Author Hayashi, Hidetaka| Izumi, Shin-ya| Tari, Isao|
Published Date 1993-2
Publication Title Journal of the Electrochemical Society
Volume volume140
Issue issue2
Content Type Journal Article
Author Kishimoto, Akira| Takagawa, Yuto| Teranishi, Takashi| Hayashi, Hidetaka|
Published Date 2011-07-31
Publication Title Materials Letters
Volume volume65
Issue issue14
Content Type Journal Article
Author Kishimoto, Akira| Okada, Yasuyuki| Hayashi, Hidetaka|
Published Date 2008-05
Publication Title Ceramics International
Volume volume34
Issue issue4
Content Type Journal Article
Author Hayashi, Hidetaka| Uno, Kiyofumi| Takehara, Zen-ichiro| Katagiri, Akira|
Published Date 1993-2
Publication Title Journal of the Electrochemical Society
Volume volume140
Issue issue2
Content Type Journal Article
Author Hayashi, Hidetaka| Hayashi, N| Takehara, Z| Katagiri, A|
Published Date 1988-11-30
Publication Title Journal of the Electrochemical Society
Volume volume136
Issue issue9
Content Type Journal Article