JaLCDOI 10.18926/okadai-bun-kiyou/56876
FullText URL jfl_071_017_034.pdf
Author Nakao, Tomoyo|
Publication Title Journal of the Faculty of Letters Okayama University
Published Date 2019-06-28
Volume volume71
Start Page 17
End Page 34
ISSN 0285-4864
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120006648627
JaLCDOI 10.18926/58155
Title Alternative Some Thoughts on POWs and Bombs : On the Question of the Necessity of Atomic Bombs for the Survival of Allied Prisoners of War
FullText URL scs_019_001_024.pdf
Author Nakao, Tomoyo|
Publication Title Studies in Cultural Symbiotics
Published Date 2020-03-17
Volume volume19
Start Page 1
End Page 24
ISSN 1880-9162
language Japanese
Copyright Holders Copyright © 2020 岡山大学大学院社会文化科学研究科
File Version publisher
FullText URL fulltext20220623-1.pdf
Author Nakao, Tomoyo|
Published Date 2000-03
Publication Title Littera
Issue issue4
Publisher 岡山大学LITTERA刊行会
Start Page 209
End Page 273
NCID AN0034322X
Content Type Journal Article
language Japanese
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders (C) author
File Version publisher
FullText URL fulltext20220623-2.pdf
Author Nakao, Tomoyo|
Note 著作権者の許諾を得て出版社版を掲載| (上)第22号(98年冬季)pp.27-35
Published Date 1998
Publication Title The report on Japan's war responsibility
Issue issue22
Publisher 日本の戦争責任資料センター
ISSN 13437348
NCID AN10431480
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
File Version publisher
FullText URL fulltext20220623-3.pdf
Author Nakao, Tomoyo|
Note 著作権者の許諾を得て出版社版を掲載| (上)第22号(98年冬季)pp.27-35
Published Date 1999
Publication Title The report on Japan's war responsibility
Issue issue23
Publisher 日本の戦争責任資料センター
Start Page 27
End Page 39
ISSN 13437348
NCID AN10431480
Content Type Journal Article
language Japanese
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
File Version publisher
FullText URL fulltext20220623-4.pdf
Author Nakao, Tomoyo|
Note 著作権者の許諾を得て出版社版を掲載| (上)第22号(98年冬季)pp.27-35
Published Date 1999
Publication Title The report on Japan's war responsibility
Issue issue26
Publisher 日本の戦争責任資料センター
Start Page 77
End Page 84
ISSN 13437348
NCID AN10431480
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
File Version publisher
FullText URL fulltext20220623-5.pdf
Author Nakao, Tomoyo|
Note 小特集「方法としての『オーラル・ヒストリー』再考(II)――オーラル・ヒストリーの実践」|
Publication Title Journal of Historical Studies
Volume volume813
Publisher 歴史学研究会
Start Page 17
End Page 29
ISSN 0386-9237
NCID AN00299161
Content Type Journal Article
language Japanese
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © Rekishigaku kenkyukai, 2006
File Version publisher
Official Url http://rekiken.jp/journal/|
JaLCDOI 10.18926/64334
Title Alternative A Research Report on the Bataan ‘Death’ March
FullText URL scs_022_027.pdf
Author Nakao, Tomoyo|
Abstract 2022年9月 バターン・コレヒドール防衛者の会記念の会(ADBC-MS)の報告」およびジャック・ブレイディの残した記録のリスト
Keywords バターン死の行進 連合軍捕虜 第二次世界大戦 オーラルヒストリー ADBC―MS 戦争トラウマの継承記憶
Publication Title Studies in Cultural Symbiotics
Published Date 2022-12-23
Volume volume22
Start Page 27
End Page 34
ISSN 1880-9162
language Japanese
Copyright Holders Copyright © 2022 岡山大学大学院社会文化科学研究科
File Version publisher
JaLCDOI 10.18926/65122
Title Alternative Aspects of Genuine Reconciliation of the POW issue―An introduction to a book on the trauma of POWs and their families―
FullText URL hss_055_011.pdf
Author Nakao, Tomoyo|
Publication Title Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Published Date 2023-03-27
Volume volume55
Start Page 11
End Page 29
ISSN 1881-1671
language Japanese
Copyright Holders Copyright (c) 2023 岡山大学大学院社会文化科学研究科
File Version publisher
Author Nakao, Tomoyo|
Published Date 1994-09
Publication Title 岡山大学教養部紀要
Volume volume35
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Author Nakao, Tomoyo|
Published Date 2008-08
Publication Title NHK生活人新書
Volume volume264
Content Type Book
Author Nakao, Tomoyo|
Published Date 1990
Publication Title 岡山大学教養部紀要
Volume volume26
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Author Nakao, Tomoyo|
Publication Title 季刊戦争責任研究
Volume volume57,58,59
Content Type Journal Article