Title Alternative Varietal Variation and Mechanism of Hull-cracked Grains in Two-rowed Barley
FullText URL 004_001_089_096.pdf
Author Kanatani, Ryoichi| Takeda, Kazuyoshi|
Abstract Hull-cracked grain which causes low germinability and low malt extract has been observed in malting barley varieties mainly in the western part of Japan. In the first part of this study, more than 600 two-rowed barley varieties were examined for the percentage of hull-cracked grains. A markedly skewed frequency distribution pattern was observed for varietal variation of hull-cracked grain percentage. More than 80% of the varieties developed less than 5% hull-cracked grains, while a few of the varieties frequently developed the hull-cracked grains. The maximum hull-cracked grain percentage was as high as 61% in Yoshikei 16. Improved varieties developed hull-cracked grains more frequently than the local varieties, indicating varietal improvement indirectly caused the hull-cracked grains. In the second part, nine two-rowed varieties were grown in eight different conditions to analyze the mechanism of hull-cracking. Variances due to varieties, environment and their interaction were all statistically significant. Some of the varieties developed almost no hull-cracked grains throughout the environmental conditions examined, while others sharply responded to the environmental conditions. The environmental correlation coefficient between 1,000-kernel weight and hull-cracked grains was as high as 0.918, indicating that hull-cracked grains had developed under favorable ripening conditions.
Keywords Barley Varietal varietal Hull-crached grain Ripening
Publication Title 岡山大学資源生物科学研究所報告
Published Date 1996
Volume volume4
Issue issue1
Start Page 89
End Page 96
ISSN 0916-930X
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative オオムギの組換え型自殖系統、同質遺伝子系統、および倍加半数体系統を用いた発芽時における耐塩性の遺伝解析
FullText URL 004_001_079_088.pdf
Author Mano, Yoshiro| Takeda, Kazuyoshi|
Abstract To determine the relationship between morphological markers and salt tolerance at germination in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), a total of 125 recombinant inbred (RI) lines of Russia 6×HES 4, a seriesof 70 isogenic (IG) lines for V/ν gene derived from Russia 6×HES 4, and 145 doubled haploid (DH) lines of Leger×CI 9831 were evaluated for their salt tolerance at germination. Comparison between each set of character pairs revealed that the six-rowed type was significantly more tolerant than the two-rowed type in the RI and IG lines of Russia 6×HES 4, annd the two-rowed type and the short haired rachilla type were significantly more tolerant than the six-rowed type and the long haired rachilla type in the DH lines of Leger×CI 9831. On the other hand, no significant difference was observed in salt tolerance such as the smoothness of awn, ear density, and lemma color, r (awn type), l (ear density), and Re-2 (lemma color) genes inherited independent of gene(s) for salt tolerance at germination.
Keywords Doubled haploid lines Hordeum vulgare Isogenic lines Recombinant inbred lines Salt tolerancce
Publication Title 岡山大学資源生物科学研究所報告
Published Date 1996
Volume volume4
Issue issue1
Start Page 79
End Page 88
ISSN 0916-930X
language English
File Version publisher
Title Alternative オオムギのアブラムシ抵抗性とグラミン:EDTA法による解析
FullText URL 004_001_073_078.pdf
Author Yoshida, Hideya| Tsumuki, Hisaaki| Kawada, Kazuo| Kanehisa, Katsuo|
Abstract Young leaves of barley contain a large amount of gramine, which is one of the factors involved in the resistance of barley against aphids. Using stylectomy by laser beam and EDTA-exudate method, we tried to determine if gramine exists in phloem sap which aphids ingest mainly. Phloem sap was not obtained by laser stylectomy using aphids feeding on young leaves. Components of exudates from cut leaves of barley in EDTA solution are known to be very similar to phloem sap. The time course of sucrose and gramine content of EDTA exudates from barley leaves suggested the existence of gramine in phloem sap.
Keywords Barley Resistance to aphids Gramine EDTA Localization
Publication Title 岡山大学資源生物科学研究所報告
Published Date 1996
Volume volume4
Issue issue1
Start Page 73
End Page 78
ISSN 0916-930X
language English
File Version publisher
Title Alternative Oviposition Factors of Ponticulothrips diospyrosi on Persimmon Seedling Leaves
FullText URL 004_001_067_071.pdf
Author Uchiyama, Keiji| Kawada, Kazuo| Tsumuki, Hisaaki| Kanehisa, Katsuo|
Abstract The thrips Ponticulothrips diospyrosi Haga et Okajima is an univoltine species which aestivates and overwinters in the adult form in the fields. The oviposition factors of the thrips were investigated on persimmon seedling leaves. The adult female could make a gall and oviposit inside it in vitro. Female could make a gall and oviposit at 20℃, but only make a gall at 15℃. Although it could neither make a gall nor oviposit at 25℃, it oviposited at than temperature when placed on a gall. Female neither made a gall nor oviposited on an extended young leat. However, it could oviposit on the young leaf rolled artificially in a line tube (3.2 mm diam.), but not on the old one. These findings show that univoltine of the thrips may be regulated by the phenology of the host plant and females can oviposit whenever they are placed on the seedlings at the optimum oviposition temperature.
Keywords Oviposition factor Thrips Ponticulothrips diospyrosi Gall Persimmon
Publication Title 岡山大学資源生物科学研究所報告
Published Date 1996
Volume volume4
Issue issue1
Start Page 67
End Page 71
ISSN 0916-930X
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative Population Increases of the Green Peach Aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Cotton Aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover
FullText URL 004_001_059_065.pdf
Author Murai, Tamotsu| Tsumuki, Hisaaki|
Abstract The reproduction of Myzus persicae (Sulz.) on raddish and Aphis gossypii Glover on cucumber was studied at different temperatures. The parameters of population growth in these aphids were calculated by the age-specific fecundities (mx) and survival rate (lx). The net reproductive rate (R0) and intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) of M. persicae were 61.50 and 0.21 at 15℃, and 60.60 and 0.33 at 20℃, respectively. The net reproductive rate (R0) and intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) of A. gossypii were 37.90 and 0.22 at 15℃, 45.70 and 0.32 at 20℃, and 40.60 and 0.42 at 25℃, respectively.
Keywords Population growth Net reproductive rate Intrinsic rate Myzus persicae Aphis gossypii
Publication Title 岡山大学資源生物科学研究所報告
Published Date 1996
Volume volume4
Issue issue1
Start Page 59
End Page 65
ISSN 0916-930X
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative 幼苗期と成熟期のオオムギ系統間における禾穀類アブラムシの密度とグラミン含量の関係
FullText URL 004_001_049_058.pdf
Author Moharramipour, Saeid| Murata, Shin-ichi| Kanehisa, Katsuo| Tsumuki, Hisaaki|
Abstract The relationship between the indole alkaloid gramine concentration and aphid population was examined seedling and maturation stages in 14 barley lines of Hordeum spontaneum and H. unlgare. The density of Schizaphis graminum did not differ significantly with the gramine concentration in the seedling in the greenhouse. However, the population of Rhopalosiphum padi sometimes differed with the seedling. The plant resistance to the natural infestation of cereal aphids was obvious at the heading stage. There was a negative correlation between the high population density of aphids and gramine concentration. The gramine concentration was high in matured resistant resistant lines, especially wild lines, as compared with susceptible lines due to higher biodegradation activity.
Keywords Barley Resistance Gramine Cereal aphids
Publication Title 岡山大学資源生物科学研究所報告
Published Date 1996
Volume volume4
Issue issue1
Start Page 49
End Page 58
ISSN 0916-930X
language English
File Version publisher
Title Alternative Relationship between Resistance to Cereal Aphids and Gramine Concentration in Beer Barley
FullText URL 004_001_043_048.pdf
Author Tsumuki, Hisaaki| Kasahara, Toshihiko| Kanehisa, Katsuo| Saeid, Moharramipour|
Abstract To beer barley resistance to cereal aphids, the relationship between the aphid density and gramine concentration was examined in various barley lines including beer barley cultivars. All beer barley cultivars tested were resistant or moderately resistant to the aphids, especially Asahi 5 and Haruna Nijo were similar to a wild line, H603 (W603), for checking resistant. However, these beer barleys contained much less gramine than the wild barley line, suggesting that another resistant factor(s) affects cereal aphid density.
Keywords Beer barley Cereal aphid Resistance Gramine
Publication Title 岡山大学資源生物科学研究所報告
Published Date 1996
Volume volume4
Issue issue1
Start Page 43
End Page 48
ISSN 0916-930X
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative トウモロコシに含まれるDIMBOAとアブラムシ抵抗性の関係
FullText URL 004_001_033_042.pdf
Author Rustamaki, Maqsood A| Kanehisa, Katsuo| Tsumuki, Hisaaki| Shiraga, Takashi|
Abstract 2,4-Dihydrox-7-methoxy1,4-benzoxazin-3-one (DIMBOA), a hydroxamic acid is considered to be one of the components responsible for the resistance to pest insects in cereal plants. The relationship between concentration of DIMBOA and aphid infestation on 21 corn lines was investigated in 1990 and 1991. DIMBOA was detected in leaves od all corn lines tested, contained larger amounts in young plants and gradually decreased with growth. This property was the same as observed in wheat. A more than ten times difference in DIMBOA concentration was observed in corn lines. However, there was no positive correlation between DIMBOA concentration and aphid density. Most of the lines used had resistance to aphids. Resistance may be built together with other components such as (E)-aconitic acid.
Keywords Apfid Resistant substance Hydroxamic acid DIMBOA Corn
Publication Title 岡山大学資源生物科学研究所報告
Published Date 1996
Volume volume4
Issue issue1
Start Page 33
End Page 42
ISSN 0916-930X
language English
File Version publisher
Title Alternative メダカハネカクシの尾部分分泌物
FullText URL 004_001_025_031.pdf
Author Kanehisa, Katsuo| Tsumuki, Hisaaki|
Abstract Rove beetles have a pair of pygidial excretory organs, each group secretes characteristic substances in a peculiar manner. The genus Stenus has a pair of pygidial organs, eversible by immersion in diethyl-ether at both sides of the anus. S. anthoracinus, S. melanarius vercecundus and S. rufescens were collected at ponds and river shores, and S. alienus was collected at tobacco and vegetable fields. Excretory substances were secreted in the diethylether, and identified by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Stenusin [N-Ethyl-3-(2-methylbutyl) piperidine], 1,8-cineole, isopiperitenol and 6-Me-5-hepten-2-one were identified. These may probably act as defensive substances against small attacking animals and microorganisms, and act as water suface moving active agents.
Keywords Rove beetles Stenus Excretory secretion Pygidial organ Defensive secretion
Publication Title 岡山大学資源生物科学研究所報告
Published Date 1996
Volume volume4
Issue issue1
Start Page 25
End Page 31
ISSN 0916-930X
language English
File Version publisher
Title Alternative Secretion of Defensive Substance by Carabidae and Brachinidae
FullText URL 004_001_009_023.pdf
Author Kanehisa, Katsuo|
Abstract The secretion of defensive substances by more than 250 species of carabid and brachinid beetles was investigated, and discussed from a phylogenetical viewpoint. The morphological of secretion glands and secreted components were identified in the genus level. Specific subgenus and species had peculiar characteristics. The pair of defensive organs consisted of many small synthetic lobes, large reservoirs, collecting ducts from lobes to reservoirs and secretion ducts from reservoirs. The pair dust opened at the last sternal intersegmental membrane. There was species specificity in the reservoir shape, synthetic lobe shape and entering site of the collecting ducts into reservoirs. The spherical shape lobes produced short chain fatty acids, the elongated shape lobes produced m-cresol and the thick board shape lobes produced benzoquinones. Two types of fatty acid-secreting beetles were found, one secreted formic acid, and the other mixed short chain fatty acids. These short chain fatty acids were metabolized from some amino acids, methacrylic acid was from valine; tiglic acid, α-ethyacrylic acid and angelic acid were from isoleucine; senecioic acid was from leucine and crotonic acid was from lysine. These unasaturated acids were sometimes detected with a trace amount of corresponding saturated acids. A few species secreted larger amounts of saturated acids with a trace amounts of unsaturated acids. Fatty acid composition was generally genus-specific. In a few cases, however, species-specific acid composition was also observed. m-Cresol-secreting beetles were observed only in Panagaeni and Chlaeniini except subgenus Chlaenius Chlaeniini except subgenus Chlaenius Chlaeniellus beetle. 1,4-Benzoquinone and 2-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone-secreting beetles were observed in subgenus C. Chlaeniellus. This beetle secreted these substances at body temperature from a reservoir with no sound. Brachinidae beetles, called bombardier beetles, have a pair of brownish reaction chamber connected with a reservoir. They sprayed the two benzoquinones at about 100℃ making sound.
Keywords Defensive secreting substance Synthetic organ Carabidae Brachinidae Phylogenetic relation
Publication Title 岡山大学資源生物科学研究所報告
Published Date 1996
Volume volume4
Issue issue1
Start Page 9
End Page 23
ISSN 0916-930X
language Japanese
File Version publisher