JaLCDOI 10.18926/15002
タイトル(別表記) Ia型(単純気管支れん縮型)喘息における気道過敏性について…年齢および気管支肺胞洗浄液中の細胞成分との関連について
フルテキストURL 067_028_034.pdf
著者 芦田 耕三| 御舩 尚志| 光延 文裕| 保崎 泰弘| 横田 聡| 柘野 浩史| 竹内 一昭| 名和 由一郎| 谷崎 勝朗| 越智 浩二| 原田 英雄|
抄録 Bronchial hyperresponsiveness was examined in relation to age, ventilatory function, and the proportion of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cells in 39 patients with type Ia asthma (simple bronchoconstriction) (25 with type Ia-1 and 14 with type Ia-2), classified by clinical symptoms. 1. The proportion of BAL eosinophils was significantly higher in type Ia-2 than that in type Ia-1 asthma patients. 2. Bronchial reactivity to methacholine was not different between type Ia-1 and type Ia-2 asthma patients. 3. Bronchial hyperreactivity tended to decrease as patient age was higher in both types of asthma. Neither ventilatory function (FEV1.0%) nor the proportions of BAL lymphocytes and neutrophils was not correlated with bronchial hyperresponsiveness in both types of asthma. 4. Bronchial reactivity to methacholine more dereased with the increase in the proportion of BAL eosinophils in both type Ia-1 and Ia-2 asthma patients. The results show that bronchial hyperresponsiveness in patients with type Ia asthma is correlated to patients age and the proportion of BAL eosinophils.
キーワード Bronchial hyperresponsiveness Type Ia asthma Patient age BAL eosinophiIs
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 1996-11
開始ページ 28
終了ページ 34
ISSN 0918-7839
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002307134
JaLCDOI 10.18926/15325
タイトル(別表記) 気管支喘息患者における細胞性免疫,ガンジダ抗原に対する遅延型反応の抑制
フルテキストURL 063_069_073.pdf
著者 谷崎 勝朗| 貴谷 光| 岡崎 守宏| 御舩 尚志| 光延 文裕| 原田 英雄| 越智 浩二| 木村 郁郎|
抄録 Delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity towards Candida albicans was examined in 200 patients with bronchial asthma in relation to patient age and the level of total IgE. 1. Delayed skin reactivity towards C.albicans was depressed in the patients between the ages of 10 and 20 and in those over the age of 61. A significant difference was present in delayed skin reactivity between the groups of 10-20 and 41-50 years old. 2. The frequency of the patients with positive delayed skin reactivity towards C.albicans was the highest in those with low levels of total IgE (0 -100 IU/ml) and the low est in those with high levels of total IgE (over than 1001 IU/ml). The results suggest that cell-mediated immunity towards C.albicans is depressed re lating to atopics in the patients between 10 and 20 and to aging in the patients over 61.
キーワード cell-mediated immunity (細胞性免疫) bronchial asthma (気管支喘息) atopics (アトピー) aging (加齢) カンジダ
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 1992-06
開始ページ 69
終了ページ 73
ISSN 0913-3771
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002307949
JaLCDOI 10.18926/15152
タイトル(別表記) ステロイド依存性重症難治性喘息における気道反応の特徴
フルテキストURL 065_040_047.pdf
著者 御船 尚志| 貴谷 光| 光延 文裕| 梶本 和宏| 横田 聡| 高田 一郎| 谷崎 勝朗| 越智 浩二| 原田 英雄| 多田 慎也| 原田 実根|
抄録 Characteristics of airway response in steroid-dependent intractable asthma (SDIA) were examined in 86 asthma patients (43 with SDIA and 43 with non-SDIA) divided into three age groups: 20-39, 40-59 and 60+ years, by observing cellular composition of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and ventilatory function. 1. The level of serum cortisol was significantly lower in patients with SDIA than in those with non-SDIA in all age groups. 2. The proportion of lymphocytes in BAL fluid was significantly decreased in patients with SDIA compared to results in non-SDIA patients in the age between 40-59, and over 60+ years, While BAL neutrophils were significantly increased in SDIA patients compared to results in non-SDIA patients in the age group over 60 years. 3. Of ventilatory parameters, the values of % FVC, FEV(1.0%), % MMF and % V(25) were significantly lower in SDIA patients over the age of 60 compared with non-SDIA subjects of the same age group. These results show that in SDIA patients the proportion of BAL lymphocytes decreases and the proportion of BAL neutrophils increases with aging, and that ventilatory function in SDIA patients also decreases with aging compared to non-SDIA patients.
キーワード bronchial asthma (気管支喘息) bronchoalveolar cells (気管支肺胞洗浄液中の細胞) ventilatory function (換気機能) glucocorticoids (グルココーチコイド) serum cortiosol levels (血清コーチゾール値)
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 1994-09
開始ページ 40
終了ページ 47
ISSN 0918-7839
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002307402
JaLCDOI 10.18926/15324
タイトル(別表記) 臨床所見および検査成績からのスコアーによる喘息分類の特徴
フルテキストURL 063_063_068.pdf
著者 谷崎 勝朗| 貴谷 光| 岡崎 守宏| 御舩 尚志| 光延 文裕| 谷水 将邦| 本家 尚子| 草浦 康浩| 高取 明正| 奥田 博之| 木村 郁郎|
抄録 Twenty six patients with bronchial asthma was classified by clinical symptoms and singns (clinical diagnosis), and the classification by clinical diagnosis was compared with the classification by a score calculated from clinical findings and examinations (score diagnosis). 1. Of 12 subjects with type Ia classified by clinical diagnosis, 8 cases with 0 to 49 ml/day of expectoration were evaluated as type Ia by score diagnosis. While four type Ia cases with 50 to 99ml/day of expectoration were calssified as type Ib by score diagnosis. The increased incidence of eosinophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of these four cases was similar to the incidence in type Ib cases with hypersecretion. 2. All of 6 subjects with type Ib by clinical diagnosis were estimated as type Ib by score diagnosis. 3. Of 8 cases with type II by clinical diagnosis, 7 cases were assessed as type II by score diagnosis. One case with type II by clinical diagnosis and with the score of 10 points was evaluated as questionable type II by score diagnosis.
キーワード asthma classification (喘息分類) bronchoconstriction (気管支攣縮) hypersecretion (過分泌) bronchiolar obstruction (細気管支閉塞) score diagnosis (スコアー診断)
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 1992-06
開始ページ 63
終了ページ 68
ISSN 0913-3771
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002307348
JaLCDOI 10.18926/15310
タイトル(別表記) 気管支喘息の臨床分類とその細胞性および液性因子の特徴
フルテキストURL 064_036_042.pdf
著者 谷崎 勝朗| 貴谷 光| 御船 尚志| 光延 文裕| 梶本 和宏| 杉本 啓介| 横田 聡| 平松 順一| 瓦屋 正志| 中桐 善康| 多田 慎也| 木村 郁郎|
抄録 Characteristics of each asthma type classified by clinical symptoms and findings were studied in 72 patients with bronchial asthma. 1. Ventilatory function tests showed that the values of % MMF, % V(50) and % V(25) were significantly lower in patients with bronchiolar obstruction (type II) compared to the values of those with simple bronchoconstriction type (type Ia) and those with bronchoconstriction + hypersecretion (type Ib). 2. The proportion of neutrophils in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid was significantly higher in type II than in type Ia and type Ib. Several patients with type Ib showed higher proportion of BAL eosinophils. 3. The release of LTC(4) from leucocytes was significantly lower in type II compared with type Ia and type Ib. There was no significant difference in the release of histamine and LTB(4) among the three asthma types.
キーワード Bronchial asthma Asthma classification BAL fluid chemical mediators
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 1993-06
開始ページ 36
終了ページ 42
ISSN 0918-7839
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002307662
JaLCDOI 10.18926/15120
タイトル(別表記) 老年者気管支喘息の各臨床病型における換気機能の特徴
フルテキストURL 066_021_029.pdf
著者 保﨑 泰弘| 御舩 尚志| 光延 文裕| 梶本 和宏| 横田 聡| 谷崎 勝朗| 越智 浩二| 原田 英雄| 池田 敏| 武田 和久|
抄録 Ventilatory function was examined in 55 patients with asthma (25 older patients over the age of 60 and 30 younger patients under the age of 59) in relation to four clinical types classified by clinical symptoms and signs. 1. Regarding cellular composition of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid, number of BAL neutrophils was significantly increased in type II, bronchiolar obstruction type, of older and younger patients compared to that in type la-1 and type la-2 of same patients. In contrast, BAL eosinophilia was observed in type la-2 of both older and younger patients and in type Ib of younger patients. 2. The values of % FVC, FEV(1.0%) and % PEFR were not significantly different among four clinical types of asthma and between older and younger patients, although the values of these ventilatory parameters in type II asthma showed a tendency to be lower compared to other clinical types. 3. The values of % MMF, % V(50), and % V(25), showing ventilatory dysfunction of small airways, were lowest in type II asthma of both older and younger patients among four clinical types. A significant difference in these ventilatory parameters of type II asthma compared to type la-1 asthma was observed in younger patients, but not in older patients. These results show that ventilatory dysfunction of small airways is related to clinical asthma types in younger patients, and to aging rather than asthma types in older patients.
キーワード Ventilatory function (換気機能) Clinical asthma type (臨床病型) BAL cells (BAL細胞) aging (加齢)
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 1995-09
開始ページ 21
終了ページ 29
ISSN 0918-7839
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002308008
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14935
タイトル(別表記) A Case of Recurrent Churg-Strauss Syndrome Associated with Bronchial Asthma
フルテキストURL 070_061_066.pdf
著者 原田 誠之| 柘野 浩史| 光延 文裕| 御舩 尚志| 保崎 泰弘| 芦田 耕三| 岡本 誠| 高田 真吾| 山本 敏雄| 谷崎 勝朗|
抄録 入院中にChurg-Strauss症候群の再燃を来した症例を報告した。症例は気管支喘息を有する73歳の女性で,持続する両下肢の知覚障害を主訴に当院に入院した。入院2週頃より微熱,下腹部不快感が続き右下肢のdrop foot,下血を呈した。末梢血では著明な好酸球増多を認め,内視鏡検査で直腸潰瘍を認めた。3年前の両下肢の知覚障害出現時にも同様の症状を経験しており,Churg-Strauss症候群の再燃と診断し,ステロイド治療を開始することにより新たな後遺症を残すことなく寛解に至った。Churg-Strauss症候群の発症・再燃の機序を考える上で貴重な症例と考え,文献的考察を加え報告する。
キーワード Churg-Strauss症候群 (Churg-Strauss syndrome) アレルギー性肉芽腫性血管炎 (allergic granulomatous angiitis) 血管炎症候群 (vasculitis syndrome) 気管支喘息 (bronchial asthma) 好酸球増多 (eosinophilia)
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 1999-12
開始ページ 61
終了ページ 66
ISSN 0918-7839
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002308532
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14942
タイトル(別表記) 臨床的および実験的側面からみた慢性膵炎とフリーラジカル
フルテキストURL 070_079_083.pdf
著者 越智 浩二| 松村 直樹| 水島 孝明| 光延 文裕| 谷崎 勝朗|
抄録 Free radicals have been suspected to play an important role in the pathogenicity of chronic pancreatitis. We reviewed studies on free radicals in chronic pancreatitis in both c1inical and experimental aspects. Many clinical studies have provided circumstantial evidence for the close relation between free radicals and chronic pancreatitis. However, few experimental studies in animals on relation between free radicals and chronic pancreatitis have been reported, because adequate experimental models for elucidating a pathological role of free radicals in chronic pancreatitis have not been established. The research concerning the role of free radicals in chronic pancreatitis is expected to improve our understanding the pathological mechanisms of the disease.
キーワード 慢性膵炎 (chronic pancreatitis) フリーラジカル (free radicals)
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 1999-12
開始ページ 79
終了ページ 83
ISSN 0918-7839
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002308147
JaLCDOI 10.18926/15155
タイトル(別表記) MASTシステムによる気管支喘息患者の特異的IgE抗体の検討
フルテキストURL 065_062_068.pdf
著者 光延 文裕| 貴谷 光| 御舩 尚志| 梶本 和宏| 横田 聡| 高田 一郎| 谷崎 勝朗|
抄録 The serum levels of specific IgE antibodies to food allergens and inhalant allergens were evaluated in ninety five patients with bronchial asthma using the MAST system, which can measure specific IgE antibodies against sixteen different allergens with a single sample. 1. Higher positivities of specific IgE antibodies were found in inhaled allergens than in food allergens. Specific IgE antibodies against several allergens were detected in individuals more frequently in inhaled allergens than in food allergens. 2. Positivities of specific IgE antibodies against food allergens did not correlate to patients' age and patients' age at onset. In inhaled allergens, positive results in MAST system were frequently observed in patients under age of 50 and under age at onset of 60. 3. In subjects with high serum IgE levels, high positivities of specific IgE antibodies against inhaled allergens and food allergen were found. 4. The MAST system is suggested to be clinically more useful than RAST.
キーワード bronchial asthma (気管支喘息) specific IgE antibodies (特異的IgE抗体) MAST system (MASTシステム)
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 1994-09
開始ページ 62
終了ページ 68
ISSN 0918-7839
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002307337
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14999
タイトル(別表記) 肺活量(FVC)低値を示す気管支喘息の臨床的特徴
フルテキストURL 067_008_013.pdf
著者 光延 文裕| 御舩 尚志| 保崎 泰弘| 芦田 耕三| 横田 聡| 柘野 浩史| 竹内 一昭| 名和 由一郎| 谷崎 勝朗| 越智 浩二| 原田 英雄|
抄録 Clinical features of asthma patients with a low % FVC (<75%) were studied in relation to clinical asthma type and disease severity. 1. The value of % FVC was not related to patient age. 2. A significant association between % FVC value and clinical asthma type was found. The value of % FVC was significantly lower in subjects with type Ⅱ asthma (bronchiolar obstruction) than in those with type Ia-1 and type Ia-2 (simple bronchoconstriction) (p<0.001). 3. % FVC value significantly correlated with disease severity. The value in the subjects tended to decrease as their asthma conditions were more severe. 4. The % FVC value in the subjects was improved after treatment (complex spa therapy). These results demonstrate that a significant correlation is present between low % FVC and disease severity in asthma patients with a low % FVC.
キーワード % FVC低値 (Low % FVC) 気管支喘息 (Bronchial asthma) 臨床病型 (Clinical asthma type) 重症度 (asthma severity) 温泉療法 (Spa therapy)
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 1996-11
開始ページ 8
終了ページ 13
ISSN 0918-7839
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002308511
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14998
タイトル(別表記) BAL液中好中球増加をともなわないⅡ型喘息について
フルテキストURL 067_001_007.pdf
著者 谷崎 勝朗| 御舩 尚志| 光延 文裕| 保崎 泰弘| 芦田 耕三| 横田 聡| 柘野 浩史| 竹内 一昭| 辻 孝夫|
抄録 Clinical features of asthma patients with bronchiolar obstruction (type Ⅱ asthma) were studied in relation to the proportion of neutrophils in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid. Of 13 subjects studied, 7 were accompanied with BAL neutrophilia (53.5%) (BALn(+)) and 6 were without BAL neutrophilia (3.5%) (BALn(-)). 1. The mean age was higher in BALn(-) (66.0 years) than in BALn(+) patients (55.0 years). 2. Bronchial reactivity to methacholine was slightly higher in BALn(-) patients than in those with BALn(+). 3. The value of FEV1.0% was significantly lower in BALn(+) patints than in those with BALn(-) (p<0.01). 4. The proportion of BAL lymphocytes was signicantly more decreased in BALn(+) patients compared to the proportion in those with BALn(-) (p<0.001). 5. the values of serum IgG, IgA, and IgM were not significantly different between BALn(+) and BALn(-) patients, however, the value of IgG was more decreased in BALn(+) patients than in those with BALn(-). These results suggest that two kinds of type Ⅱ asthma ; one is with BAL neutrophilia related to suppressed immunity, and another is without BAL neutrophilia in part due to aging.
キーワード 気管支喘息 (Bronchial asthma) 細気管支閉塞 (Bronchiolar obstruction) BAL好中球 (BAL neutrophilia) 免疫能低下 (Suppressed immunity) 加齢 (Aging)
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 1996-11
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 7
ISSN 0918-7839
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002308171
JaLCDOI 10.18926/15305
タイトル(別表記) 気管支喘息における気道炎症反応の臨床的意義。慢性閉塞性細気管支炎との比較検討
フルテキストURL 064_024_030.pdf
著者 谷崎 勝朗| 貴谷 光| 御船 尚志| 光延 文裕| 梶本 和宏| 杉本 啓介| 横田 聡| 平松 順一| 瓦屋 正志| 越智 浩二| 原田 英雄| 多田 慎也| 木村 郁郎|
抄録 Clinical significanoce of airway inflammation was assessed in 28 patients with bronchial asthma, and the results were compared with those in 9 patients with chronic obstructive bronchiolitis (COB). 1. Total cell number in bronchoalveolar lavage(BAL) fluid was markedly increased in patients with COB (51.0×10(6)), which was significantly greater than that in those with bronchial asthma (9.6×10(6) ). 2. The proportion of BAL macrophages was significantly higher in patients with bronchial asthma than in those with COB. However, the, absolute number of BAL macrophages was not significantly different between them. 3. The proportion of BAL lymphocytes was higher in patients with bronchial asthma than in those with COB, but this difference was not signifcant. In contrast, the absolute number of BAL lymphocytes was significantly greater in patients with COB than in those with bronchial asthma. 4. The proportion and the number of BAL neutrophils were markedly increased in patients with COB compared to those with bronchial asthma. 5. The proportion and the number of BAL eosinophils were higher in patients with bronchial asthma than in those with COB, although these defferences were not significant. The results suggest that airway inflammation in bronchial asthma is not so intensive as that in COB.
キーワード airway inflammation (気道炎症反応) bronchial asthma (気管支喘息) chronic obstructive bronchiolitis (慢性閉塞性細気管支炎) lymphocytes (リンパ球) neutrophils (好中球)
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 1993-06
開始ページ 24
終了ページ 30
ISSN 0918-7839
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002307730
JaLCDOI 10.18926/15147
タイトル(別表記) 気管支喘息における複合温泉療法と気道炎症反応
フルテキストURL 065_001_008.pdf
著者 谷崎 勝朗| 貴谷 光| 御舩 尚志| 光延 文裕| 梶本 和宏| 横田 聡| 高田 一郎| 越智 浩二| 原田 英雄| 多田 慎也| 原田 実根|
抄録 Efficacy of complex spa therapy was studied in 55 patients with bronchial asthma. Complex spa therapy was effective in 47 (85.5%) of the 55 patients with bronchial asthma : marked efficacy was observed in 15 (27.3%), moderate in 32 (58.2%), slight in 6 (10.9%) and no efficacy in 2 patients (3.6%). Improvement of clinical symptoms and findings by complex spa therapy was more clearly observed in patients with an increased proportion of BAL lymphocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils. These findings suggest that complex spa therapy more affects cell infiltration in the airways than bronchoconstriction induced by chemical mediators. Improvement of ventilatory function represented by FEV1.0% value was higher in patients with a low proportion of BAL neutrophils, suggesting that patients with increased number of BAL neutrophils require longer complex spa therapy than those without BAL neutrophilia.
キーワード complex spa therapy (複合温泉療法) airway inflammation (気道炎症反応) bronchial asthma (気管支喘息)
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 1994-09
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 8
ISSN 0918-7839
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002307726
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14979
タイトル(別表記) 気管支喘息症例における臨床的特徴と鼻腔・副鼻腔のCT所見の関連について
フルテキストURL 068_034_040.pdf
著者 御舩 尚志| 山本 和彦| 岩垣 尚史| 岡本 誠| 柘野 浩史| 芦田 耕三| 光延 文裕| 保崎 泰弘| 谷崎 勝朗| 多田 慎也| 原田 実根|
抄録 Extent of nasal and maxillary mucosa lesion was estimated in 26 asthmatics using computed tomographic scan in relation to clinical features of the disease. 1. No significant differences were present in nasal mucosal thickening between atopic and non-atopic subjects. No significant differences were also present in occupancy rate of mucosa in maxillary sinuses between the two asthma types. 2. Nasal mucosal thickening was not significant different between subjects with steroid-dependent intractable asthma (SDIA) and those without SDIA. Maxillary mucosal lesions were more extensive in subjects with SDIA than in those without SOIA. However, no significant differences were observed in occupancy rate between the two types. 3. No significant differences were observed in nasal mucosal thickenings between in subjects with and without aspirin-induced asthma (AlA). Although maxillary mucosa lesion in subjects with AlA was more extensive than that in those without AlA, the differences was not significant. 4. There was not any correlation between nasal mucosal thickening and amount of expectoration per day. However, significant differences were observed in maxillary sinus lesion between subjects with less amount (<50mℓ/day) and those with large amount of expectoration (100mℓ/day≦)(p<0.002), and between subjects with moderate amount (50-99mℓ/ day) and those with large amount of expectoration (p<0.002). The results might suggest that in asthmatics with large amount of expectoration, sinus diseases affect pathophysiology of asthma, and asthmatics with large amount of expectoration should have therapy for sinus disease to improve asthmatic status.
キーワード bronchial asthma sinusitis nasal disease CT scan expectoration
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 1997-12
開始ページ 34
終了ページ 40
ISSN 0918-7839
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002308538
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14955
タイトル(別表記) 気管支喘息患者における努力肺活量(% FVC)の低下と気道炎症ならびに臨床病型との関連
フルテキストURL 069_028_034.pdf
著者 光延 文裕| 御舩 尚志| 保崎 泰弘| 芦田 耕三| 横田 聡| 柘野 浩史| 谷崎 勝朗| 越智 浩二| 原田 英雄|
抄録 Clinical features of asthmatics with a low % FVC (<80%) were studied in relation to airway inflammation and clinical asthma types. 1. Twenty four (75.0%) of the 32 subjects with a low % FVC had steroid-dependent intractable asthma. 2. A significant association between % FVC value and clinical asthma type was found. The value of % FVC was significantly lower in subjects with type II asthma (bronchiolar obstruction), in which significantly decreased proportion of lymphocytes,and significantly increased proportion of neutrophils in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid were observed, than in those with type la-1 (simple bronchoconstriction) with (P<0.001) and without glucocorticoid therapy (P<0.02). 3. The % FVC value was significantly improved after treatment in type lb (hypersecretion) with BAL eosinophilia, but not in those with type II with BAL neutrophilia. These results demonstrate that marked decrease of % FVC in patients with asthma correlated with airway inflammation, and that airway reversibility by medication is very low in patients with type II asthma.
キーワード ventilatory function FEV1.0 bronchoalveolar lavage bronchial reversibility
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 1998-12
開始ページ 28
終了ページ 34
ISSN 0918-7839
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002308252
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14907
タイトル(別表記) 気管支喘息症例における末梢血白血球のロイコトリエンC4産生能とロイコトリエン受容体括抗薬プランルカストの効果に関する検討
フルテキストURL 071_036_041.pdf
著者 御舩 尚志| 高田 真吾| 岡本 誠| 柘野 浩史| 芦田 耕三| 光延 文裕| 保﨑 泰弘| 谷崎 勝朗| 原田 実根|
抄録 The correlation between the efficacy of 4-weeks administration with pranlukast, leukotriene receptor antagonist, and LTs generation by peripheral leukocytes were evaluated in 18 patients with mild-persistent asthma. The efficacy of pranlukast administration was assessed by symptom, morning PEF and pulmonary function. Pranlukast were effective in 12/18(67%) patients. In those patients, LTC4 generation before pranlukast administration was significantly high, compared with that in pranlukast-ineffective patients. LTC4 generation decreased after 4-weeks administration with pranlukast in effective patients. In ineffective patients, however, LTC4 generation increased after 4-weeks administration. LTB4 had shown no significant difference between effective and ineffective patients before administration, and LTB4 decreased after 4-weeks in both groups. Proport ion of peripheral eosinophi Is in effective patients were higher than that in ineffective patients, however not significant. After 4-weeks, proportion of eosinophi Is was decreased in effective patients and increased in ineffective patients. These findings suggest that pranlukast is effective for patients with high LTC4 generation and has the effect to suppress the accumulation of eosinophils in such patients.
キーワード bronchial asthma pranlukast leukotriene receptor antagonist LTC4
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 2001-02-01
開始ページ 36
終了ページ 41
ISSN 0918-7839
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002308269
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14975
タイトル(別表記) 気管支喘息におけるHRCTによるLow attenuation area(LAA)と平均CT numberとの関連
フルテキストURL 068_015_021.pdf
著者 光延 文裕| 芦田 耕三| 御舩 尚志| 保崎 泰弘| 柘野 浩史| 岡本 誠| 岩垣 尚志| 山本 和彦| 谷崎 勝朗| 中井 睦郎| 穐山 恒雄| 長谷川 晴巳|
抄録 The maximal percent low attenuation area < -950 HU (% LAA) among three anatomic lung levels on high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) was examined in patients with asthma, classified by the degree of % LAA, in relation to the mean CT number, % FVC of the predicted value, and FEV 1/FVC (FEV1%). 1 . The mean CT number was closely related to the degree of % LAA of the lungs. The mean CT number was significantly lower in patients with high % LAA (mean CT number-915.3HU, % LAA 37.6%) than in those with low % LAA (-852.9HU, 4.7%). 2. The FEV1% value was significantly lower in patients with high % LAA (47.8%) than in those with low % LAA (62.2%)(p<0.05). The % FVC value was also significantly lower in patients with high % LAA (77.1%) compared to the value in those with low % LAA (101.2%). The results suggest that a large volume of LAA<-950HU of the lungs can be observed in patients with asthma, and the % LAA is closely correlated with mean CT number and the values of FEV1% and % FVC.
キーワード bronchial asthma % LAA mean CT number FEV1 FVC
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 1997-12
開始ページ 15
終了ページ 21
ISSN 0918-7839
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002308351
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14906
タイトル(別表記) 気管支喘息患者における肺機能とHRCT上のlow attenuation areaに対する喫煙の影響
フルテキストURL 071_029_035.pdf
著者 光延 文裕| 御舩 尚志| 保﨑 泰弘| 芦田 耕三| 柘野 浩史| 岡本 誠| 高田 真吾| 横井 正| 谷崎 勝朗|
抄録 The influence of smoking on pulmonary function and emphysematous changes of the lung (percentage of attenuation area < -950 HU (% LAA) on high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) was examined in 49 patients with bronchial asthma. 1. In patients with asthma, the % residual volume (RV) in many nonsmokers was less than 129%, in contrast, the % RV in many smokers was between 130% and 189% , which was higher than that in nonsmokers. 2. Significant correlations between % RV and 96LAA value, and between % RV and CT number were observed both in nonsmokers and smokers with asthma, in which as % RV more increased, % LAA value was larger, and CT number was lower. 3. % DLco value was lower in smoking patients with asthma, whose % RV was between 130% and 189% and larger than 190% , however, the % DLco value did not change in nonsmoking patients despite of higher valure in % RV. 4. A significant correlation was also observed between % FEV1.0 value and % RV both in smoking and nonsmoking patients with asthma; as % RV value more increased, % FEV1.0 value was lower. 5. Any correlation between % FVC value and % RV was not observed. These results suggest that smoking affects the % LAA of the lung on HRCT and % DLco in patients with asthma.
キーワード asthma smoking % LAA of the lungs FEV1.0 DLco
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 2001-02-01
開始ページ 29
終了ページ 35
ISSN 0918-7839
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002308294
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14934
タイトル(別表記) 気管支喘息症例における皮質骨海綿化
フルテキストURL 070_053_060.pdf
著者 柘野 浩史| 中井 睦郎| 岡本 誠| 原田 誠之| 高田 真吾| 御舩 尚志| 光延 文裕| 芦田 耕三| 保崎 泰弘| 穐山 恒雄| 辻 孝夫| 谷崎 勝朗|
抄録 In previous studies, we have demonstrated that chronic administration of systemic glucocorticoids decreases cortical bone mineral density (BMD), cortical bone volume, bone strength, and induces development of pathologic fractures in asthmatic patients. We have also demonstrated that glucocorticoid administration appears to be responsible for the process of cortical bone porosity at both endosteal and intracortical sites in postmenopausal asthmatic patients. There is a difference of gonadal hormones between male and female. To investigate the influence of hormonal difference on glucocorticoid-induced cortical bone porosity, we studied cortical bone volume and BMD in both male and female patients with asthma in this report. A total of 99 asthmatic patients (male 26 cases, female 73 cases) were enrolled in the study. Peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) was used to measure cortical BMD and relative cortical volume. The cortical volume-density relationship appeared to remain constant regardless of the level of systemic glucocorticoid administration, age or sex, suggesting cortical bone porosity causes similar and simultaneous decreases in cortical bone volume and density. In conclusion, glucocorticoid administration appears to be responsible for the process of cortical bone porosity at both endosteal and intracortical sites despite the gonadal hormonal differences.
キーワード bronchial asthma systemic glucocorticoid cortical bone cortical porosity peripheral quantitative computed tomography
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 1999-12
開始ページ 53
終了ページ 60
ISSN 0918-7839
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002308477
JaLCDOI 10.18926/15117
タイトル(別表記) ダニ喘息における気道遊走細胞からのヒスタミン遊離の加齢による減少
フルテキストURL 066_001_007.pdf
著者 谷崎 勝朗| 御舩 尚志| 光延 文裕| 梶本 和宏| 保﨑 泰弘| 横田 聡| 越智 浩二| 原田 英雄| 池田 敏| 武田 和久|
抄録 Histamine release from bronchoalveolar cells induced by house dust mite (HDm) was compared in patients with atopic asthma sensitive to HDm in relation to age. 1. Total cell number in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid was larger in patients over the age of 40 years (9.10×10(6)) than in those aged between 20 and 39 years (6.25×10(6)), however, this was not significant. 2. Number of BAL eosinophils was not significantly different between the two age groups. 3. Number of BAL basophilic cells was significantly higher in younger patients (20-39 years) (1.85±1.03×10(2)/mℓ) than in older patients (40+ years) (0.39±0.24×10(2)/mℓ) (p<0.001). 4. Histamine release from BAL cells induced by HDm was significantly higher in younger patients (38.1±24.8%) than in older patients (0%) (p<0.001). These results suggest that histamine release from BAL cells in patients with HDm allergy decreases with aging.
キーワード Bronchial asthma House dust allergy Histamine release Bronchoalveolar cells
出版物タイトル 岡大三朝分院研究報告
発行日 1995-09
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 7
ISSN 0918-7839
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002307845