フルテキストURL erc_038_001.pdf
著者 西村 伸一|
出版物タイトル 環境制御
発行日 2016-11
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 1
ISSN 0917-1533
オフィシャル URL http://www.okayama-u.ac.jp/user/emc|
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
著者 西村 伸一|
発行日 2005-12
出版物タイトル 環境制御
資料タイプ その他
著者 西村 伸一|
発行日 2004-11
出版物タイトル 環境制御
資料タイプ その他
JaLCDOI 10.18926/fest/11438
タイトル(別表記) Characteristics of Dredged Sludges by Desiccation
フルテキストURL 011_083_088.pdf
著者 滝澤 倫顕| 西村 伸一| 村上 章|
抄録 To examine the possible reuse of dredged sludge in view of construction material, physico-chemical properties and geotechnical characteristics of desiccated sludge are investigated through laboratory experiments. The consistency test, the pH test, the XRF test and the X-ray diffraction analysis are carried out for physico-chemical proteries, and the conolidation test and the permeability test are made for geotechnical characteristics. It is concluded that the history of desiccation changes the consistency of sludge and affects its permeability and consolidation bahavior.
キーワード Dredged sludges consolidation permeability solidification material XRF
出版物タイトル 岡山大学環境理工学部研究報告
発行日 2006-03-15
開始ページ 83
終了ページ 88
ISSN 1341-9099
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002313636
JaLCDOI 10.18926/fest/11528
タイトル(別表記) Damage factors analysis for small embankment dams due to the Hyogoken-Nambu earthquake special to Hokudan Town
フルテキストURL 007_055_074.pdf
著者 藤井 弘章| 国政 華奈| 難波 明代| 横溝 隆之| 西村 伸一| 島田 清| 堀 俊男| 西山 竜朗| 脇谷 芳招|
抄録 This study was performed to clarify which factors affected damage to take-ike (small embankment dams for irrigation in Japanese) of Hokudan Town on Awaji Island in western Japan due to Hyogoken-Nambu earthquake. Multivariate and ordinary statistical analysis were carried out using documentary data (181 damaged and 328 undamaged dams), and ordinary one was done for the results investigated in situ. The model for the multivariate analysis was created with 13 items and 94 categories for 4 groups (Location, Geology Structure, and History of Dam). As a result, the factors causing to damage for dam are (1) the nearest fault (Nojima, Mizukoshi and D2), (2) embankment volume (the larger the more), (3) angle of crest axis to epicenter (diagonal and normal), (4) distance to the nearest fault (less than 500 m), (5) distance to the epicenter (8 to 14 km which almost agree to the location of seismic intensity 7 JMA), (6) play view of dam axis (3 or 4 axes), (7) angle of crest axis to nearest fault (diagonal and normal), (8) elevation of dam site (over 100 m), (9) surface geology of dam site (non-cohesive soil), (10) era of construction (prior to 1891), and (11) soil properties of embankment (constructed of sand, smaller penetration resistance).
キーワード Earth dam earthquake damage site investigation statistical analysis case study
出版物タイトル 岡山大学環境理工学部研究報告
発行日 2002-03-22
開始ページ 55
終了ページ 74
ISSN 1341-9099
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002314039
JaLCDOI 10.18926/fest/58060
タイトル(別表記) Efficient modelling of 3-d finite element mesh formation with use of 3-d topographic survey
フルテキストURL fest_025_001_004.pdf
著者 金重 稔| 西村 伸一| 柴田 俊文| 珠玖 隆行|
抄録 In this decade, 3-dimensional topographic survey has been developed by using the UAV as like drones. With the technique, the complete topographies of the geo-structures can be measured. Although the accurate shapes of the geo-structures can be obtained, the numerical methods as like the finite element method is are not related to the 3-dimensional survey directly. In this research, the finite mesh modelling technique with use of the 3-D topographic survey is developed. The models of the earth-fill embankments formed from measured 3-D data are introduced as the examples.
キーワード 3-dimensional survey UAV finite element mesh modelling
出版物タイトル 岡山大学環境理工学部研究報告
発行日 2020-03
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 4
ISSN 13419099
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
JaLCDOI 10.18926/fest/11539
タイトル(別表記) One-dimensional Compression Tests of Sludge Cake from Dredged Sludge
フルテキストURL 006_085_097.pdf
著者 脇谷 芳招| 藤井 弘章| 西村 伸一| 井上 隆司|
抄録 One-dimensional compression tests were performed to investigate compression characteristics of sludge cake used as a construction material. The sludge cake is dewatering product of dredged sludge from the bottom of a lake. The test results show following compression characteristics. (1) For the undisturbed samples, e-log p curves show compressibility of overconsolidated clay ordinatily observed. (2) For the disturbed samples, there observed compressibility close to that of ordinary normally consolidated clay. (3) For the recompressed samples, there observed two turning points on e-log p curve. The compression presures(p(c1) and p(c2)) at those points for the unsubmerged tests have a linear correlation with the recompression pressure(p(s)). The submerged tests give very small values of p(c1) and p(c2) compared with the case of unsubmerged test. (4) For the recompressed samples, the first compression index(C(c1)) after p(c) has a linear correlation with the initial void ratio(e(0)), and the second compression index(C(c2)) shows almost constant value.
キーワード sludge cake one-dimensional compression test e~log p curve compression index void ratio
出版物タイトル 岡山大学環境理工学部研究報告
発行日 2001-02-28
開始ページ 85
終了ページ 97
ISSN 1341-9099
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002313853
JaLCDOI 10.18926/fest/11591
タイトル(別表記) Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance by In-situ Testing and Its Application to Reliability Design
フルテキストURL 005_145_151.pdf
著者 西村 伸一| 清水 英良| 藤井 弘章| 島田 清|
抄録 A calculation method of probability of liquefaction is proposed in this paper. The spatial variability of soil parameters for the dynamic shear strength, i.e., N-values, median grain size, fines contents, and the statistical characteristics of the earthquake frequency are considered in the analysis. The standard penetration test (SPT) is convenient to estimate the spatial variability of the dynamic shear strength and mainly used in this study. Furthermore the determination of dynamic shear strength based on Swedish weight Sounding test also introduced here, because it is the simpler test than SPT. While the statistical model of the earthquake frequency is determined based on the record of historical earthquakes. Using this method the probability of liquefaction is calculated. The sand compaction pile method is considered for the ground improvement against the liquefaction. Finally, the relationship between the sand replacement rate and the probability of liquefaction is clarified.
キーワード probability of liquefaction reliability design spatial variability of soil parameters statistical model of earthquake frequency dynamic shear strength
出版物タイトル 岡山大学環境理工学部研究報告
発行日 2000-02-29
開始ページ 145
終了ページ 151
ISSN 1341-9099
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002314022
JaLCDOI 10.18926/fest/11612
フルテキストURL 002_107_120.pdf
著者 藤井 弘章| Ofori Emmanuel| 島田 清| 西村 伸一|
抄録 This paper discusses a numerical model that can be used to optimize the installation in a zoned type and a homogeneous type fill dam. Before installation in a real dam to evaluate dam behavior, numerical model described in this paper is carried out on a prototype dam to check the optimum installation, using cross arm measurements. Three cross arm installations at the upstream, the core and downstream to measure displacements are considered. The installation options considered are three cross arm combinations for best installation to verify the safety of dams and to reduce cost. Finite element method is used for generating the displecement field in a linear elastic numerical model. The generated data is used as an input data in the back analysis to check the adequacy of each installation option.
出版物タイトル 岡山大学環境理工学部研究報告
発行日 1997-01-10
開始ページ 107
終了ページ 120
ISSN 1341-9099
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002313925
JaLCDOI 10.18926/fest/11636
フルテキストURL 001_181_192.pdf
著者 藤井 弘章| 成田 睦也| Cheng Chin Thai| 島田 清| 西村 伸一| Ofori Emanual|
抄録 This paper describes the prediction of seepage in the impervious zones of six embankment dams by seepage analysis. In addition, by making use of the available monitored pore water pressure data of the first filling of reservoir, back analysis was carried out to estimate the best fit seepage parameters. The estimated parameters were used for further prediction of pore water pressures in subsequent monitored durations with reasonable accuracy. The accuracy of prediction was evaluated quantitatively by the prediction difference and error index. The results show that the error indices in the upstream sides of the impervious zones are smaller than those in the downstream sides.
キーワード Unsaturated soils fill dams pore water pressure back analysis FEM
出版物タイトル 岡山大学環境理工学部研究報告
発行日 1996-03
開始ページ 181
終了ページ 192
ISSN 1341-9099
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002313591
JaLCDOI 10.18926/fest/11639
フルテキストURL 001_193_198.pdf
著者 島田 清| 西村 伸一| 藤井 弘章|
抄録 This paper presents a new method for prediction of consolidation settlements of soft grounds. The method is based on the theoretical result which shows that the settlement velocity of soft grounds non-improved or improved with sand drains decreases exponentially with time. Final settlements can be easily derived from the regression analysis for the relationship between the elapsed time and the observed settlement velocity. The method has advantages of its simplicity and capability to give the satisfactorily good estimate of the consolidation settlements, and also the support of the theoretical background.
キーワード consolidation settlement prediction soft ground sand drains one-dimensional consolidation
出版物タイトル 岡山大学環境理工学部研究報告
発行日 1996-03
開始ページ 193
終了ページ 198
ISSN 1341-9099
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002314033
フルテキストURL fulltext20210421_3.pdf
著者 Nishimura, Shin-ichi| Shibata, Toshifumi| Shuku, Takayuki|
キーワード risk evaluation earth-fill dam damage probability dam breaching spatial variability spatial variability natural disaster hazard curve fragility curve sounding test
備考 This fulltext is available in Apr. 2023| © 2020 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. This is the accepted manuscript version. The formal published version is available at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sandf.2020.09.004. |
発行日 2021-04
出版物タイトル Soils and Foundations
出版者 Elsevier
開始ページ 271
終了ページ 282
ISSN 00380806
NCID AA00700879
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
著作権者 © 2020 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society.
論文のバージョン author
DOI 10.1016/j.sandf.2020.09.004
Web of Science KeyUT 000634817700002
関連URL isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sandf.2020.09.004
著者 NISHIMURA, Shin-ichi| OKUBO, Kenji| MORITA, Hidenori| KOSKIAHO, Jari| TATTARI, Sirrka|
発行日 2014-06
出版物タイトル SYKE-OU Project Report
資料タイプ 研究報告書
著者 西村 伸一| 藤井 弘章|
発行日 1994
出版物タイトル 岡山大学農学部学術報告
資料タイプ 紀要論文