Title Alternative Difficulties in school life can be seen from the medical records of patients with gender dysphoria
FullText URL hyky_20_39.pdf
Author 天野 佑美| 佐々木 新| 松本 洋輔| 大守 伊織|
Abstract A school should be a place where every child can feel comfortable and safe. We aimed to shed light upon difficulties in school life in children with gender dysphoria (GD) and find a way to support them. We extracted the episodes in school life from the medical records of 59 patients with GD. They suffered from using gender segregated bookbags, school uniforms, swimming wears, and bathrooms. Sex education was not enough for them to understand GD. Children with male-to-female GD were bullied at school more often than those with female-to-male GD. Teachers should take note of children with GD, and should provide necessary supports in their school life, including the facilities and their relationships with their peers.
Keywords gender dysphoria gender identity disorder school education gender and sexual diversity difficulties
Publication Title 教育実践学論集
Published Date 2019-03
Issue issue20
Start Page 39
End Page 48
ISSN 2433-1791
Related Url isVersionOf http://hdl.handle.net/10132/17792
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative Development of teaching materials on water color using a plastic pipe as a long path cell : their applications to elementary science lessons
FullText URL hyky_19_191.pdf
Author MIYAZAKI, Yui| AJIMI, Tsubasa| KITA, Masakazu|
Abstract  Water is an essential substance for living things. Topic on water are at grades 3-6 in elementary science. The roles and functions of water (erosion, accumulation, transportation), germination and growth of plants, etc. On the other hand, the properties of water are not treated except physical change like boiling, evaporation, freezing, etc.
 The color, taste, and smell of water are not discussed in elementary science. This research proposes that the color of water because an excellent theme for inquire based leaning. We have developed a suitable and low cost teaching material for the water color. Furthermore, we have conducted a few lessons with the teaching materials to examine the appropriateness.
Keywords Transmission excited vibrational state of molecule Long light path cell Absorption of light
Publication Title 教育実践学論集
Published Date 2018-03
Issue issue19
Start Page 191
End Page 196
ISSN 2433-1791
Related Url isVersionOf http://hdl.handle.net/10132/17608
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120006455118
Title Alternative 音韻符号化効率及び作動記憶容量と読解力の関係 ―日本人高校生の場合―
FullText URL Journ_Sci_Sch_007_041_050.pdf
Author Miyasako, Nobuyoshi| Takatsuka, Shigenobu|
Abstract This article investigated into differences between first- and third-year senior high school students concerning: (a) the efficiencies of phonological coding and working memory capacities; and (b) the relationships of these two variables with reading comprehension. Also explored was whether the relationships were reflected in word-retaining strategies of the first-year students in the reading span tests for measuring working melnory capacities. The findings were: (a) students may improve their working memory capacities but may not improve the efficiencies of phonological coding during the first two years of senior high school; (b) the efficiency of phonological coding contributes to reading cOlnprehension more greatly for first-year students, but working metllory capacity contributes to reading comprehension for third-year students; and (c) the word-retaining strategies of first-year students reflect the relationships between the two variables and reading comprehension. The reasons for these findings were discussed and pedagogical implications were shown.
Keywords phonological coding (音韻符号化) working memory capacity (作動記憶容量) reading comprehension (読解力)
Publication Title 教育実践学論集
Published Date 2006-03
Volume volume7
Start Page 41
End Page 50
ISSN 1345-5184
language English
File Version publisher
Title Alternative 対話型ジャーナルから見たライティング初心者の日本人大学生が直面する困難とその支援
FullText URL Journ_Sci_Sch_010_103_112.pdf
Author Kondo, Yoshiko| Takatsuka, Shigenobu| Gardner, Scott|
Abstract プロセスライティング法を使った2005年から2007年の日本の大学での英文ライティングの授業で,初級クラスの学生による, ライティング前/ ライティング/ ライティング後のそれぞれのプロセスにおけるトピックの選定, ブレインストーミング,アイデアの構成,初稿作成,ピアレビュー,書き直し,最終稿作成といった段階に関連して対話型ジャーナル(感想の記録)を書く課題の分析を通して, ライティング初心者の日本人大学生が直面する問超を考察した。その結果, ライティング初心者はそれぞれの段階において様々な問題をかかえることが明らかになった。これらの問題を軽減するために必要なライティング指導について論じる。
Keywords 対話型ジャーナル ライティング初心者 ライティングの困難点 EFLライティング指導
Publication Title 教育実践学論集
Published Date 2009
Volume volume10
Start Page 103
End Page 112
ISSN 1345-5184
language English
File Version publisher
Author Zeng, Gang| Yoshida, Tatsuhiro| Takatsuka, Shigenobu|
Published Date 2008-03
Publication Title 教育実践学論集
Volume volume9
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper