JaLCDOI 10.18926/okadai-bun-kiyou/66164
Title Alternative Complexity in Mermaid Constructions in Tagalog
FullText URL jfl_076_013_032.pdf
Author Katagiri, Masumi|
Publication Title Journal of the Faculty of Letters Okayama University
Published Date 2023-12-15
Volume volume76
Start Page 13
End Page 32
ISSN 0285-4864
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Author Katagiri, Masumi|
Published Date 2014-07-31
Publication Title 岡山大学文学部プロジェクト研究報告書
Volume volume22
Content Type Research Paper
Author Katagiri, Masumi|
Published Date 2006
Publication Title 岡山大学文学部プロジェクト研究報告書
Volume volume2006
Issue issue2
Content Type Research Paper
Author 片桐 真澄|
Published Date 2003
Publication Title 文化共生学研究
Volume volume1
Issue issue1
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
JaLCDOI 10.18926/1711