ID | 15251 |
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Title Alternative | Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) and potential leathal damage repair (PLDR) of heavy-ion beam
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Author |
Kawasaki, Shoji
Shibuya, Koichi
Kaken ID
小松 めぐみ
Hiraki, Yoshio
Furusawa, Yoshiya
Abstract | 150KV X線,中性子線及び炭素(LET13, 20, 50, 90, 140, 150, 153, 200keV/μm)を照射したマウスNIH3T3細胞の生存率曲線のLD(10)から(60)Coγ線に対する生物学的効果比(RBE)を求めた。RBEは150KV X線では1.26,中性子線では2.44,炭素線(LET13, 20, 50, 90, 140, 150, 153, 200keV/μm)ではそれぞれ1.41, 1.47, 2.22, 2.61, 1.61, 2.05, 1.57であった。LETとRBEの関係では100keV/μm付近にピークを認めた。150KVX線のLETは13keV/μm,中性子線のLETは70keVμmに相当した。(60)Co γ線の潜在性致死損傷からの回復(PLDR)は大きかった。炭素線(13keV/μm)照射でもPLDRが観察されるがLETが大きくなるとPLDRは減少したが,LET90keV/μmの炭素線でもPLDRが認められた。照射時の細胞状態の検討では増殖期の細胞の感受性は定常期細胞に比し僅かに高かった。
抄録(別言語) | Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) and repair of potential lethal damage (PLDR) of NIH3T3 cells against heavy-ion radiation were studied. RBE of 150 KV X-rays and neutron estimated from LD(10) dose of dose response survival curves compared to (60)Co γ-ray were 1.26 and 2.44, respectively. RBE of 13, 20, 50, 90, 140, 150, 153, 200 keV/μm of LET of carbon beam were 1.41, 1.47, 2.22, 2.61, 2.61, 1.61, 2.05 and 1.57, respectively. Potential lethal damage repair (PLDR) after exposure to carbon beam was observed. The magnitude of PLDR of (60)Co γ-ray was the biggest. As for the carbon beam of LET of 13 keV/μm as well, PLDR were observed. PLDR decreased when LET of carbon beam grew big.
Keywords | PLDR
Heavy-lon Radiation
NIH3T3 Cells
Publication Title |
Published Date | 1999-02-26
Volume | volume9
Issue | issue2
Publisher | 岡山大学医療技術短期大学部
Publisher Alternative | School of Health Sciences Okayama University
Start Page | 75
End Page | 81
ISSN | 0917-4494
NCID | AN10355371
Content Type |
Departmental Bulletin Paper
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File Version | publisher
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Eprints Journal Name | fhs