ID | 55531 |
Title Alternative | JPARCのANNRI検出器を用いたGd-155, 157 の熱中性子捕獲反応により発生する不連続ガンマ線の相対強度の測定
FullText URL | |
Author |
Pretam Kumar Das
Graduate School of Natural Science and Tchnology, Okayama University
Note | 岡山大学審査学位論文
Published Date | 2017-09-29
Content Type |
Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number | 甲第5606号
Granted Date | 2017-09-29
Thesis Type |
Doctor of Philosophy in Science
Grantor | 岡山大学
Thesis FullText |
Thesis or Dissertation (See FullText URL)
language |
File Version | ETD
Grant ID | 15301甲第5606号