Author 岡山大学温泉研究所|
Published Date 1959-05
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Volume volume25
Content Type Others
Author 岡山大学温泉研究所|
Published Date 1959-05
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Volume volume25
Content Type Others
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40245
Title Alternative Granites in the Neighbourhood of Misasa Town, Tottori Prefecture
FullText URL pitsr_025_001_012.pdf
Author Shibata, Hidekata| Sayama, Mitsuo|
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1959-05
Volume volume25
Start Page 1
End Page 12
ISSN 0369-7142
Related Url
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002462887
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40246
Title Alternative Studies on the Chemical Composition and Levels of Ground Water at Misasa Hot Springs
FullText URL 025_013_024.pdf
Author Sakanoue, Masanobu|
Abstract The water levels of the thermal springs and the ground water levels were measured and the contour of the water table was obtained. The contour was disturbed at two regions in which many springs issue. The thermal and ground waters were sampled all over the springs district, and the water temperatures were measured when they were sampled. The chloride, bicarbonate, sulfate, calcium and magnesium content was also determined. In addition, the analytical methods for the determination of arsenic, phosphorus and acid-soluble iron were improved. Also the concentration of these elements was determined. Based on the results of the observations and chemical analysis, the relations between the water temperatures and content of chemical constituent and the chloride content were checked respectively. Positive correlations were found in the relations between water temperature~Cl(-), HCO(3)(-)~Cl(-), SO(4)(2-)~Cl(-), Ca(2+)~Cl(-), and As~Cl(-). Furthermore, the regional differences were detectable in the ratios of water temperature to chloride content and of bicarbonate to chloride content, nevertheless the correlation as a whole were valid. The diversity and regional differences of the chemical composition of the waters were explained as due to the differences in the mixing proportion of the magmatic thermal water and the varying kinds of ground water at the deep site in the ground and at the site near the ground surfaces.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1959-05
Volume volume25
Start Page 13
End Page 24
ISSN 0369-7142
Related Url
language Japanese
File Version publisher
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40247
Title Alternative Studies on the Influences of Balneal Treatment on Female Sexual Function
FullText URL pitsr_025_025_052.pdf
Author Hasegawa, Yasumasa|
Abstract In the present study, observations of changes on female sexual function by balneal treatment were carried out with female rats with respects to sexual cycle, histological changes in ovary and uterus, histo-chemical changes in pituitary, cholinesterase activity in brain, cholesterol levels in ovary, etc. The results obtained were as follows. 1) Significant changes of sexual cycle appeared in 47 (62%) out of the 76 rats which were treated with several kinds of artificial balneal water at the temperature of 42°C (for 5 minutes per single course of the balneal treatment, twice daily during 4 weeks). Similar changes of sexual cycle also appeared in the subjects which were treated with the same kinds of balneal water at 37°C, though having showed to be less than the changes in case of the balneal treatment at 42°C. 2) A significant tendency of regulating sexual cycle of rat to normal was demonstrated in the subjects which were treated with artificial balneal sulfer, and on the other hand, a significant tendency of disturbing the cycle was demonstrated in the sUbjects which were treated with artificial balneal acid and alkali. 3) A tendency of extending the period of dioesterus phase in sexual cycle of rat was found in the subjects which were treated with our laboratory' balneal water at 42°C for 10 minutes per single course four times daily during 10 days. In these subjects, it was also demonstrated that the period of the estrus phase tended to be prolonged. 4) Histological pictures in ovary and uterus indicated normal growth in the subjects of which the sexual cycles were normalized by balneal treatment, whereas indicated an atrophy in the subjects of which the cycles were disturbed. Significant atrophy tended to appear remarkably in the subjects which developed some irregular cycles due to the treatment with artificial balneal acid or alkali. In view point of the daily changes in these tissues, it was demonstrated that atrophic changes appeared at the 10th day after onset of the treatment with a balneal water at 42°C for 5 minutes per single course or with a balneal water at 37°C for 5 minutes, and then turned to normal pictures at the 20th day after onset of the treatment. It was also indicated that remarkable atrophic changes in ovary and uterus appeared immediately after 10 days treatment with a balneal water at 42°C for 10 minutes per single course four times daily, and then turned to show a slight hyperfunction in the ovary at the 10th day after discontinuation of this balneal treatment. 5) A certain correlation was found between cholinesterase activity in the brain of rat and counts of PAS positive cells in the anterior pituitary (on the sexual zone named by Purves, H. D and W. E. Griesbach). Both the activity and the counts decreased at the 10th day after onset of the balneal treatment at the temperature of 42°C for 5 minutes per single course twice daily, and then increased at the 20th day after onset of this treatment. It was also demonstrated that both the activity and the counts decreased significantly at the 10th day after onset of the balneal treatment at 42°C for 10 minutes per single course four times daily, and then increased remarkably at the 10th day after discontinuation of this treatment. 6) A negative correlation was demonstrated between changes of cholesterol levels in ovary and those of cholinesterase activity in brain. Both the levels and the activity increased transitorily at the 10th day after the balneal treatment at 42°C for 5 minutes per single course, and then decreased at the 20th day after onset of the treatment. It was also demonstrated that both the activity and the levels increased at the 10th day after onset of the treatment at 42°C for 10 minutes per single course four times daily, and then decreased after discontinuation of this treatment. From the results mentioned above the following deduction may be drawn: (a) Sexual function is affected apparently by balneal treatment; (b) As to the mode of action of balneal water on sexual function, it is likely that balneal water acts extensively on autonomic nervous system, followed by producing changes in sexual function. In the other words, it seems that balneal water primarily affects on upper central nervous system, i. e. diencephalo-hypophyseo-system, and secondarily produces changes in sexual gland; (c) It was also demonstrated that though a transitory depression in sexual function appeared individually in some subjects which were treated with extensive stimulative balneal water or over time of balneal treatment, but in even the same subjects hyperfunction often appeared after discontinuation of such a treatment. These evidence should be taken into consideration in case of clinical balneotherapy; (d) In view point that the balneotherapy produces changes in sexual function through acting on central nervous system, it may be suggested that balneotherapy with conventional hormon therapy could produce the most desirous effect for the treatment of fertility and insufficiency of sexual function.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1959-05
Volume volume25
Start Page 25
End Page 52
ISSN 0369-7142
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002462888
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40248
Title Alternative Clinical Studies on Anemia in Rheumatoid Arthritis
FullText URL pitsr_025_053_069.pdf
Author Yamamoto, Yasuhisa|
Abstract Anemia of moderate severity is commonly present in patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, but one to which little attention has been paid and despite its frequency the exact mechanism of its production is uncertain. Anemia in rheumatoid arthritis is refractory to anti-anemic therapy. The presence of anemia may hinder adequate physical or orthopedic treatment and may produce a degree of lassitude that considerably aggravates the joint disability. This anemia, therefore, seemed worthy of study and investigations of three aspects are reported here: 1. Changes in peripheral blood, bone marrow, liver function and gastric acidity. 2. Alternations in iron metabolism. 3. Balneotherapy and anemia in rheumatoid arthritis. I. Peripheral Blood Picture, Liver Function, Serum Protein Fraction and Gastric Acidity. 1. The peripheral blood and bone marrow. The number of erythrocytes is 558~216×10(4)/c. mm. (average:402×10(4)/c. mm.), hemoglobin-content:110~40% (average: 78.6%), and the color index is about 1.0. The anemia of rheumatoid arthritis treated is mostly normochromic. The white blood cell count is between 11200 and 3720/c. mm. (average: 7504/c. mm.), and the number of leucocytes in 80% of the cases ranges within the normal limits. Eosinophilia is observed 27% of the cases. Films of the sternal marrow showed no major abnormality in the eight cases examined. Several minor points, however, deserve mention. The nucleated cell count was diminished in seven cases examined, and the decrease of normoblasts in bone marrow would explain the reduced red cell count in peripheral blood. The myeloid series showed a relative increase. 2. Liver function tests and gastric acidity. To illustrate the possible appearance of liver function disturbances in connection with rheumatoid arthritis, the author has made different liver function tests on patients suffering from this disease. From the results it appears that in protein metabolism tests more than 83% of the cases gave abnormal albumin/globulin ratios and Takata's and erthrocyte sedimentation reactions. The detoxication capacity determined by hippuric acid synthesis tests had decreased in 25% of the cases examined. The dye excreting capacity, determined by the bromsulfalein tolerance test, was found to be reduced in 64% of the cases examined. The urin-urobilinogen test showed positive in 28% of the cases. In all cases the insulin sensitivity test gave pathological readings. Of 40 cases examined, anacidity of gastric juice was observed in 17 cases, subacidity in other 10 cases and normacidity, hyperacidity in remammg 13 cases. Thus, a decrease in the gastric acidity was found to occur in 67.5% of the cases. 3. Serum protein fraction. The total serum protein of 31 cases with rheumatoid arthritis appeared to be on the same level as in normal material. Serum protein fraction was determined in 19 cases by paperelectrophoresis. In rheumatoid patients, albumin fraction of serum protein decreased and γ-globulin fraction increased in all cases examined, compared with the data of normal subject as a control. Alubumin/globulin ratio of rheumatoid arthritis was below the 5% rejection limit of normal value.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1959-05
Volume volume25
Start Page 53
End Page 69
ISSN 0369-7142
Related Url
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002462889