FullText URL K0004799.pdf K0004799_honbun.pdf
Author Ueno, Hiroshi|
Published Date 2013-03-25
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第4799号
Granted Date 2013-03-25
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Health Sciences
Grantor 岡山大学
language Japanese English
Author Utsumi, Tomoko|
Published Date 2013-03-25
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Author Yamada, Takako|
Published Date 2013-03-25
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Author Higo, Sumiko|
Published Date 2013-03-25
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Author Mori, Keiko|
Published Date 2012-09-27
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Author Gouda, Kayoko|
Published Date 2012-09-27
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
FullText URL K0004656.pdf K0004656_honbun.pdf
Author Chikasue, Kumiko|
Published Date 2012-09-27
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第4656号
Granted Date 2012-09-27
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Health Sciences
Grantor 岡山大学
language Japanese English
Author Watanabe, Makiko|
Published Date 2012-03-23
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Author Kida, Katsuhiro|
Published Date 2012-03-23
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Author Yoshimoto, Masaaki|
Published Date 2012-03-23
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
FullText URL K0004591.pdf K004591_honbun.pdf
Author Ohno, Seiichiro|
Published Date 2012-03-23
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number 甲第4591号
Granted Date 2012-03-23
Thesis Type Doctor of Philosophy in Health Sciences
Grantor 岡山大学
language Japanese English
Author Tawara, Shinobu|
Published Date 2011-09-30
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Author Aoyama, Yutaka|
Published Date 2011-03-25
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Author Yatake, Hidetoshi|
Published Date 2011-03-25
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Author Nagamatsu, Tomohiro|
Published Date 2011-03-25
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Author Ikeda, Rie|
Published Date 2011-03-25
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation
Author Sato, Kimiko|
Published Date 2011-03-25
Publication Title
Content Type Thesis or Dissertation