JaLCDOI 10.18926/fest/11615
FullText URL 001_077_089.pdf
Author Okubo, Kenji| Morikawa, Hiroshi| Kimoto, Takashi| Tanaka, Yuji|
Abstract Thermal 'staircase', a layer of constant temperature between the sheets of the steep gradients, was formed in the seasonal thermocline, which was 2.5 m above the bottom at a point of 18 m deep on the boundary slope in Lake Biwa. Following a sediment resuspension event when a moderate onshore wind blew, bed materials should be suspended up to the thermocline, then settled down forming a staircase above the turbid intrusion. Comparing the observed downward hear flux with the settling flux of sediment, it was found that double-diffusive convection would play an important role on the formation of the whole structure consisting of the staircase and turbid intrusion along with chemical anomalies and dense population of phytoplankters, which were fed by nutrients supplied from the bottom sediment under a typical condition of drought. Laboratory experiments were conducted to demonstrate the thermal and sediment processes in the stratified lake. Resuspension process due to surface and internal waves was examined using a tank with a sloping bottom, while the settling process was investigated by using a deep, diffusive tank. Formative process and scales of the staircase and intrusion were discussed relating with the intensity of resuspension and the buoyancy fluxes.
Publication Title 岡山大学環境理工学部研究報告
Published Date 1996-03
Volume volume1
Issue issue1
Start Page 77
End Page 89
ISSN 1341-9099
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002313571
JaLCDOI 10.18926/fest/11568
FullText URL 003_097_104.pdf
Author Hassan Muhammad Qumrul| Okubo, Kenji|
Abstract Surface air temperature distribution over the Ganges Delta Region of southwest Bangladesh and its tendency of warming are discussed through the analyses based upon the long-term temperature data from 1900-93. The data consist of two parts corresponding to the time-periods: 1973-93 and 1900-72. The study area is one of most affected places by the annual monsoon hydrological cycle and the present observation from these temperature data indicate that the surface air temperature gradient in the north-south direction is significant in the rainy season and that the temperature of the region is at an increasing tendency; the warming rate during the data periods (1900-93) on the long-term mean annual basis is estimated as 0.77℃ at Satkhira of the Khulna division and 0.29℃ as an areal average including the Barisal division, for the time difference of about half a century between the data periods before and after 1972.
Publication Title 岡山大学環境理工学部研究報告
Published Date 1998-01-14
Volume volume3
Issue issue1
Start Page 97
End Page 104
ISSN 1341-9099
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002313675
Author WU, Ting Feng| OKUBO, Kenji| HUTTULA, Timo| ROPPONEN, Janne|
Published Date 2014-06
Publication Title SYKE-OU Project Report
Content Type Research Paper
Author OKUBO, Kenji| KOSKIAHO, Jari| VENTELÄ, Anne-Mari| HUTTULA, Timo|
Published Date 2014-06
Publication Title SYKE-OU Project Report
Content Type Research Paper
Author NISHIMURA, Shin-ichi| OKUBO, Kenji| MORITA, Hidenori| KOSKIAHO, Jari| TATTARI, Sirrka|
Published Date 2014-06
Publication Title SYKE-OU Project Report
Content Type Research Paper
Author MORIFUJI, Shinya| SUITO, Hiroshi| ROPPONEN, Janne| OKUBO, Kenji|
Published Date 2014-06
Publication Title SYKE-OU Project Report
Content Type Research Paper
Author OKUBO, Kenji| HUTTULA, Timo| SUITO, Hiroshi| ROPPONEN, Janne| MANO, Akiko| NAKAZAWA, Takashi|
Published Date 2014-06
Publication Title SYKE-OU Project Report
Content Type Research Paper
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Le Tien, Huu| Okubo, Kenji| Ho Thi, Phuong| Saito, Mitsuyo|
Published Date 2020
Publication Title Hydrological Research Letters
Volume volume14
Issue issue4
Publisher Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources
Start Page 143
End Page 149
ISSN 1882-3416
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © 2020 The Author(s)
File Version publisher
DOI 10.3178/hrl.14.143
Web of Science KeyUT 000610197100004
Related Url isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.3178/hrl.14.143