ID | 61566 |
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Title Alternative | The Effects of Taking a Class on Knowledge about Sexual and Gender Minorities and Homophobia
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Author |
NODA, Yukina
Student at the Graduate School of Education, Okayama University
YAMADA, Tsuyoshi
Graduate School of Urban Social and Cultural Studies, Yokohama City University
Abstract | 本研究の目的は,性的マイノリティへの関心やレディネスが備わっていない場合であっても授業を受けることにより性的マイノリティへの受容感や知識及び自身の知識に対する自信が変化するかどうかを明らかにすることである。方法は,教員志望の学生を対象に 100分の授業を実施した。調査項目は,性的マイノリティに関する知識量および正答確信度と同性愛者受容感尺度であった。結果は,授業を受けることで,有意に性的マイノリティに関する知識量が増え,同性愛者への受容感が高まることが分かった。しかし,受容感に対する授業の効果量は僅かであった。正答確信度に関しては,授業前は,誤った知識をもっている人ほど自分の知識に自信をもっていたが,授業後は,正しい知識を持っている人ほど自分の知識に自信を持っているという正の相関へ転じた。以上の結果から,性的マイノリティに対する受容感を高める効果的な授業の方法を模索していく必要があると考えられた。
抄録(別言語) | The purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of taking a class on knowledge about sexual and gender minorities, confidence in one's own knowledge, and levels of homophobia. We measured the amount of knowledge students had about sexual and gender minorities, students’ confidence in answering the questionnaires correctly, and their levels of homophobia. The results showed that taking a class about sexual and gender minorities significantly increased the amount of knowledge students had about sexual and gender minorities and decreased their homophobia. However, the effect size in the level of homophobia was very small. As for the students’ confidence of their correct answers, before the class, those who had incorrect knowledge about sexual and gender minorities were more confident in their knowledge, but after the class, those who had correct knowledge were more confident in their knowledge, a positive correlation. Based on these results, it is necessary to find an effective way to decrease homophobia.
Keywords | 性的マイノリティ (sexual and gender minority)
性の多様性 (diversity of sexuality)
教育 (education)
Publication Title |
Bulletin of Center for Teacher Education and Development, Okayama University
Published Date | 2021-03-22
Volume | volume11
Publisher | 岡山大学教師教育開発センター
Publisher Alternative | Center for Teacher Education and Development, Okayama University
Start Page | 75
End Page | 88
ISSN | 2186-1323
Content Type |
Departmental Bulletin Paper
language |
Copyright Holders | Copyright © 2021 岡山大学教師教育開発センター
File Version | publisher
Eprints Journal Name | cted