ID | 15414 |
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Author |
Nsunge Felix Chintu
Hamamoto, Yoshisuke
Abstract | Distributions of hydrogen gas concentration in a suddenly started, single shot hydrogen gas jet issuing from a 1 mm diameter injector into still air were measured using laser interferometry method. This unsteady, turbulent free jet flow has also been calculated using the two-equation, high Reynolds number version of k-ε turbulence model and hybrid scheme for treating combined diffusion and convection in the SIMPLE algorithm. The injection pressure was 0.5 MPa for which predicted and measured temporal jet tip penetration distributions indicate that the jet discharged into still air at Mach 0.25. The level of agreement between present prediction and measurement is good in some regions and poor in others.
Publication Title |
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Published Date | 1991-11-30
Volume | volume26
Issue | issue1
Publisher | Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Publisher Alternative | 岡山大学工学部
Start Page | 27
End Page | 41
ISSN | 0475-0071
NCID | AA10699856
Content Type |
Departmental Bulletin Paper
language |
File Version | publisher
NAID | |
Eprints Journal Name | mfe