Author Kandatsu, Haruki|
Published Date 2000-03-10
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Volume volume31
Issue issue4
Content Type Article
Title Alternative Q7・Q8
FullText URL 128_51.pdf
Author 岡山医学会|
Publication Title 岡山医学会雑誌
Published Date 2016-04-01
Volume volume128
Issue issue1
Start Page 51
End Page 52
ISSN 0030-1558
Related Url isVersionOf
language Japanese
Copyright Holders Copyright (c) 2016 岡山医学会
File Version publisher
DOI 10.4044/joma.128.51
NAID 130005149611
Title Alternative Drug interaction (35. Opioid-analgesic drug interactions)
FullText URL 128_53.pdf
Author Sada, Hikaru| Kajizono, Makoto| Kitamura, Yoshihisa| Sendo, Toshiaki|
Publication Title 岡山医学会雑誌
Published Date 2016-04-01
Volume volume128
Issue issue1
Start Page 53
End Page 59
ISSN 0030-1558
Related Url isVersionOf
language Japanese
Copyright Holders Copyright (c) 2016 岡山医学会
File Version publisher
DOI 10.4044/joma.128.53
NAID 130005149610
Title Alternative Mechanosensor
FullText URL 128_61.pdf
Author Takahashi, Ken|
Publication Title 岡山医学会雑誌
Published Date 2016-04-01
Volume volume128
Issue issue1
Start Page 61
End Page 62
ISSN 0030-1558
Related Url isVersionOf
language Japanese
Copyright Holders Copyright (c) 2016 岡山医学会
File Version publisher
DOI 10.4044/joma.128.61
NAID 130005149609
FullText URL 128_63.pdf
Author 大谷 順|
Publication Title 岡山医学会雑誌
Published Date 2016-04-01
Volume volume128
Issue issue1
Start Page 63
End Page 65
ISSN 0030-1558
language Japanese
Copyright Holders Copyright (c) 2016 岡山医学会
File Version publisher
NAID 120005752919
Title Alternative The 55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Lymphoreticular Tissue Research
FullText URL 128_67.pdf
Author Tanimoto, Mitsune|
Publication Title 岡山医学会雑誌
Published Date 2016-04-01
Volume volume128
Issue issue1
Start Page 67
End Page 68
ISSN 0030-1558
Related Url isVersionOf
language Japanese
Copyright Holders Copyright (c) 2016 岡山医学会
File Version publisher
DOI 10.4044/joma.128.67
NAID 130005149608
Title Alternative Hosting the 18th JASMEE Academic Meeting in Okayama
FullText URL 128_69.pdf
Author Date, Isao|
Publication Title 岡山医学会雑誌
Published Date 2016-04-01
Volume volume128
Issue issue1
Start Page 69
End Page 70
ISSN 0030-1558
Related Url isVersionOf
language Japanese
Copyright Holders Copyright (c) 2016 岡山医学会
File Version publisher
DOI 10.4044/joma.128.69
NAID 120005752921
Title Alternative The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology
FullText URL 128_71.pdf
Author Iwatsuki, Keiji|
Publication Title 岡山医学会雑誌
Published Date 2016-04-01
Volume volume128
Issue issue1
Start Page 71
End Page 72
ISSN 0030-1558
Related Url isVersionOf
language Japanese
Copyright Holders Copyright (c) 2016 岡山医学会
File Version publisher
DOI 10.4044/joma.128.71
NAID 130005149606
Title Alternative The 46th Okayama Rheumatology Conference
FullText URL 128_73.pdf
Author 岡山医学会|
Publication Title 岡山医学会雑誌
Published Date 2016-04-01
Volume volume128
Issue issue1
Start Page 73
End Page 76
ISSN 0030-1558
Related Url isVersionOf
language Japanese
Copyright Holders Copyright (c) 2016 岡山医学会
File Version publisher
DOI 10.4044/joma.128.73
NAID 130005149605
Title Alternative The 178th Okayama Surgical Society
FullText URL 128_77.pdf
Author 岡山医学会|
Publication Title 岡山医学会雑誌
Published Date 2016-04-01
Volume volume128
Issue issue1
Start Page 77
End Page 82
ISSN 0030-1558
Related Url isVersionOf
language Japanese
Copyright Holders Copyright (c) 2016 岡山医学会
File Version publisher
DOI 10.4044/joma.128.77
NAID 130005149604
Author Matsuo, Nobushige|
Published Date 1998-06-10
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Volume volume30
Issue issue1
Content Type Article
Author Matsuo, Nobushige|
Published Date 1998-06-10
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Volume volume30
Issue issue1
Content Type Article
JaLCDOI 10.18926/OER/54170
Title Alternative Memorial Symposium on Researches of Prof. Shoji Haruna
FullText URL oer_047_3_237_248.pdf
Author 岡山大学経済学会|
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Published Date 2016-03-19
Volume volume47
Issue issue3
Start Page 237
End Page 248
ISSN 0386-3069
language Japanese
Copyright Holders Copyright © 2016 岡山大学経済学会
File Version publisher
NAID 120005740508
Author Matsuo, Nobushige|
Published Date 1998-09-10
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Volume volume30
Issue issue2
Content Type Article
Author Kandatsu, Haruki|
Published Date 1998-09-10
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Volume volume30
Issue issue2
Content Type Article
Author Shigeno, Yukiko|
Published Date 1999-03-10
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Volume volume30
Issue issue4
Content Type Article
Title Alternative The 59th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering
FullText URL 132_110.pdf
Author Naruse, Keiji|
Publication Title Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published Date 2020-08-03
Volume volume132
Issue issue2
Start Page 110
End Page 111
ISSN 0030-1558
Related Url isVersionOf
language Japanese
Copyright Holders Copyright (c) 2020 岡山医学会
File Version publisher
DOI 10.4044/joma.132.110
NAID 130007894956
Title Alternative General Assembly of the Okayama Medical Association
FullText URL 132_112.pdf
Publication Title Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published Date 2020-08-03
Volume volume132
Issue issue2
Start Page 112
End Page 116
ISSN 0030-1558
Related Url isVersionOf
language Japanese
Copyright Holders Copyright (c) 2020 岡山医学会
File Version publisher
DOI 10.4044/joma.132.112
NAID 130007894957
Author Nakano, Michiko|
Published Date 1997-12-10
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Volume volume29
Issue issue3
Content Type Article
Author Katayama, Sadao|
Published Date 1997-12-10
Publication Title 岡山大学経済学会雑誌
Volume volume29
Issue issue3
Content Type Article