JaLCDOI 10.18926/40236
タイトル(別表記) Geochemical Studies on the Area of Hot Springs in Hamamura and Shikano District Comparison of Characteristics of Hot Springs in the Central part of Tottori Prefecture, Japan
フルテキストURL 027_025_044.pdf
著者 阪上 正信| 御船 政明|
抄録 The thermal and ground waters were sampled in the hot springs district of Hamamura-Katsumi and Shikano and in their neighborhoods. The water temperatures were measured when they were sampled. Among the major chemical constituents, the chloride, sulfate, bicarbonate (methyl-orange alkalinity), calcium and magnesium content was determined. Furthermore, as the minor constituents, the arsenic and phosphorus content was also determined. The uranium, radium and radon content was determined in some samples of hot springs. Based on the results of chemical analysis, the relations between the chloride content and the content of other chemical constituents were cheked respectively. Positive correlations were found in the relations between water temperature-Cl(-), SO(4)(2-)-Cl(-), Ca(2+)-Cl(-) and As-Cl(-), although the ratios of each content showed the different characteristic in Hamamura-Katsumi compared with that in Shikano. In the samples of Hamamura-Katsumi where the thermal waters were pumped out from the sedimentary beds of volcanic rocks, the sulfate and calcium content was relatively richer compared with the content of these ions in the samples of Shikano where granitic rocks underlay as the basement in the fairly shallow depth from the cground surface. These characteristics were also noticed when the chemical compositions of other hot springs in the central part of Tottori prefecture were examined. In the neighborhood of the hot springs district mentioned-above, distinctive indications of hot spring were found at Kinashi which was placed between Hamamura and Shikano, comprehensively examining the content of chemical constituents in the ground water samples in this region.
出版物タイトル 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
発行日 1961-01
開始ページ 25
終了ページ 44
ISSN 0369-7142
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 40017532371
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40235
フルテキストURL pitsr_027_011_023.pdf
著者 杉山 隆二|
出版物タイトル 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
発行日 1961-01
開始ページ 11
終了ページ 23
ISSN 0369-7142
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002462885
著者 岡山大学温泉研究所|
発行日 1961-01
出版物タイトル 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
資料タイプ その他
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40234
フルテキストURL pitsr_027_001_009.pdf
著者 Sakanoue, Masanobu|
抄録 In recent years, coulometric analysis has been developed and widely used as a technique for the determination of substances in solution by measuring the quantity of electricity required for the completion of a reaction in an electrolysis cell. Of two coulometric techniques, i. e., coulometric titration with a constant current and coulometric analysis with a controlled potential of a working electrode, the latter is more interesting to the author, because by this method both electrolytic separation and quantitative determination of chemical species can be achieved simultaneously. Especially, the use of a mercury cathode as the working electrode(1)) has an advantage that the optimum control potentials can easily be determinable from polarographic data. In our laboratory, we took up the coulometry of uranium as one of the interesting themes of researches when we had an opPortunity in studying various kinds of analytical methods for uranium in accordance with the request by Japan Atomic Fuel Corporation. The coulometric determination of uranium (VI) by using a mercury cathode at a controlled potential was studied by G. L. Booman, W. B. Holbrook and ]. E. Rein(2)). It was found to be very useful for the analysis of uranium in a highly enriched nuclear element which underwent fission to an appreciable extent. But the instrument used by them(3)) was complicated and expensive. Therefore, a simple counter millicoulometer has been coustructed in our laboratory, a readymade potentiostat (electrical instrument for automatic controlled potential electrolysis) being tried for electrolysis. By these instruments, the author studied the fundam ental conditions of coulometry for uranium and tried the successive determinations of uranium and thallium in mixed solutions.
出版物タイトル 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
発行日 1961-01
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 9
ISSN 0369-7142
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002462884