ID | 56112 |
Title Alternative | 高血糖条件下の胎盤におけるPKC及びHIF-1αを介した血管新生因子の産生
FullText URL | |
Author |
Mitsui, Takashi
Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University
Note | 岡山大学審査学位論文
Published in Acta Medica Okayama. 72(3), 29-39(2018)
Published Date | 2018-06-30
Content Type |
Thesis or Dissertation
Grant Number | 甲第5791号
Granted Date | 2018-06-30
Thesis Type |
Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science
Grantor | 岡山大学
Thesis FullText |
Thesis or Dissertation (See FullText URL)
language |
File Version | ETD
Grant ID | 15301甲第5791号