JaLCDOI 10.18926/40259
Title Alternative Study of Togo -Matsuzaki Hot Springs, Tottori Prefecture
FullText URL pitsr_023_001_022.pdf
Author Umemoto, Shunji| Harada, Mitsuru| Okabe, Shigeru| Miyakoshi, Junichiro| Sakanoue, Masanobu| Tanaka, Masaya| Mifune Masaaki|
Abstract 1. Layers containing thermal water in this district are thin, and lie at different depths (about 35, 55, and 60 meters) from the ground surface. There are evidences to show that these layers are intimately connected with one another. 2. The authors may suppose the existence of a structurally weak zone, along the line from Matsuzaki to Asozu, within which the issuing spots of thermal springs are located. 3. The head water levels of the thermal springs in this district are closely related with that of Lake Togo. Keeping pace with the variations of the water levels of Lake Togo and of artesian wells in its vicinity, the rate of flow of thermal springs vary; and the correlation between these variations is apparent. 4. The pumping suction of thermal water at one spring affects the flow of water at other springs within distances of 150 to 200 meters therefrom, though the direct sources of thermal water supply for the latter springs may be different from that of the former. 5. The spring water in this district is considered to be a mixture of hot water, containing sodium, calcium, chloride, and sulfate ions, and cold water, containing bicarbonate ion. The diversity of chemical constitutions of different spring waters is explained as due to the difference in proportion in which the hot and cold waters are mixed.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1958-10
Volume volume23
Start Page 1
End Page 22
ISSN 0369-7142
Related Url http://ousar.lib.okayama-u.ac.jp/metadata/40258
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002462891
Author 岡山大学温泉研究所|
Published Date 1958-10
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Volume volume23
Content Type Others
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40260
Title Alternative Clinical and Experimental Studies of Therapeutic Effects of Radioactive Thermal Bath on Peripheric Disorders of Circulation Part 2. The Effect of Radioactive Thermal Bath upon Organ Cholesterol Levels
FullText URL pitsr_023_023_037.pdf
Author Matsumoto, Kinshi|
Abstract The author investigated the effect of radioactive hot spring bath on various organ cholesterol levels. As experimental subjects white male rat weighing ca. 150 g. were used. The total cholesterol of the lungs, liver, heart, kidneys and brain, and the total and ester cholesterol of the adrenals were measured by a modification of Bloor's method. The following results were obtained: 1) Single bath: The concentration of the total cholesterol of these organs and the ester cholesterol of adrenals decreased for two hours after a radioactive "Hisui-no-Yu" bath, but such decrease was recognised only in the heart, brain, adrenals after a weak radioactive "Kenkyusho-sen". 2) A series of baths: The concentration of the total cholesterol of the lungs, heart, brain, adrenals and the ester cholesterol of adrenals decreased after a series of "Hisui-no-Yu" baths for 4 weeks. 3) A series of baths in cholesterol fed rats: The concentration of the total cholesterol of the above mentioned organs and the ester cholesterol of the adrenals in the bathing group remained decreased during the experiment comparing with the control group.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1958-10
Volume volume23
Start Page 23
End Page 37
ISSN 0369-7142
Related Url http://ousar.lib.okayama-u.ac.jp/metadata/40258
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002462892
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40261
Title Alternative Clinical and Experimental Studies of Therapeutic Effects of Radioactive Thermal Bath on Peripheric Disorders of Circulation Part 3. Therapeutic Effects of Radioactive Thermal Bath on Hypercholesterolemia and Atherosclerosis
Author Matsumoto, Kinshi|
Abstract The author investigated the changes of serum cholesterol levels and the histological findings of aorta of the cholesterol-fed rabbits, and the changes of serum cholesterol levels of the patients with hypertension following the radioactive hot spring bathing. The following results were obtained: 1) When 0.2 g. of cholesterol per Kg. of bodyweight was given to rabbits one time, the rise of the concentrations of serum cholesterol in the bathing group was lower and the recovery to the initial levels in the same group was faster than in the case of control (Table 1, Fig. 1.). 2) The author gave the rabbits 0.15 g. of cholesteterol per Kg. of bodyweight daily for 4 weeks. In this experiment, these rabbits were divided into 4 groups at follows. Group 1 Rabbits of this group were not bathed (as control). Group 2 Rabbits of this group were bathed in plain water (43°±1°C. 10 minutes) daily for 4 weeks. Group 3 Rabbits of this group were bathed in the radioactive Kenkyu-sho-sen (Rn-content: 10-40 Mache) in the same way as group 2. Group 4 Rabbits of this group were bathed in the radioactive Hisui-no-Yu (Rncontent: 300-400 Mache) in the same way as group 2. The concentrations of the serum cholesterol of the groups of radioactive thermal bathing remained lower than the control group. The concentrations of the serum cholesterol of group 4 were the lowest of all (Table 2 and Fig. 2). 3) In radioactive bathing groups, the atherosclerotic changes of aorta of the cholesterol-fed rabbits were slighter than the control (Table 3 and Fig, 3). 4) Following a series of radioactive hot spring baths, the total and ester cholesterol levels in serum of the patients with hypertension decreased during the first and the second weeks and tended to return to the initial levels during the third and the fourth weeks (Table 4 and Fig. 4). 5) The author gave the rabbits 0.4 g, of cholesterol per Kg. of bodyweight and, 2 hours after this procedure, injected 5 mI. of 1% Indian ink into the aureal vein of the rabbit for the purpose of blocking the reticulo-endothelial system. These procedures were carried out once a day for 3 successive days. The serum total and ester cholesterol levels in the bathed group (bathing in Hisui-no-Yu once a day for 15 days, 42±1°C, 5 minutes) were lower those of the control and returned to initial levels more rapidly than the control (Table 5 and Fig. 5).
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1958-10
Volume volume23
Start Page 38
End Page 58
ISSN 0369-7142
Related Url http://ousar.lib.okayama-u.ac.jp/metadata/40258
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 40017532363
Author 岡山大学温泉研究所|
Published Date 1958-10
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Volume volume23
Content Type Others