Author Iima, Keiichiro|
Published Date 2009-03-25
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Author Maeda, Tae|
Published Date 2009-03-25
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
FullText URL K0005949_abstract_review.pdf.pdf K0005949_fulltext.pdf.pdf
Author Uchida, Yoko|
Published Date 2019-03-25
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第5949号
Granted Date 2019-03-25
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Dental Science
Grantor 岡山大学
language English
Author Kiplimo, Robert|
Published Date 2012-03-23
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
FullText URL K0005555_abstract_review.pdf K0005555_fulltext.pdf
Author Cagdas, Aksu|
Published Date 2017-03-24
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第5555号
Granted Date 2017-03-24
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
Grantor 岡山大学
language English
Author Santan, Guriru|
Published Date 2012-09-27
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Author Saiga, Kenta|
Published Date 2011-03-25
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Author 神原 啓和|
Published Date 2003-03-25
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
FullText URL K0005569_abstract_review.pdf K0005569_summary.pdf K0005569_fulltext.pdf
Author Hiramatsu, Masafumi|
Published Date 2017-06-30
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第5569号
Granted Date 2017-06-30
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science
Grantor 岡山大学
language English
FullText URL K0005854_abstract_review.pdf K0005854_summary.pdf K0005854_fulltext.pdf
Author Kato, Yuka|
Published Date 2018-12-27
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第5854号
Granted Date 2018-12-27
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science
Grantor 岡山大学
language English
FullText URL K0005907_abstract_review.pdf K0005907_summary.pdf K0005907_fulltext.pdf
Author Hatayama, Kazuki|
Published Date 2019-03-25
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第5907号
Granted Date 2019-03-25
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science
Grantor 岡山大学
language English
Author Hirotsune, Nobuyuki|
Published Date 2000-03-25
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
FullText URL K0006304_abstract_review .pdf K0006304_fulltext.pdf
Author Kimura, Kosuke|
Published Date 2021-03-25
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第6304号
Granted Date 2021-03-25
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science
Grantor 岡山大学
language English
FullText URL K0006313_abstract_review.pdf K0006313_fulltext.pdf K0006313_summary.pdf
Author Yoshida, masatoki|
Published Date 2021-03-25
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第6313号
Granted Date 2021-03-25
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science
Grantor 岡山大学
language English
Copyright Holders © The Author(s) 2020, corrected publication 2020
Author Hioki, Katsuyoshi|
Published Date 2008-09-30
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Author 川口 光彦|
Published Date 1992-09-30
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
FullText URL K0006745_abstract_review.pdf K0006745_fulltext.pdf K0006745_summary.pdf
Author HATTORI, Yasuhiko|
Published Date 2023-03-24
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第6745号
Granted Date 2023-03-24
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science
Grantor 岡山大学
language English
Copyright Holders © 2022 Hattori et al.