JaLCDOI 10.18926/fest/11458
Title Alternative Numerical Simulation of a Flow Induced by a Pumping-up Facilities in a Lake
FullText URL 009_065_068.pdf
Author Suito, Hiroshi| Nouka, Masakatsu|
Abstract The purpose of this research is solving the flow in a lake which caused by a fan who rotates at the low speed set on the water surface for the purpose of water quality purification of a lake. Although it is shown clearly by various experiments that the water quality in a lake improved by operation of this kind of equipment, the mechanism of the flow was not fully understood. In this research simulation of the flow which was caused by this equipment was carried out numerically, and the aspect of the flow corresponding to various conditions or the form of a lake was investigated.
Keywords Fluid dynamics Numerical simulation
Publication Title 岡山大学環境理工学部研究報告
Published Date 2004-02-27
Volume volume9
Issue issue1
Start Page 65
End Page 68
ISSN 1341-9099
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002313524
Author Kurosaki, Yuji| Tagawa, Masahiro| Omoto, Akiho| Suito, Hiroshi| Komori, Yukiko| Kawasaki, Hiromu| Aiba, Tetsuya|
Published Date 2008-05-22
Publication Title International Journal of Pharmaceutics
Volume volume343
Content Type Journal Article
Author SUITO, Hiroshi| HUTTULA, Timo|
Published Date 2014-06
Publication Title SYKE-OU Project Report
Content Type Research Paper
Author HUTTULA, Timo| SUITO, Hiroshi|
Published Date 2014-06
Publication Title SYKE-OU Project Report
Content Type Research Paper
Author SUITO, Hiroshi| KOBAYASHI, Mika| LIUKKO, Ninni| HUTTULA, Timo|
Published Date 2014-06
Publication Title SYKE-OU Project Report
Content Type Research Paper
Author OKUBO, Kenji| HUTTULA, Timo| SUITO, Hiroshi| ROPPONEN, Janne| MANO, Akiko| NAKAZAWA, Takashi|
Published Date 2014-06
Publication Title SYKE-OU Project Report
Content Type Research Paper
Author MORIFUJI, Shinya| SUITO, Hiroshi| ROPPONEN, Janne| OKUBO, Kenji|
Published Date 2014-06
Publication Title SYKE-OU Project Report
Content Type Research Paper
Author ODA, Makiko| KOLJONEN, Saija| ISHIOKA, Fumio| ALHO, Petteri| SUITO, Hiroshi| HUTTULA, Timo| KURIHARA, Koji|
Published Date 2014-06
Publication Title SYKE-OU Project Report
Content Type Research Paper
Author ODA, Makiko| LEPPÄNEN, Matti| KARJALAINEN, Anna| KARJALAINEN, Satu-Maaria| SUITO, Hiroshi| HUTTULA, Timo|
Published Date 2014-06
Publication Title SYKE-OU Project Report
Content Type Research Paper
Author SUITO, Hiroshi| HUTTULA, Timo|
Published Date 2014-06
Publication Title SYKE-OU Project Report
Content Type Research Paper
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Ohara, Toshiaki| Ikeda, Hiroshi| Sugitani, Yoshiki| Suito, Hiroshi| Huynh, Viet Quang Huy| Kinomura, Masaru| Haraguchi, Soichiro| Sakurama, Kazufumi|
Keywords anemia artificial intelligence chronic kidney disease erythropoiesis-stimulating agents hemodialysis iron
Published Date 2021-02-22
Publication Title International Journal of Medical Sciences
Volume volume18
Issue issue8
Publisher Ivyspring International Publisher
Start Page 1831
End Page 1839
ISSN 1449-1907
NCID AA1197928X
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © The author(s).
File Version publisher
DOI 10.7150/ijms.53298
Related Url isVersionOf https://www.medsci.org/v18p1831.htm