Author 岡山大學放射能泉研究所|
Published Date 1951-03
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Volume volume4
Content Type Others
Author 岡山大學放射能泉研究所|
Published Date 1951-03
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Volume volume4
Content Type Others
Author 岡山大學放射能泉研究所|
Published Date 1950-07-25
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Volume volume3
Content Type Others
Author 岡山大學放射能泉研究所|
Published Date 1950-07-25
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Volume volume3
Content Type Others
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40364
Title Alternative Direct colorimetric and volumetric determination of calcium with new reagent
FullText URL rbl_003_039_042.pdf
Author Ashizawa, Takashi|
Abstract The anthor found that azocal-A reacts only with calcium, and devised a direct colorimetric, and a direct titration method for calcium determination using azocal-A as an indicator, and obtained a satisfactory result. Accuracy : detectable amount in NaOH……0.28 γ, of Ca ; detectable amount in NH(4)OH……2 γ, of Ca. Sensibility……1 : 125,000 & 1 : 17,500 respectively. Interfering substances : Fe, U, Ni, Co, Hg, Ag, citrate, tartarate, oxalate, large amount of NH(4) salts, Sr, Mg. Not interfering subst. : Ba, F, acetate and silicate. Reagents : Saturated soln. of azocal-A in weak NaOH soln.. Spot test procedure : Place a drop of the acid or neutral test soln. upon white spot plate, add 1 drop of azocal-A soln., and mix them. If a yellow color appears, calcium is present. Colorimetric method: Transfer water sample containg not more than 0.05 mg of calcium, and not more than 5 mg of Fe, Mn, Mg, etc. to a 20 cc colorimetric tube, add 0.5-1 cc of azocal-A soln. and 0.5 cc of 6N-NaOH soln.. Allow it to stand for 10 minutes. Then compare the resulted yellow color with standard Ca soln. prepared similarly and simultaneously. Volumetric method : Amount determinable : 0.1 g of calcium. Transfer 40 cc of sample containg 5-100 mg to a 100 cc Erlenmeyer's flask, add 0.5 cc of 6N-HCl, add azocal-A to the amount of pink color as caused by methyl orange in acid soln.. Make alkaline with 1 cc of 6N-NaOH. Add 10 cc alcohol to every 40 cc of the sample solution. Then its color turns to yellow. Titrate with 0.1 N oxalate soln.. 1.0 cc of 0.1 N oxalate soln. is equivalent to 2.0 mg of Ca. Absorption band of the acid soln. at 4900 A, alkaline soln. at 5000 A, Ca-compound at 4300 A. The azocal-A is o-carboxy-benzol-azo-2-naphtol 3, 6-disulfonic acid prepared from anthranilic acid and R-salt.
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Published Date 1950-07-25
Volume volume3
Start Page 39
End Page 42
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002484888
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40363
Title Alternative Studies on vitriol springs : 5. Polynuclear complex iron salts in vitriol waters
FullText URL rbl_003_035_038.pdf
Author Ashizawa, Takashi|
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Published Date 1950-07-25
Volume volume3
Start Page 35
End Page 38
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002484887
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40362
Title Alternative Chemical studies on Misasa Hot Spring (1-8)
FullText URL rbl_003_021_034.pdf
Author Ashizawa, Takashi|
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Published Date 1950-07-25
Volume volume3
Start Page 21
End Page 34
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002484886
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40361
Title Alternative Studies of the radio-active springs. XXV The effect of Thoron spring bath on Rotter's reaction
FullText URL rbl_003_018_020.pdf
Author Oshima, Yoshio|
Abstract In the preliminary papers the author reported that the Thoron in thermal water passes throngh the skin and stimulates the subcutaneous connective tissue cells. Sotozono proved that the reduced ascorbic acid content in the blood increases after the Radonspring bath. Before and after thermal bath the author measured the time necessary for the complete decoloration of intradermally injected dichlorphenol-indophenol solution. Compared with the plain water bath at a same temperature, the Thoron spring bath seems to have a tendency to reduce the time necessary for the decoloration.
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Published Date 1950-07-25
Volume volume3
Start Page 18
End Page 20
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002484885
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40360
Title Alternative Studies of the radio-active springs : XXIV Effect of the internal use of the radio-active waters on alimentary hyperglycemia, influence cf the aging of mineral water
FullText URL rbl_003_015_017.pdf
Author Morinaga, Hiroshi|
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Published Date 1950-07-25
Volume volume3
Start Page 15
End Page 17
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002484884
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40359
Title Alternative Studies of the radio-active springs (XXII-XXIII)
FullText URL rbl_003_011_014.pdf
Author Oshima, Yoshio|
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Published Date 1950-07-25
Volume volume3
Start Page 11
End Page 14
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002484883
JaLCDOI 10.18926/40358
Title Alternative Studies of the radio-active springs ; XXI Effect of the radio-active thermal bath on blood iodate value
FullText URL fulltext.pdf
Author Sotozono, Masazumi|
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Published Date 1950-07-25
Volume volume3
Start Page 1
End Page 10
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 40017532938
Author 岡山大學放射能泉研究所|
Published Date 1950-07-25
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Volume volume3
Content Type Others
Author 岡山大學放射能泉研究所|
Published Date 1950-07-25
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Volume volume3
Content Type Others
Author 岡山大學放射能泉研究所|
Published Date 1949-12
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Volume volume2
Content Type Others
JaLCDOI 10.18926/15525
FullText URL 004_049_053.pdf
Author Oshima, Yoshio|
Abstract The membrane potential difference with the living human skin between the physiological saline and the mineral waters was measured. The hypotonic mineral waters, that have a pH higher than the isoelectric point of human epidermis, showed a positive potential against the physiological saline. The membrane potential difference of these mineral waters against the physiological saline at the same temperature tends to increase by raising the water temperature. The acid waters showed either a positive or a negative potential against the physiological saline. The membrane potential difference between the mineral wates at room temperature and at the temperature raised above it is increased according to their temperature difference,
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Published Date 1951-03
Volume volume4
Start Page 49
End Page 53
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002307611
JaLCDOI 10.18926/15524
FullText URL 004_039_048.pdf
Author Onda, Sakue|
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Published Date 1951-03
Volume volume4
Start Page 39
End Page 48
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002307541
JaLCDOI 10.18926/15523
FullText URL 004_023_039.pdf
Author Onoda, Susumu|
Abstract The author investigated the changes in skin temperature, oral temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration rate and weight of body before and after a radio-active thermal bath in Misaswa, and compared the results with the corresponding changes after a plain water bath at a same temperature (43℃) with same duration (5min.). A rise in skin temperature after the thermal bath durated longer than after the control plain water bath. Changes in oral temperature did not correspond to the changes in skin temperature and to the suhjective warm feeling. Changes in the pulse pressure showed no significant difference between the radio-active thermal bath and plain water hath. But a more prolonged lowering of the minimal blood pressure was proved after a radio-active thermal bath than after a plain water bath at same temperature with same duration. The response in blood pressure to thermal bath was more marked in winter than in summer. A rise in pulse rate was recognized after all kinds of hot baths, but no difference was proved between them. A slight acceleration of respiration rate and a loss in weight were observed after hot bath at 43℃ for 5 minutes. But these effects were slighter after radio-active thermal bath than after plain water bath at same temperature and same duration.
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Published Date 1951-03
Volume volume4
Start Page 23
End Page 39
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002307268
JaLCDOI 10.18926/15522
FullText URL 004_013_023.pdf
Author Oshima, Yoshio|
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Published Date 1951-03
Volume volume4
Start Page 13
End Page 23
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002307917
JaLCDOI 10.18926/15521
FullText URL 004_001_012.pdf
Author Ashizawa, Takashi|
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Published Date 1951-03
Volume volume4
Start Page 1
End Page 12
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002307742
JaLCDOI 10.18926/15520
Author 森永 寛|
Publication Title 放射能泉研究所報告
Published Date 1949-12
Volume volume2
Start Page 20
End Page 30
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 40017532936