JaLCDOI 10.18926/49293
Title Alternative Student Exchange Program with University of Shanghai for Science and Technology - Present and Future
FullText URL bhe_008_081_102.pdf
Author Kaji, Toshiyuki| Sakai, Mineo|
Abstract 岡山大学と上海理工大学との交流の一環として、相互に研修生を派遣する語学文化研修 プログラムが始まって二年になろうとしている。独自に築きあげた日本語教授法を中心に 本プログラムを紹介し、今後の展望についても論ずる。
Keywords 交流プロジェクト 日本語能力 コースデザイン プロジェクトワーク     短期語学文化研修
Publication Title 大学教育研究紀要
Published Date 2012-12-31
Volume volume8
Start Page 81
End Page 102
ISSN 1881-5952
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120005232350
JaLCDOI 10.18926/49294
Title Alternative An Evaluation Way for Assessing Speaking and Writing Abilities With Commonly Based Evaluation Items
FullText URL bhe_008_103_122.pdf
Author Sakai, Mineo|
Abstract This paper shows the reflections, based on Relevance Theory and consumers’ point of view, on two important elements such as Evaluation Items and Criteria for Grading Levels, to evaluate especially international students’ speaking and writing proficiencies among Japanese language learners. Concerning the speaking, grounding on Relevance Theory and consumers’ point of view,(1)we found out Evaluation Items to assess the speaking proficiency, and(2)we showed Criteria for Grading Levels based on these Evaluation Items. Concerning the writing, grounding on Evaluation Items of speaking(, 3) we picked up Evaluation Items of writing, and(4)we proposed Criteria for Grading Levels of writing through Evaluation Items of writing. Consequently, this work could let us propose commonly based Evaluation Items of speaking and writing more coherently and comprehensively generalized way.
Keywords プレースメント・テスト 話す・書く 関連性理論 評価項目 レベル判定基準
Publication Title 大学教育研究紀要
Published Date 2012-12-31
Volume volume8
Start Page 103
End Page 122
ISSN 1881-5952
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120005232351