フルテキストURL esr_029_cover_j.pdf
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2023-03-31
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 © 2023 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
フルテキストURL esr_029_colophon.pdf
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2023-03-31
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 © 2023 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
タイトル(別表記) ERRATA: FDM simulation of long-period ground motions around Oita Prefecture, Japan, using a land-ocean unified 3D structure model
フルテキストURL esr_029_065_066.pdf
著者 奥仲 達也| 小松 正直| 竹中 博士| 吉見 雅行| 中村 武史| 岡元 太郎|
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2023-03-31
開始ページ 65
終了ページ 66
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 © 2023 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/65481
タイトル(別表記) Onset time and location of the main rupture of the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi, Japan, earthquake
フルテキストURL esr_029_049_063.pdf
著者 小割 啓史| 小松 正直| 竹中 博士|
抄録 The rupture process at the beginning stage of the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi, Japan, earthquake (MJ 6.7) is investigated by analyzing P-wave records from local strong-motion stations. The records show about 3 s of small amplitude arrival (so-called "initial rupture phase") followed by the onset of the main energy release ("main rupture phase"). In this paper we address the issue: where the seismic energy release corresponding to the main rupture phase started at the primary stage of the main rupture, by locating the main rupture onset position. For this aim we applied the 2D and the 3D search methods to estimate the relative location of the onset of the main rupture with respect to the hypocenter, and the time difference between them. The 2D method assumes a plausible initial fault plane and locates the main rupture onset position on the initial fault plane, while the 3D method does not require such assumed fault planes. In the 2D method we employed each of the nodal planes of the first-motion focal mechanism as the initial rupture plane. The 3D method was able to give a better solution than the 2D one. It suggests that the main rupture initiation point might not be on the same fault plane as the hypocenter is. The solution shows that the main rupture onset point is 5.8 km southward and 2.5 km upward from the hypocenter, with the rupture time of 3.3 s from the origin time. It is consistent with the previous studies on the relationship between the magnitude and the initial rupture duration.
キーワード 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi earthquake fault plane initial rupture strong motion
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2023-03-31
開始ページ 49
終了ページ 63
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 © 2023 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/65480
タイトル(別表記) Summary of our activities toward development of the ESD interdisciplinary study plans on climate and cultural understanding education with attention to the seasonal cycle and “seasonal feeling” around Japan and Europe
フルテキストURL esr_029_029_048_rev.pdf
著者 加藤 内藏進| 加藤 晴子| 赤木 里香子|
抄録 We have continued the interdisciplinary integration of the knowledge on climate and music and have developed the crosscutting study plans on the climate and cultural understanding education. A part of these results had been summarized in a Japanese book titled “Climate and music (Cultural understanding and ESD spreading from the “Doors of Song”)” (Kato and Kato 2019), building mainly our papers written in Japanese. This article will re-integrate our above study results, mainly for the climate and songs/traditional seasonal events around Germany, Northern Europe and Japan, with special attention to (A) asymmetric seasonal progression from autumn to next spring around Japan, (B) winter climate around Germany in association with the seasonal feeling on the traditional events “Fasnacht” for driving winter away and (C) climate around Northern Europe in association with the seasonal feeling on the summer solstice festival “Juhannus” with comparison to the summer climate around Japan.
キーワード climate and music interdisciplinary climate and cultural understanding education seasonal cycle around Japan and Europe seasonal feeling ESD comparative climatology
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2023-03-31
開始ページ 29
終了ページ 48
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 英語
著作権者 © 2023 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/65479
タイトル(別表記) Geology of the Paleogene to Neogene successions and gentle upwarping of the Kibi Plateau Surface, surrounding area of Kibichuou Town, Okayama Prefecture, Southwest Japan
フルテキストURL esr_029_001_027.pdf
著者 田中 元| 鈴木 茂之|
抄録 The Paleogene to Neogene successions which are composed of the Paleogene Kayo Formation, the late Oligocene to earliest Miocene Yagane Formation and the middle Miocene Ukan Formation are sporadically distributed in the Kibi Plateau region, surrounding area of Kibichuou Town, Okayama Prefecture, Southwest Japan. The gravel of the Kayo Formation occupied paleo-valley of Pre-Paleogene basement. The Yagane and Ukan formations unconformably overlay Pre-Paleogene rocks and occupy the gentle valley on the Kibi Surface as valley fill deposits.
The fluvial of the Kayo Formation is mainly composed of conglomerate with minor amount of sandstone and mudstone. The fluvial Yagane Formation is mainly composed of conglomerate and associated with sandstone, mudstone and coal beds. The marine Ukan Formation is subdivided into 3 members, the Yamagata Muddy sandstone Member (YMM), the Shimoyokomi Sandstone Member (SSM) and the Tsuneyama Mudstone Member (TMM) in ascending order. The YMM is characterized by the bio-disturbed very poorly sorted muddy sandstone with frequent burrows, which indicate tidal flat deposits. The SSM is mainly composed of parallel bedded well-sorted sandstone with occasional burrows, which suggest near shore deposits. The TMM is composed of homogeneous clay rich mudstone, which implies off shore deposits.
The boundary between the SSM and TMM (the contact of the sandstone and mudstone) is distinctive and correlative throughout the study area. The boundary is considered to be formed under similar water depth. The variations of the boundary height indicate a later ground movement. From the north to the south in about 25km distance, the height of the boundary changes 260m (in Ukan), 300m (in Takeshou), 360m (in Kibikogentoshi) and 260m (in Nichiouji). It indicates that a very gentle upwarping of the Kibi Plateau Surface was formed after the deposition of the Miocene.
キーワード Kibi Plateau Surface Upwarping Miocene Ukan Formation
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2023-03-31
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 27
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 © 2023 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
フルテキストURL esr_029_titlepage.pdf
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2023-03-31
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 英語
著作権者 © 2023 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
フルテキストURL esr_029_cover.pdf
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2023-03-31
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 英語
著作権者 © 2023 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher