expectations. Numerical simulations suggest, among other things, that the performance of the constant total payment scheme may be more efficient than the constant per−capita payment scheme when the total amount of payments is supposed to be small.
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2004-09-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue2
Start Page 35
End Page 48
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002576148
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40526
Title Alternative Regional differences in medical expenses for the elderly and the economic implications
FullText URL oer_036_2_015_034.pdf
Author Chino, Tetsuro| Sugino, Makoto|
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to clarify characteristics of regional differences in medical expenses for the elderly over the period 1983−1999 in Japan, and to propose a new hypothesis for explaining the differences from a viewpoint of property right theory. Under the Japanese healthcare delivery system, medical institutions coexist in spite of the various forms of their property rights, and provide a wide range of medical services. Throughout the period, regional differences in medical expenses per elderly person have been decreasing and still remained at the high level. With regard to inpatient medical expenses per elderly person, the maximum still exceed the twice of the minimum at the prefectural level. The empirical results show that private hospital institutions specialize in providing inpatient medical services for the elderly in the hospital sector, and the number of these hospitals is one of the major determinants for regional differences in inpatient medical expenses for the elderly.
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2004-09-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue2
Start Page 15
End Page 34
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002576147
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40525
Title Alternative Business, CEO, Employees and Ethics
FullText URL oer_036_2_001_013.pdf
Author Enomoto, Satoru|
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2004-09-10
Volume volume36
Issue issue2
Start Page 1
End Page 13
ISSN 0386-3069
Related Url http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/gakkai/
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002576146