フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Takahashi, Yuko| Iwamoto, Takayuki| Suzuki, Yoko| Kajiwara, Yukiko| Hatono, Minami| Tsukioki, Takahiro| Kawada, Kengo| Kochi, Mariko| Ikeda, Hirokuni| Shien, Tadahiko| Taira, Naruto| Matsuoka, Junji| Doihara, Hiroyoshi| Toyooka, Shinichi|
キーワード Gene expression Hormone receptor positive Residual tumor burden Targeted therapy Triple negative
発行日 2020-04
出版物タイトル Clinical Breast Cancer
出版者 Elsevier
開始ページ 117
終了ページ 124
ISSN 1526-8209
NCID AA11694891
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
論文のバージョン author
PubMed ID 31570267
DOI 10.1016/j.clbc.2019.07.001
Web of Science KeyUT 000529805200021
関連URL isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clbc.2019.07.001
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Suzuki, Yoko| Taniguchi, Kohei| Hatono, Minami| Kajiwara, Yukiko| Abe, Yuko| Kawada, Kengo| Tsukioki, Takahiro| Kochi, Mariko| Nishiyama, Keiko| Iwamoto, Takayuki| Ikeda, Hirokuni| Shien, Tadahiko| Taira, Naruto| Tabata, Masahiro| Yanai, Hiroyuki| Doihara, Hiroyoshi|
キーワード Radiation-induced angiosarcoma Radiotherapy Breast-conserving surgery Breast cancer Paclitaxel therapy Adjuvant therapy of angiosarcoma
発行日 2020-01-16
出版物タイトル Surgical Case Reports
出版者 SpringerOpen
開始ページ 25
ISSN 2198-7793
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
著作権者 © The Author(s). 2020
論文のバージョン publisher
PubMed ID 31950295
DOI 10.1186/s40792-020-0790-7
Web of Science KeyUT 000513920900001
関連URL isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1186/s40792-020-0790-7
フルテキストURL CCP_fulltext.pdf
著者 Tsukioki, Takahiro| Shien, Tadahiko| Tanaka, Takehiro| Suzuki, Yoko| Kajihara, Yukiko| Hatono, Minami| Kawada, Kengo| Kochi, Mariko| Iwamoto, Takayuki| Ikeda, Hirokuni| Taira, Naruto| Doihara, Hiroyoshi| Toyooka, Shinichi|
キーワード Breast cancer Metformin Preoperative Tils CD8 PD-L1
発行日 2020-06-12
出版物タイトル Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology
86巻 86巻
1号 1号
出版者 Springer
開始ページ 55 55
終了ページ 63 63
ISSN 0344-5704
NCID AA00598397
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
著作権者 ©Author(s)
論文のバージョン publisher
PubMed ID 32533334
DOI 10.1007/s00280-020-04092-2
Web of Science KeyUT 000539841500002
関連URL isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1007/s00280-020-04092-2
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/60799
フルテキストURL 74_5_401.pdf
著者 Tsukioki, Takahiro| Shien, Tadahiko| Ohtani, Yusuke| Fujihara, Miwa| Suzuki, Yoko| Kajihara, Yukiko| Hatono, Minami| Kawada, Kengo| Kochi, Mariko| Iwamoto, Takayuki| Ikeda, Hirokuni| Taira, Naruto| Doihara, Hiroyoshi|
抄録 Differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) in juvenile patients is often an extensive and aggressive disease with a high frequency of recurrence. However, the prognosis is excellent, with a low mortality rate even when advanced disease is present, although prognostic factors and treatment strategy remain uncertain. Between April 2004 and March 2017, 33 juvenile patients (< 30 years old) were diagnosed with DTC and treated at our institution. We retrospectively investigated prognosis and factors including sex, reason for discovery, treatment, pathological factors and treatment progress to clarify the risk factors. All patients underwent curative surgical treatment. Pathologically, lymph node metastasis was identified in 25 patients (75%). Thirteen patients (39%) had bilateral cervical metastasis. In addition, 9 (27%) had more than 10 metastatic lymph nodes. The 2 patients with more than 20 metastatic lymph nodes were treated with radioactive iodine (RAI). Five patients (15%) had local recurrences and received surgery. There have been no further recurrences or deaths. However, no factors were determined to significantly predict the recurrence of juvenile DTC. Local recurrent disease was treated with surgery and/or RAI until remission, and survival was excellent in juvenile DTC.
キーワード differentiated thyroid carcinoma juvenile children
Amo Type Original Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 2020-10
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 401
終了ページ 406
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 CopyrightⒸ 2020 by Okayama University Medical School
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 33106695
Web of Science KeyUT 000581970100004
NAID 120006892925
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Fujihara, Miwa| Shien, Tadahiko| Shien, Kazuhiko| Suzawa, Ken| Takeda, Tatsuaki| Zhu, Yidan| Mamori, Tomoka| Otani, Yusuke| Yoshioka, Ryo| Uno, Maya| Suzuki, Yoko| Abe, Yuko| Hatono, Minami| Tsukioki, Takahiro| Takahashi, Yuko| Kochi, Mariko| Iwamoto, Takayuki| Taira, Naruto| Doihara, Hiroyoshi| Toyooka, Shinichi|
キーワード breast cancer YES1 T-DM1 dasatinib drug resistance
発行日 2021-11-26
出版物タイトル International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
出版者 MDPI
開始ページ 12809
ISSN 1422-0067
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
著作権者 © 2021 by the authors.
論文のバージョン publisher
PubMed ID 34884609
DOI 10.3390/ijms222312809
Web of Science KeyUT 000735641400001
関連URL isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms222312809