Title Alternative Highly Sensitive Detection of Cucumber Mosaic Virus by Using Fluorogenic Substrate or Enzyme-Amplified Assay in Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
FullText URL 001_002_167_174.pdf
Author Maeda, Takanori| Sako, Nobumichi| Inouye, Narinobu|
Abstract Monoclonal antibody (MAb) was applied to a double-antibody sandwich ELISA (DAS ELISA) for highly sensitive detection of cucumber mosaic virus. Alkaline phosphatase-labeled MAb with high activity was used to raise the ratio of spocific-and nonspecific-adsorption of conjugate (S/N ratio) on polyclonal antibody coated solid phase. Also the assay with a fluorogenic substrace or an enzyme-amplified assay which is highly sensitive for measurment of activity was employed to increase the sensitivity of the assays. This ELISA systems proved to be more sensitive than the conventional assay using ρ-nitorophenyl phosphate, and could detect 100 pg/ml of purified virus.
Keywords Cucumber mosaic virus Monoclonal antibody DAS ELISA Fluorogenic substrate Enzyme-amplified assay
Publication Title Bulletin of the Research Institute For Bioresources, Okayama University
Published Date 1993
Volume volume1
Issue issue2
Start Page 167
End Page 174
ISSN 0916-930X
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative テンサイ培養細胞の細胞壁結合α―グルコシダーゼの精製と性質
FullText URL 001_002_159_166.pdf
Author Yamasaki, Yoshiki| Konno, Haruyoshi|
Abstract Wall bound α-glucosidase (EC has been solubilized from suspension-cultured sugar-beet cells with Sumyzyme C and Pectolyase Y-23 and purified by a procedure including fractionation with ammonium sulfate, Sephacry S-200 HR column chromatography, and CM-cellulose colum chromatography. The enzyme readily hydrolyzed maltose, nigerose, malto-oligosaccharides, and soluble starch, but hydrolyzde isomaotose more slowly. The enzyme hydrolyzed malto-oligosaccharides and soluble starch at a faster rate than maltose. The wall-bound α-glucosidase from sugar-beet cells is different from the enzymes extracted from the cells and seeds in substrate spesificity.
Keywords Beta vulgaris L. cv. Tsukisappu Sugar-beet Wall-bound enzyme α-Glucosidase Protoplast
Publication Title Bulletin of the Research Institute For Bioresources, Okayama University
Published Date 1993
Volume volume1
Issue issue2
Start Page 159
End Page 166
ISSN 0916-930X
language English
File Version publisher
Title Alternative 高対塩性オオムギ品種の選抜
FullText URL 001_002_113_129.pdf
Author Sopandie, Didy| Takeda, Kazuyoshi| Moritsugu, Masumi| Kawasaki, Toshio|
Abstract In order to select higher salt tolerant cultivars of barley,solution culture experiments were carried out with 500 barley cultivars, which were preliminarily selected from 4581 cultivars by exposure to 1-2% of sodium chloride(MaCl) during the germinating stage. The concentrations of NaCl used in the experiments were 2 (control), 150 and 300 mM in nutrient solution.From the results of five solution culture experiments, each of which was carried out with about 100 cultivars, 105 cultivars of barley were selected as relatively about 100 cultivars. Then the final selection was carried out on those 105 cultivars, and it was found that more than 10 cultivars were highly salt tolerant, mainly based on the comparisons of shoot yields under the supply of 300 mM of NaCl.High salt tolerant barley cultivars mentioned above showed 42-86% and 17-30% of the control in shoot yield under the condition of 150 and 300 mM of NaCl, respectively.On three groups of barley,each having more than 10 cultivars, which are high, moderate and low in salt tolerance, ion contents of the plants were analyzed.The results suggest that potassium(K) uptake was comparatively larger in the high salt tolerant goup of barley cultivars,through there was a big variation in sodium(Na) and K contents even within the same group.
Keywords Barley Ion content Salt tolerance Sodium chloride Yield
Publication Title Bulletin of the Research Institute For Bioresources, Okayama University
Published Date 1993
Volume volume1
Issue issue2
Start Page 113
End Page 129
ISSN 0916-930X
language English
File Version publisher
Title Alternative 日本とカナダの春播オオムギから採取した大麦網斑病菌株の病原性の変異
FullText URL 001_002_147_158.pdf
Author Sato, Kazuhiro| Takeda, Kazuyoshi|
Abstract Twenty-two isolates of Pyrenophora teres Drechs. collected from Japanese and Canadian spring barleys were inoculated to 38 barley varieties having various genetic backgrounds. The analysis of variance for the discase ratings showed that there were significant differences both in the virulence of isolates and the resistance of varieties. However, the interaction among isolates and varieties was not statistically significant. Both Finlay-Wilkinson regression analysis and principal component analysis by Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction effects(AMMI)model classified the isolates into three groups,which were different in origins and sympton types. A spot tyte isolate was distinguished from net type isolates by its generally high virulence. A slight pathogenic differentiation was suggested between Japanese and Canadian net type isolates.
Keywords Hordeum vulgare Pyrenophora teres Barley Net blotch Race differentiation
Publication Title Bulletin of the Research Institute For Bioresources, Okayama University
Published Date 1993
Volume volume1
Issue issue2
Start Page 147
End Page 158
ISSN 0916-930X
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002313862
Title Alternative Field Tests of Measuring System of Vegetation Response to Environmennt in a Barley Field
FullText URL 001_002_137_146.pdf
Author Maitani, Toshihiko| Kashiwagi, Yoshiaki|
Abstract A system designed to measure the vegetation response to environment was constructed on the basis of the eddy correlation method.It consisted of two sets of a small rapid response sensors; three dimensional sonic anemometer thermometers and infrared CO2-humidity fluctuation meters,and a personal computer for data acquisition. Field tests of the system were made over a barley field in April and May,1990.The turbulent fluxes obtained by two sets of flux measuring system mounted at the same height were in fair agreement. The turbulent fluxes(momentum,sensible heat,latent heat and carbon dioxide) measured at two height wihtin and above plant cannopies and their differences showed realistic diurnal variations.The direction and magnitude of each flux varied depending on the srength or distribution of source and sink within plant canopies. These findings confirmed that this measureing system is promising for quantitative estimate of vegetation response such as transpiration, photosynthesis and respiration in certain canopy layers to environmental variations.
Keywords Measuring system Eddy correlation method Field test Barley field Vegetation response
Publication Title Bulletin of the Research Institute For Bioresources, Okayama University
Published Date 1993
Volume volume1
Issue issue2
Start Page 137
End Page 146
ISSN 0916-930X
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative The Effect on Germination of Some Species of the Genus Echinochloa and Rice Seeds with Various Osmotic Pressure of Salt, Sugar, and PEG Solutions
FullText URL 001_002_131_136.pdf
Author Nishi, Katsuhisa|
Abstract To investigate the differences and mechanism of germination among the seeds of some species of genus Echinochloa and rice, the experiments were conducted in solutions of salt, sugar, and PEG(poly-ethylene glycol) under a constant or alternating temperature in the light or the dark. The seeds of Echinochloa oryzicola Vasing., Ehinochloa crus-galli Beauv.var. formosensis Ohwi, Echinochloa crus-galli Beauv.var.crus-galli(awnless and awned type)and Oryza sativa L.(Akebono) were used. In 7000hPa, germination of rice,E. oryzicola and three varieties of E.crus-galli in all the solutions remarkedly decreased except for the case of E.crus-galli in the solution of sale on alternating temperature. The germination of rice and E.oryzicola was secreased markedly, and more markedly in a light condition than in a dark. In the salt solution in 7000hPa, the decreasing of germination of E.crus-galli was low. This species is distributed and grows in the upland and paddy field, while E.oryzicola and rice grow only in the paddy field. The decreade in germination of Echinochloa species with osmotic pressure seemed to be recoverde with salt or sugar solutions under alternating temperature, but the recovery of rice was not seen. In 700hPa or less, the distinct differences of germination were not seen among these plants species.
Keywords Genus Echinochloa Germination Osmotic pressure
Publication Title Bulletin of the Research Institute For Bioresources, Okayama University
Published Date 1993
Volume volume1
Issue issue2
Start Page 131
End Page 136
ISSN 0916-930X
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative Changes of Gramine Contents as an Aphid Resistant Substance with Barley Growth
FullText URL 001_002_105_112.pdf
Author Kanehisa, Katsuo| Rustamani, Maqsood A.| Tsumuki, Hisaaki| Kasahara, Toshihiko| Shiraga, Takashi|
Abstract Barley plants may be severely damaged by aphids,mainly because they may transmit viruses,suck food and disrupt tissues. There are resistant lines and susceptible lines in barley to aphids. The changing amounts of gramine from seeding to mature stages were investigated on 27 lines from 1989 to 1991. Barley was sown aound November 20 in the year and harvested in early June. Higher amount of gramine in seeding stage in all lines were detected,then gradually decreased with barley growth until 2 to 3 weeks before the earing stages. At this time aphids had appeared on the barley leaves and increased in population. The susceptible lines had a tendency of greater decrease in gramine content than the resistant lines at the time of aphid population growth. The maximum aphid population was observed from the end of April to early May. The gramine content was almost constant this time. The degradation mechanisms may be important factors determining the defference of resistant and susceptible lines at the aphid population growth stage. The susceptible lines may have a higher activity of degradation mechanism.
Keywords Gramine content Barley Aphid Resistant lines Susceptible lines
Publication Title Bulletin of the Research Institute For Bioresources, Okayama University
Published Date 1993
Volume volume1
Issue issue2
Start Page 105
End Page 112
ISSN 0916-930X
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative ニンジン懸濁培養細胞の培養液に分泌される細胞外多糖成分
FullText URL 001_002_091_103.pdf
Author Konno, Haruyoshi| Yamasaki, Yoshiki| Katoh, Kenji|
Abstract The extracellular polysaccharides have been fractionated from the culture medium of carrot(Daucus carota)cell culrures by precipitation with ethanol and by chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B DEAE-Trisacryl M ion-exchange and Bio-Gel A-1.5m gel-permeation.The sugar composition and molecular mass of purified neutral and acidic polymers were determined. The neutral and acidic polymers were treated with purified endo-Β-glucanase from Trichoderma viride and pectic depolymerases,such as endo-pectate lyase from Erwinia carotovora Er. and endo-polygalacturonase from Kluyveromyces fragilis, respectively. The "hairly"(ramified)regions of acidic polymer were sequentially treated with purified α-L-arabinofuranosidase and β-galactosidase from carrot cell cultures, and were further hydrolyzed with 50mM trifluoroacetic for 1 hr at 100℃. From these results, the extracellular polysaccharides secreted from carrot cell cultures are charactarized.
Keywords Carrot Cell suspension culture Cell wall Extracellular polysaccharides Pectic polymer
Publication Title Bulletin of the Research Institute For Bioresources, Okayama University
Published Date 1993
Volume volume1
Issue issue2
Start Page 91
End Page 103
ISSN 0916-930X
language English
File Version publisher