JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/41925
Title Alternative Beyond the Aggregate Equalities Recently Revived in the Theory of Production-Prices (I)
FullText URL oer_021_3_151_180.pdf
Author Wada, Yutaka|
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 1989-11-30
Volume volume21
Issue issue3
Start Page 151
End Page 180
ISSN 0386-3069
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002722930
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/41868
Title Alternative Beyond the Aggregate Equalities Recently Revived in the Theory of Production-Prices (II)
FullText URL oer_022_1_091_106.pdf
Author Wada, Yutaka|
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 1990-05-30
Volume volume22
Issue issue1
Start Page 91
End Page 106
ISSN 0386-3069
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002722915
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/41894
Title Alternative Productive and Unproductive Labour in the Reproduction of Capitalist Society
FullText URL oer_022_3-4_261_272.pdf
Author Wada, Yutaka|
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 1991-02-26
Volume volume22
Issue issue3-4
Start Page 261
End Page 272
ISSN 0386-3069
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002722887
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/41763
Title Alternative Money from the Marxian Theory of Labour-Process
FullText URL oer_025_3_299_314.pdf
Author Wada, Yutaka|
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 1994-02-25
Volume volume25
Issue issue3
Start Page 299
End Page 314
ISSN 0386-3069
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 110000129707
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/41728
Title Alternative Prices from a Marxian Theory of Unequal Exchange
FullText URL oer_026_3-4_309_324.pdf
Author Wada, Yutaka|
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 1995-03-10
Volume volume26
Issue issue3-4
Start Page 309
End Page 324
ISSN 0386-3069
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 110000129784
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/41626
Title Alternative Labour-values of Joint Products in the Analysis of Unequal Exchange ofEmbodied Labour
FullText URL oer_028_2_127_142.pdf
Author Wada, Yutaka|
Abstract According to the standard version ofthe labour theory of value, labourvalue of a product is defined as the social average of the amounts of labour embodied in the homogeneous products on the supposition that the scale of the production is appropriate to the social demand for the products. In case of joint products, the amount of labour directly and indirectly necessary for their production needs to be divided among individual joint products before calculating the average. In the labour division, the composition of demands for heterogeneous joint products must be considered because it will be different from the composition of the products which is fundamentally determined by the technical relations of production. The labour division among joint products, therefore; is understandable through two logical phases. First, without any consideration for the gap between demand and production peculiar to joint products, the amount of labour necessary for production is divided equally among categories of homogeneous joint products. Second, the division of necessary labour is modified by the consideration for the gap. The labour divided into unsold products is divided again among other joint products sold in higher proportions to production because the former are the useless by-products of the latter. The amount of labour commanded by each joint product may be further deviated from the average of its embodied labour after the modification. Labour-values of joint products should include the part of deviations which reflects the reduction of the gap at the markets.
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 1996-08-28
Volume volume28
Issue issue2
Start Page 127
End Page 142
ISSN 0386-3069
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 110000129837
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/41641
Title Alternative Joint Products and the Equal Division Rule of Embodied Labour
FullText URL oer_028_3_095_105.pdf
Author Wada, Yutaka|
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 1996-12-05
Volume volume28
Issue issue3
Start Page 95
End Page 105
ISSN 0386-3069
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 110000129844
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/41656
Title Alternative Four Types of Demonstration of the Necessity of Money
FullText URL oer_028_4_275_292.pdf
Author Wada, Yutaka|
Abstract In this paper, Marxian attempts to demonstrate the necessity of money in market economy are classified into the four types of theory as follows : (1) one which focuses on money as the measure of value and does not use the concept of labour-value in the demonstration (2) one which focuses on money as the means of circulation and uses the concept of labour-value in the demonstration (3) one which focuses on money as the means of circulation and does not use the concept of labour-value in the demonstration (4) one which focuses on money as the measure of value and uses the concept of labour-value in the demonstration. The author thinks that the second type of theory should be adopted for two reasons. First, the concept of labour-value makes it possible to find out what set of social relations among individual labours makes money necessary as a means of social reproduction. Second, money as the measure of value can be meaningful only in an economy where money as the means of circulation is necessitated by indirect exchanges of commodities.
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 1997-03-10
Volume volume28
Issue issue4
Start Page 275
End Page 292
ISSN 0386-3069
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 110000129860
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/41571
Title Alternative Actual Meaning ofthe Aggregate Equality and Inequalities in the Transformation Problem
FullText URL oer_030_4_213_237.pdf
Author Wada, Yutaka|
Abstract Three aggregate equalities have been discussed in the transformation problem in Marxian economics: total value =total price of production; total surplus value = total profit; total value product = total revenue. Marx thought that all the aggregate equalities hold simultaneously but nowadays the following three views are opposed to each other: (1) One which denies all the aggregate equalities (2) One which holds anyone ofthe aggregate equalities (3) One which holds any two or three ofthe aggregate equalities. The first and the second views do not need any modification of the definition ofvalue and / or price ofproduction whereas the last view does. The author takes the second view to assume total value = total price of production for the analysis of unequal exchange of embodied labour. The other two aggregate equalities do not hold under the assumption. The author insists that it does not mean the failure of the labour theory of value because the inequality between total surplus value and total profit as well as the inequality between total value product and total revenue indicate the possibility of additional unequal exchanges of embodied labour beyond the redistribution of surplus value among capitals.
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 1999-03-10
Volume volume30
Issue issue4
Start Page 213
End Page 237
ISSN 0386-3069
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 110000129975
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/41555
Title Alternative Recent Debate on the Transformation Problem in Western Countries
FullText URL oer_030_3_247_270.pdf
Author Wada, Yutaka|
Abstract This paper makes a brief survey of the debate on the transformation problem in Western countries during the last decade. Many studies on the problem at this period have strong concern for the 'New Approach' proposed by Dumenil, Foley and Lipietz in 1980's and various evaluations of the 'New Approach' exist which are quite far from reaching any consensus. Szumski, Carchedi and Haan, for example, try to solve the problem in their criticisms ofthe 'New Approach'. Such situation reflects different views of the transformation problem. While the advocates of the 'New Approach' want to analyse the income distribution between capital and labour, its critics tend to consider prices of production as a consequence of capitalistic unequal exchanges of labour. According to the author, the second view is more appropriate on the transformation problem. The ultimate origin of incomes can be generally sought to productive labour expenses without introducing prices of production but the levels of incomes can be determined only after investigating prices ofproduction concretely. The author also points out that the debate in 90's has not progressed so rapidly as in and before 80's.
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 1999-03-10
Volume volume30
Issue issue3
Start Page 247
End Page 270
ISSN 0386-3069
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 110000129955
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/41490
Title Alternative Unequal Exchanges of Embodied Labour under Prices of Production
FullText URL oer_031_1_157_169.pdf
Author Wada, Yutaka|
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 1999-06-10
Volume volume31
Issue issue1
Start Page 157
End Page 169
ISSN 0386-3069
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 110000129997
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/41524
Title Alternative Money and the Labour Theory of Value in Yukio Itoh's Work
FullText URL oer_031_4_325_345.pdf
Author Wada, Yutaka|
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2000-03-10
Volume volume31
Issue issue4
Start Page 325
End Page 345
ISSN 0386-3069
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 110000130026
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40610
Title Alternative Hypothetical Character and Actual Foundation of the Concept of Labour−Value
FullText URL oer_033_1_053_065.pdf
Author Wada, Yutaka|
Abstract The subject of this paper is to reveal the hypothetical character of labour−values of commodities based on the precise determination of the concept of labour−value. Labour−values of commodities are not the actual labour embodied in the commodities but the necessary labour to reproduce them under socially averaged conditions of production. The substance and the following three features of labour−values give the concept hypothetical character which has often been overlooked conventionally. (1) Labour−value of each commodity takes the form of labour commanded by the proportional money to the social necessary labour of the commodity and the command of labour by money stays in potentiality before the money is actually expended. (2) The aggregated amount of labour−value of commodities in an economy for a given period is more than that of labour necessary to reproduce the commodities under socially averaged conditions of production because the labour−values of commodities often constitute the parts of labour−values of other commodities as means of production. (3) The aggregated amount of labour−value of commodities in a department for a given period is not equal to that of labour necessary to reproduce the commodities under individual conditions of production because the compositions of homogeneous means of production are variable in each individual process of production and the variations necessarily cancel out neither in their own department nor in the economy as a whole. The hypothetical character of labour−value, however, does not mean the concept useless or unrealistic. Labour−values of commodities can indicate the unequal exchanges of labour under their equilibrium prices in a pure market economy, which exit behind the market prices of commodities as the centres of their fluctuations.
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2001-06-10
Volume volume33
Issue issue1
Start Page 53
End Page 65
ISSN 0386-3069
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002674480
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/40931
Title Alternative Synchrony and Diachrony of the Concept of Labour-Value
FullText URL oer_033_2_035_047.pdf
Author Wada, Yutaka|
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2001-09-10
Volume volume33
Issue issue2
Start Page 35
End Page 47
ISSN 0386-3069
language Greek
File Version publisher
NAID 110000130104