フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Ogawa, Hirohito| Fujikura, Daisuke| Namba, Hikaru| Yamashita, Nobuko| Honda, Tomoyuki| Yamada, Masao|
キーワード HHV-6B nectin-2 CD112 CD134 virus entry glycoprotein B
発行日 2022-01-16
出版物タイトル Viruses-Basel
出版者 MDPI
開始ページ 160
ISSN 1999-4915
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
著作権者 © 2022 by the authors.
論文のバージョン publisher
PubMed ID 35062364
DOI 10.3390/v14010160
Web of Science KeyUT 000746000400001
関連URL isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.3390/v14010160
フルテキストURL JVMS81_8_1191.pdf
著者 Ogawa, Hirohito| Hirayama, Haruko| Tanaka, Satsuki| Yata, Norio| Namba, Hikaru| Yamashita, Nobuko| Yonemitsu, Kenzo| Maeda, Ken| Mominoki, Katsumi| Yamada, Masao|
キーワード animal experimental facility domestic pig hepatitis E virus zoonosis
発行日 2019-08-24
出版物タイトル Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
出版者 The Japanese Society of Veterinary Science
開始ページ 1191
終了ページ 1196
ISSN 0916-7250
NCID AA10796138
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
著作権者 ©2019 The Japanese Society of Veterinary Science
論文のバージョン publisher
PubMed ID 31281141
DOI 10.1292/jvms.19-0086
Web of Science KeyUT 000492854900021
関連URL isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1292/jvms.19-0086
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/53674
フルテキストURL 69_5_279.pdf
著者 Saito, Yukie| Fujii, Yousuke| Yashiro, Masato| Tsuge, Mitsuru| Nosaka, Nobuyuki| Yamashita, Nobuko| Yamada, Mutsuko| Tsukahara, Hirokazu| Morishima, Tsuneo|
抄録 Lung hyperpermeability affects the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), but therapeutic strategies for the control of microvascular permeability have not been established. We examined the effects of edaravone, dexamethasone, and N-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA) on permeability changes in human pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells (PMVEC) under a hypercytokinemic state. Human PMVEC were seeded in a Boyden chamber. After monolayer confluence was achieved, the culture media were replaced respectively by culture media containing edaravone, dexamethasone, and L-NMMA. After 24-h incubation, the monolayer was stimulated with tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β). Fluorescein-labeled dextran was added. Then the trans-human PMVEC leak was measured. Expressions of vascular endothelial-cadherin (VE-cadherin) and zonula occludens-1 protein (ZO-1) were evaluated using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and immunofluorescence microscopy. The results showed that TNF-α+IL-1β markedly increased pulmonary microvascular permeability. Pretreatment with edaravone, dexamethasone, or L-NMMA attenuated the hyperpermeability and inhibited the cytokine-induced reduction of VE-cadherin expression on immunofluorescence staining. Edaravone and dexamethasone increased the expression of ZO-1 at both the mRNA and protein levels. Edaravone and dexamethasone inhibited the permeability changes of human PMVEC, at least partly through an enhancement of VE-cadherin. Collectively, these results suggest a potential therapeutic approach for intervention in patients with ARDS.
キーワード pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells permeability edaravone vascular endothelial-cadherin zonula occludens-1 protein
Amo Type Original Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 2015-10
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 279
終了ページ 290
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 CopyrightⒸ 2015 by Okayama University Medical School
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 26490025
Web of Science KeyUT 000365519600004
著者 八代 将登| 塚原 宏一| 松川 昭博| 山田 睦子| 藤井 洋輔| 長岡 義晴| 津下 充| 山下 信子| 伊藤 利洋| 山田 雅夫| 増谷 弘| 淀井 淳司| 森島 恒雄|
発行日 2013-08-01
出版物タイトル 岡山医学会雑誌
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
著者 Yashiro, Masato| Tsukahara, Hirokazu| Matsukawa, Akihiro| Yamada, Mutsuko| Fujii, Yosuke| Nagaoka, Yoshiharu| Tsuge, Mitsuru| Yamashita, Nobuko| Ito, Toshihiro| Yamada, Masao| Masutani, Hiroshi|
発行日 2013-01
出版物タイトル Critical Care Medicine
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
著者 山下 信子|
発行日 2012-04-01
出版物タイトル 岡山医学会雑誌
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/31961
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Yamashita, Nobuko| Kimura, Hiroshi| Morishima, Tsuneo|

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is usually maintained in an asymptomatic and latent form by the host immune system, and primarily by EBV-specific cytotoxic T cells (CTLs). However, EBV has been linked to several refractory diseases such as EBV-associated hemophagocytic syndrome(EBV-AHS) and chronic active EBV infection (CAEBV). In these ectopic diseases, EBV infects T/NK cells, causing severe immunodeficiency with a very high EBV load. In recent years, the laboratory procedure to assess these types of EBV infections has been improved. In particular, real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been used to quantify the EBV load, and the MHC: peptide tetramer assay has been used to quantitate EBV-specific CTLs; these tests have been employed for the management of the illnesses associated with EBV infection. Here, we have reviewed the recent progress in the clinical application of these assays. The pathogenesis of EBV-infected T/NK cells, and the host immune response to infection, including the roles carried out by innate immunity and inflammatory cytokines, are likely to be revealed in the future.

キーワード chronic active Epstein-Barr virus infection Epstein-Barr virus-associated hemophagocytic syndrome Real-time PCR tetramer
Amo Type Review
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 2005-12
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 239
終了ページ 246
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 16418766
Web of Science KeyUT 000234176600001
著者 山下 信子|
発行日 2003-06-30
資料タイプ 学位論文