Author Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Okayama University|
Published Date 2011-12-26
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Volume volume18
Issue issue1
Content Type Others
Author Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Okayama University|
Published Date 2010-12-24
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Volume volume17
Issue issue1
Content Type Others
Author Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Okayama University|
Published Date 2010-12-24
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Volume volume17
Issue issue1
Content Type Others
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/42460
Title Alternative Representation of Earth scientific information by the Google(TM) Earth
FullText URL esr_017_025_026.pdf
Author Yamakawa, Junji| Ebi, Takahiro| Matsumoto, Hirofumi|
Abstract The Google(TM) Earth is a GIS application provided by the Google, with versatile and high performance visualization and manipulation capability for geographic information. The Google Earth is also a multi-platform application, so the installation and running cost for research and education site is relatively low. The Earth scientific information also have a geographic information scheme, so the Google Earth has some potential to support the education and research field of the Earth science. In this report, some Earth scientific information were converted by the R-Language and its libraries for represent by the Google Earth. The 3-dimensional representation of the information will be able to support to understanding the specification of the data for the Earth scientific research and education field.
Keywords Earth scientific information GIS Google Earth Kriging R-Language
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Published Date 2010-12-24
Volume volume17
Issue issue1
Start Page 25
End Page 26
ISSN 1340-7414
language Japanese
Copyright Holders © 2010 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
File Version publisher
NAID 120002753318
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/42459
Title Alternative DGEM: Digital Geological Elevation Model
FullText URL esr_017_021_023.pdf
Author Yamakawa, Junji| Ebi, Takahiro| Matsumoto, Hirofumi|
Abstract DGEM, a Digital Geological Elevation Model, was developed using the digital geological map and the JPGIS DEM data with some GIS application and the R-Language. In the model, the information of the geological map was combined with the DEM by their coordinates. The integration of those two digital map was performed by the R-Language, so the model can be used by some useful presentation library of the language, such as the RGL, or by some geographical calculation libraries. Moreover, the DGEM will be used by the spatial statistical libraries of the R-Language to investigate some geological spatial distributed specifications.
Keywords Digital geological map DEM JPGIS QuantumGIS R-Language
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Published Date 2010-12-24
Volume volume17
Issue issue1
Start Page 21
End Page 23
ISSN 1340-7414
language Japanese
Copyright Holders © 2010 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
File Version publisher
NAID 120002753317
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/42458
Title Alternative Comparison of large-scale cloud distribution and atmospheric fields around the Akisame (autumn rainfall) front in East Asia among 1993, 1994 and 1995
FullText URL esr_017_007_019.pdf
Author Fukuda, Shigeko| Kato, Kuranoshin|
Abstract In order to examine year-to-year variability of the Akisame (autumn rainfall) frontal zone in East Asia, large-scale cloud distribution and atmospheric fields around the frontal zone were compared among 1993, 1994 and 1995, when their characteristics were rather different among each other. While the Akisame frontal zone extended zonally and the deep convective clouds tended to appear in that frontal zone near the southern coast of the Japan Islands in 1993, the frontal zone extends from southwest to northeast and the large amount of precipitation was brought mainly in the northern Japan. In 1995, although the surface front on the weather maps appeared frequently also around the southern coast of the Japan Islands, the rainfall amount there was not so large. The area with frequent appearance of the deep convective clouds in the Akisame frontal zone was seen only to the east of the Japan Islands. As such, it is noted that the active area of the Akisame frontal zone shows rather large year-to-year variability also in the zonal direction. It is also suggested that such great variability of the Akisame frontal zone in the zonal direction seems to correspond to the variations of the subtropical high and the ITCZ in the western Pacific region around September.
Keywords Akisame (autumn rainfall) front STFZ in early autumn year-to-year difference of Akisame front
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Published Date 2010-12-24
Volume volume17
Issue issue1
Start Page 7
End Page 19
ISSN 1340-7414
language Japanese
Copyright Holders © 2010 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
File Version publisher
NAID 120002753316
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/42457
Title Alternative 西南日本の熱変成超苦鉄質岩体中のかんらん石と輝石の組成変化に関する覚書
FullText URL esr_017_001_005.pdf
Author Nozaka, Toshio|
Abstract This short article presents some diagrams showing the compositional variations of primary and metamorphic olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene in peridotites and serpentinites from thermally metamorphosed ultramafic complexes in SW Japan. In contrast to olivine, which shows a gradual change of chemical composition corresponding with metamorphic grade, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene show clear differences in composition between primary and metamorphic phases. Compared with primary pyroxenes, even though their compositions could be variable depending on original rock composition, metamorphic orthopyroxene and metamorphic clinopyroxene is clearly deficient in Cr(2)O(3) and CaO, and in Cr(2)O(3) and Al(2)O(3), respectively. These characteristics are useful for the discrimination between the pyroxenes of different origin.
Keywords chemical composition olivine orthopyroxene clinopyroxene metaperidotite
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Published Date 2010-12-24
Volume volume17
Issue issue1
Start Page 1
End Page 5
ISSN 1340-7414
language English
Copyright Holders © 2010 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
File Version publisher
NAID 120002753315
Author Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Okayama University|
Published Date 2010-12-24
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Volume volume17
Issue issue1
Content Type Others
Author Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Okayama University|
Published Date 2010-12-24
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Volume volume17
Issue issue1
Content Type Others
Author Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Okayama University|
Published Date 2009-12-25
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Volume volume16
Issue issue1
Content Type Others
Author Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Okayama University|
Published Date 2009-12-25
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Volume volume16
Issue issue1
Content Type Others
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/19850
Title Alternative 岡山県に分布する白亜紀前期羽山層砕屑物質の供給源:砕屑粒の鉱物化学組成とモード組成から導かれる制約
FullText URL 016_029_042.pdf
Author Asiedu, Daniel K.| Suzuki, Shigeyuki| Shibata, Tsugio|
Abstract Petrographic and phase chemistry studies of detrital grains were carried out on sandstones from the Lower Cretaceous Hayama Formation, Inner Zone of Southwest Japan, to determine their provenance and the tectonic setting during the early Cretaceous. The results of the modal mineralogy suggest that the Hayama Formation has magmatic arc provenance and that deposition of the sediments took place in the back-arc areas with detritus mostly derived from the magmatic arc and rifted continental margins. The chemical compositions of chromian spinel, chlorite and sphene indicate that significant proportions of the detrital grains were derived from mafic and/or ultramafic sources. The source areas are the mafic and ophiolitic rocks in the Sangun-Renge and Akiyoshi terranes and the felsic volcanic rocks probably from either the Akiyoshi terrane or a source not presently exposed in southwest Japan. However, minor amounts of the detritus were derived from the basement rocks; i.e., carbonates and siliciclastic rocks of the Akiyoshi terrane and the metamorphosed mafic rocks of the Chizu terrane.
Keywords modal analysis sandstone mineral chemistry provenance Hayama Formation
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Published Date 2009-12-25
Volume volume16
Issue issue1
Start Page 29
End Page 42
ISSN 1340-7414
language English
Copyright Holders 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
File Version publisher
NAID 120002309000
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/19849
Title Alternative ガーナ,アシャンティ火山帯南部に分布する古原生代変火山岩類のSr-Nd 同位体組成
FullText URL 016_009_028.pdf
Author Dampare, Samuel| Shibata, Tsugio| Asiedu, Daniel| Okano, Osamu| Manu, Johnson| Sakyi, Patrick|
Abstract Neodymium (Nd) and strontium (Sr) isotopic data are presented for Paleoproterozoic metavolcanic rocks in the southern part of the Ashanti volcanic belt of Ghana. The metavolcanic rocks are predominantly basalts/basaltic andesites and andesites with minor dacites. Two types of basalts/basaltic andesites (B/A), Type I and Type II, have been identified. The Type I B/A are stratigraphically overlain by the Type II B/A, followed by the andesites and the dacites. The analyzed volcanic rocks commonly have low initial (87)Sr/(86)Sr ratios consistent with previous studies on Paleoproterozoic rocks from the West African craton. The LREE-depleted, tholeiitic Type I B/A exhibit back-arc basin geochemical signatures and show high positive epsilon Nd (i.e., ε(Nd) (2.1 Ga) = +3.89 to +7.21), which suggest a long term depleted source and also indicate that they were produced in an entirely oceanic environment devoid of influence of continental crust. The isotope signatures are thus consistent with the previously published trace element data of the Type I basalts/basaltic andesites in suggesting that their parent magma was generated from a depleted mantle. The Type I B/A have Nd model ages (T(DM2)) of 1.83–2.09 Ga similar to their formation ages, suggesting that they were juvenile at their time of formation. The andesites and the Type II B/A andesites show LREE-enriched patterns and exhibit characteristics of subduction zone-related magmas, and show initial ε(Nd) (2.1Ga) values of –1.15 to + 1.35 and Nd model ages (T(DM2)) of 2.32–2.58 Ga. The LREE-enriched dacitic porphyry also exhibits characteristics of subduction zone-related magmas, and have initial ε(Nd) (2.1Ga) value of –2.24 and Nd model ages (T(DM2)) of 2.64 Ga. The Nd isotopic data confirms the juvenile character of the Birimian crust, but also suggests some contributions of a pre-Birimian crustal material (or Archean?) in the genesis of some of the metavolcanic rocks. Our isotopic result is consistent with the island arc complex model which views Paleoproteozoic terranes of West Africa in the context of subduction–accretion processes.
Keywords Sr–Nd isotopes petrogenesis tectonic setting Birimian metavolcanics Ashanti volcanic belt
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Published Date 2009-12-25
Volume volume16
Issue issue1
Start Page 9
End Page 28
ISSN 1340-7414
language English
Copyright Holders 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308985
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/19848
Title Alternative The first Japanese word "chishitsu-gaku" for the "geology" was proposed by Genpo Mitsukuri (1799-1863)
FullText URL 016_001_007.pdf
Author Okada, Hakuyu| Suzuki, Shigeyuki|
Abstract The first Japanese word "chishitsu-gaku" for the "geology" was proposed by Genpo Mitsukuri, a scientific contributor in the Tokugawa regime in the 19th century, who was born in 1799 in Tsuyama in Western Honshu, Japan and had worked for scientific activities of the Tokugawa government from 1839 to 1863. His major works for the first making of the "chishitsu-gaku" for the "geology" have been presented in this paper, also showing his contribution to Japanese sciences.
Keywords Genpo Mitsukuri "chishitsu-gaku" 19th century
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Published Date 2009-12-25
Volume volume16
Issue issue1
Start Page 1
End Page 7
ISSN 1340-7414
language Japanese
Copyright Holders 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
File Version publisher
NAID 120002309076
Author Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Okayama University|
Published Date 2009-12-25
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Volume volume16
Issue issue1
Content Type Others
Author Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Okayama University|
Published Date 2009-12-25
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Volume volume16
Issue issue1
Content Type Others
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/15034
Title Alternative 中国寧夏地域における日照時間から日積算日射量の推定
FullText URL 015_079_086.pdf
Author Yang, Qin| Tsukamoto, Osamu|
Abstract For the estimation of daily solar radiation from sunshine duration, observation data of Yinchuan station in Ningxia, China was used. Using a linear relationship between solar radiation and extraterrestrial radiation including relative sunshine duration and daylength, we obtained local coefficients s a =0.18, s b =0.62 from past five years data(1981-1985). Using the same method, coefficients for Guyuan region were confirmed too as a representative of south part of Ningxia province. Applying the local coefficients and calculation formula of solar radiation, we validated daily solar radiation of two years(1986-1987) of Yinchuan station and four years(1991-1994) of Guyuan station. The results showed high correlation coefficients of R2=0.94 in Yinchuan and R2=0.85 in Guyuan. Error analysis was applied using mean bias error(MBE), mean absolute bias error(MABE), root mean square error(RMSE),mean absolute percentage error(MAPE) on solar radiation of Yinchuan(1973-2006) and Guyuan(1986-2006) stations. Results showed that mean absolute bias error(MABE) was less than 13% and 17% in Yinchuan station and Guyuan station respectively. Then we have applied this method to the estimation of daily solar radiation at ‘Yongning’ station(near Yinchan) with the sunshine duration data at ‘Yongning’. The estimated values were compared with observed daily solar radiation at Yinchuan as past twelve years data(1989-2000). The results showed good linear relationship with high correlation coefficient of R2= 0.88.
Keywords Daily solar radiation Extraterrestrial radiation Relative sunshine duration Local coefficient
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Published Date 2009-03-31
Volume volume15
Issue issue1
Start Page 79
End Page 86
ISSN 1340-7414
language English
Copyright Holders 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
File Version publisher
NAID 120002307142
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/15033
Title Alternative Climatological study on large-scale situation associated with the cool summer around the Northeastern Japan in 1990s (in comparison with that in 1970s)
FullText URL 015_067_077.pdf
Author Senoo, Yukari| Kato, Kuranoshin|
Abstract It is pointed out by the previous studies that the Baiu front tends to stagnate around the Japan Islands even in midsummer season in 1990s, although the global warming is going on. The present study examined the climatological features of the appearance of daily fronts on the surface weather maps and the large-scale factors associated with the activity of the polar frontal zone to the north of the Baiu frontal zone based on the observational data in the summer of 1971-2000. It was found that the midsummer when the Baiu front tends to stagnate around the Japan Islands appeared rather frequently in 1970s as in 1990s. However, the baroclinicity around the Eurasian polar frontal zone was stronger in 1970s than in 1990s. Thus while the fronts around the Japan Islands in midsummer were greatly due to the southward invasion of cold front associated with the disturbances on the polar frontal zone in 1970s, the Okhotsk High tends to stagnates to the northeast of the fronts around the Japan Islands in 1990s.
Keywords Abnormal weather in summer Climate system in East Asia Cool summer Climate variation
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Published Date 2009-03-31
Volume volume15
Issue issue1
Start Page 67
End Page 77
ISSN 1340-7414
language Japanese
Copyright Holders 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
File Version publisher
NAID 120002307910
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/15025
Title Alternative Morphology and Anatomy of Holocene Raised Coral Reef Terraces in Kodakara Island, Tokara Islands, northwestern Pacific, Japan
FullText URL 015_033_065.pdf
Author Hamanaka, Nozomu| Kan, Hironobu| Nakashima, Yosuke| Hori, Nobuyuki| Okamoto, Takehiro| Ohashi, Tomoya| Adachi, Hiroshi|
Abstract Well-developed Holocene raised coral reef terraces are formed in Kodakara Island (29°13'N 129°19'E), Tokara Islands, northwestern Pacific, Japan. Detailed morphology and sedimentary structure of the raised reef terraces are observed by field survey through the terraces surface and core drillings. The Holocene raised reef in Kodakara Island are divided into three terraces (TI to III). The surface geo-biological facies and paleo-morphology such as spur and groove system or reef mounds are well preserved on these terraces. The raised coral reefs in Kodakara Island consist of reef flats and reef slopes. No lagoon formed in these terraces. On the raised reef surface, we observed five distinct reefal facies (S-f1-5). The platy and encrusting Acropora facies is the major constituent of the terrace surfaces. We obtained seven drilling cores (B1 to 7) from Terraces I and II along a transect in the southern part of the island. The thickness of the Holocene reef is more than 14m which is approximately equivalent to the Holocene reefs in the middle and southern Ryukyu Islands. Sedimentary structure consists of seven facies (C-f1-7: five reefal and two non-reefal facies). The drilling cores indicating the shallowing sequence at the upward of the cores which characterized by platy-encrusting Acropora facies overlying massive Porites, favid and/or encrusting-foliaceous coral facies. It may indicate the environmental change such as wave-energy gradients and turbidity during the reef development.
Keywords Holocene coral reef terrace drilling sedimentary structure Tokara Islands northwestern Pacific
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Published Date 2009-03-31
Volume volume15
Issue issue1
Start Page 33
End Page 65
ISSN 1340-7414
language Japanese
Copyright Holders 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
File Version publisher
NAID 120002308005
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/15024
Title Alternative Microscopic observations of the recent soils: a step for understanding the paleosols
FullText URL 015_009_032.pdf
Author 福地 亮| Suzuki, Shigeyuki|
Abstract The microscopic observations of the recent soil horizons were conducted in Okayama, Japan (moderate climate). The several soil horizons, including two surface (epipedon) and three subsurface horizons, were recognized in the forest, poorly vegetated hill, and riverside around the Okayama University. The umbric epipedon can be segregated from the organic-rich subsurface horizons by the scattered organic materials in thin sections. The ochrich epipedon shows the sandy matrix without any cements and the illuviation of clay minerals. The subsurface horizons identified in the study area are as follows: albic, argillic, and cambic horizons. Each subsurface horizon shows the specific structures in thin sections. The albic horizon is characterized by the absence of the illuviation. The argillic horizon definitely shows the clayey matrix and the illuviation of clay minerals. The primary structures may be retained in the cambic horizon. The microscopic examination of the Miocene paleosols from the Ukan-cho, Okayama, was attempted. By comparing the recent soils, the cambic horizon and spodic horizon, which is characterized by the concentration of sesquioxides, are identified in the paleosols. This attempt suggests that the microscopic observations of the recent soils is a useful guide to understanding the paleosols
Keywords soil paleosol soil horizon soil structure microscopic observation
Publication Title Okayama University Earth Science Report
Published Date 2009-03-31
Volume volume15
Issue issue1
Start Page 9
End Page 32
ISSN 1340-7414
language Japanese
Copyright Holders 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
File Version publisher
NAID 120002307964