FullText URL O0004390.pdf O0004390_honbun.pdf
Author Matsusita, Kouki|
Published Date 2012-12-31
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 乙第4390号
Granted Date 2012-12-31
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science
Grantor 岡山大学
language Japanese English
FullText URL O0004385.pdf O0004385_honbun.pdf
Author Hujinaka, Wazou|
Published Date 2012-12-31
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 乙第4385号
Granted Date 2012-12-31
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science
Grantor 岡山大学
language Japanese English
FullText URL K0004664.pdf K0004664_honbun.pdf
Author Hase, Souitirou|
Published Date 2012-12-31
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第4664号
Granted Date 2012-12-31
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science
Grantor 岡山大学
language Japanese English
FullText URL O0004388.pdf O0004388_honbun.pdf
Author Hanayama, Yoshihisa|
Published Date 2012-12-31
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 乙第4388号
Granted Date 2012-12-31
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science
Grantor 岡山大学
language Japanese English
FullText URL K0004670.pdf K0004670_honbun.pdf
Author Fatmawati, Ni Nengah Dwi|
Published Date 2012-12-31
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第4670号
Granted Date 2012-12-31
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science
Grantor 岡山大学
language Japanese English
Author Nakatukasa, Yoko|
Published Date 2012-12-31
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation