FullText URL srfa_112_001_006.pdf
Author Yoshida, Yuichi| Hanada, Atsushi| Ooguma, Keita| Yoshida, Kenta| Goto, Tanjuro| Tanaka, Yoshiyuki| Yasuba, Ken-ichiro|
Abstract Long day (LD) treatment is frequently applied for horticultural crops, including strawberry, and sufficient effect similar to 4 to 6hours of day time elongation in the evening can be achieved by 1 to 3hours of night break in the mid night. Incandescent lamps (IC) have long been an important light source, but the general incandescent lamps are out of production and have been replaced with LED or florescent lamps (FL). Thus, we compared light sources and their color temperature (2,800K, warm white similar to IC; 6,500K, daylight) in different lighting programs. The effectiveness of 3 and 4cycles of alternate intermittent lighting, 30min on/30min off, were equal to and larger than 2hours of night break, respectively. Measured intensity of illumination (lux) at the canopy surface by 2,800K LED (6.9W) and FL (12W) was 1.50 and 0.95times as large as IC (54W), but leaf growth under LED and FL was similar to and less vigorous than IC, respectively. On the other hand, intensity values of illumination by 6,500K LED (6.9W) and FL (12W) were both 1.20times as large as 2,800K ones, but 6,500K light sources were much less effective compared to 2,800K ones. Daylight type LED and FL which have higher luminance efficiency but emit less red light compared to warm white ones, are not suitable as alternative light sources for IC.
Keywords daylight Fragaria ×ananassa Duch. intermittent lighting luminance efficiency warm white
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2023-02-01
Volume volume112
Start Page 1
End Page 6
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
FullText URL srfa_112_contents.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2023-02-01
Volume volume112
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
FullText URL srfa_112_cover.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2023-02-01
Volume volume112
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
FullText URL srfa_111_Supplement.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2022-02-01
Volume volume111 Supplement
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
FullText URL srfa_111_contents.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2022-02-01
Volume volume111
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
FullText URL srfa_111_cover_e.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2022-02-01
Volume volume111
Start Page 1
ISSN 2186-7755
language English
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FullText URL srfa_111_colophon.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2022-02-01
Volume volume111
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative The List of Published by Members of the Faculty From January to December 2021
FullText URL srfa_111_027_042.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2022-02-01
Volume volume111
Start Page 27
End Page 42
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative Propagation characteristics and method of appropriate management of invasive alien species Iris pseudacorus L.
FullText URL srfa_111_021_025.pdf
Author Nakashima, Yoshitaka|
Abstract To establish a proposal for a guiding principle supporting appropriate management of Iris pseudacorus L., which had been used as an important vegetation bank species until the Invasive Alien Species Act, this study investigated propaga-tion characteristics. The seed in which seed coat cracked germinated earlier, and it was shown that their cumulative germination percentage was high even under 30 °C constant conditions. When the fresh weight of the rhizome cut pieces in the spring became greater than 15 g, the individual plant flowering rate increased gradually. Individuals of more than 30 g achieved a flowering rate higher than 76 %. The flow-ering rate was highest for individual plants that had two green leaves, but it became progressively lower for increas-ing numbers of green leaves:non-flowering individuals grew better than flowering individuals. In the 0 cm height scape-cutting treatment, no significant difference was found in the numbers of flowers and fruits the next year. In the 5 cm height top-cutting treatment, the flowers and fruits in the next year were significantly fewer.
Keywords Iris pseudacorus L. invasive alien species propagation characteristics flood tolerance
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2022-02-01
Volume volume111
Start Page 21
End Page 25
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120007190705
Title Alternative Big data in the sex chromosomes of Silene plants and a fungus acting as a plant sex chromosome
FullText URL srfa_111_015_020.pdf
Author Fujita, Naoko|
Abstract Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae) is a dioecious plant that has long been used for study on sex chromosomes in plants. The advantage but also disadvantage of S. latifolia as a model system is the size of the Y chromosome that contains an extremely large male-specific region (approx. > 500 Mb). This feature implies that the evolutionary history of sex chromo-somes remains in the S. latifolia Y chromosome, while the size makes analyses esoteric. Another advantage is that plants in the genus Silene show variation in reproductive systems; most are gynodioecy (females and hermaphrodites), which is thought of as an evolutionary status before establishment of dioecy (males and females), with a few hermaphrodites and dioecy, suggesting that the genus Silene may represent an epitome of the sex chromosome evolution. Microbotryum is a biotrophic fungi, whose infection causes masculinization of the female flower, as if the fungus acts as the Y chromo-some. Though the underlying molecular mechanisms remain unknown, recent high-throughput sequence technologies provide many candidate genes for sex determination in plants and sex conversion by the fungus. In this article, I review and introduce studies of the Y chromosome in S. latifolia plant, the evolution of sex chromosomes in the genus Silene, the masculinization of female flowers caused by a fungus infection, and a virus vector that can be used for genetic analysis of the key genes involved in these processes.
Keywords Silene latifolia Microbotryum lychnidis-dioicae anther smut sex chromosome plant-microbe interaction
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2022-02-01
Volume volume111
Start Page 15
End Page 20
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120007190706
Title Alternative Studies on antitumor enzyme l-lysine α-oxidase from Trichoderma viride
FullText URL srfa_111_007_014.pdf
Author Saito, Masaya| Inagaki, Kenji|
Abstract L-Lysine α-oxidase (LysOX) from Trichoderma viride is a homodimeric flavoenzyme that catalyzes the oxidative deamination of L-Lysine to produce α-keto-ε-aminocaproate with ammonia and hydrogen per-oxide. LysOX inhibited the growth of cancer cells but showed relatively low toxicity for normal cells. The full-length cDNA consists of 2,119 bp, and encodes a long N-terminal propeptide composed of 77 resi-dues (Met1-Arg77) and the mature protein (Ala78-Ile617). The LysOX gene was heterologously expressed in Streptomyces lividans TK24 or Escherichia coli SoluBL21. The enzymatic properties of the purified recombinant LysOX, such as substrate specificity, kinetic parameters and thermal stability, are the same as those of the native LysOX. The LysOX precursor (prLysOX) expressed in E. coli shows weak enzymatic activity and is activated by proteolytic processing. The crystal structure of prLysOX revealed that the propeptide of prLysOX indirectly changes the active site structure to inhibit enzyme activity. Moreover, the crystal structures of LysOX and its L-Lysine complex revealed that the hydrogen bonding network formed by Asp212, Asp315 and Ala440 with two water molecules is responsible for the recogni-tion of the ε-amino group of L-Lysine. In addition, a narrow substrate-binding site and acidic surface at the active site entrance both contribute to strict substrate specificity. Mutational analysis demonstrated that Asp212 and Asp315 are essential for substrate recognition, and the D212A/D315A LysOX prefers aromatic amino acids. Furthermore, the structural basis of the substrate specificity change has also been revealed by the structural analysis of the D212A/D315A LysOX and its substrate complexes.
Keywords L-lysine α-oxidase antitumor enzyme substrate recognition X-ray crystallography enzyme activity regulation
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2022-02-01
Volume volume111
Start Page 7
End Page 14
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120007190707
FullText URL srfa_111_001_006.pdf
Author Thao Thu Phan| Fukushima, Keigo | Tanaka, Yoshiyuki| Yasuba, Ken-ichiro| Yoshida, Yuichi| Goto, Tanjuro|
Abstract In Eustoma (Eustoma grandiflorum (Raf.) Shinn) cultivation in southwestern Japan, cold imbibition treatment of seeds is important to accelerate bolting and flowering of seedlings grown in the summer season. In order to facilitate the handling of cold imbibed seeds, re-drying treatment (RDT) after wet treatment at 10°C for 35 days in dark conditions (WT10°C) is considered to be an essential technique. The investigation of five Eustoma cultivars ‘Exe Lavender’, ‘Orb Snow’, ‘Philia Lavender’ , ‘Dure Lavender’ and ‘Exe Light Pink’ was to find the germinability and the growth characteristics of Eustoma when re-drying and storage at 10°C for 30 days were applied immedietely after ending the WT10°C. The results showed that germination and growth responses differed among Eustoma cultivars. RDT seeds and non- RDT seeds of ‘Exe Lavender’, ‘Orb Snow’ and ‘Philia Lavender’ had a similar germination rate. However, germination rate of RDT seeds in ‘Dure Lavender’ and ‘Exe Light Pink’ was lower than that of non-RDT seeds. There was no significant difference in cut-flower quality grown from RDT and non-RDT among ‘Exe Lavender’, ‘Orb Snow’ and ‘Dure Lavender’. However, bolting and flowering rate of RDT in ‘Dure Lavender’ and ‘Exe Light Pink’ were lower than those of non-RDT. This suggested that it might not be useful to apply RDT after the cold-wet treatment of Eustoma seed due to lower germination or bolting rates in some cultivars. Further investigation of cold-wet exposure and dehydrating conditions is required to establish RDT procedures for Eustoma cultivars.
Keywords bolting chilling cut flower quality dehydrate flowering
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2022-02-01
Volume volume111
Start Page 1
End Page 6
ISSN 2186-7755
language English
File Version publisher
FullText URL srfa_111_cover.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2022-02-01
Volume volume111
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
FullText URL srfa_110_cover_e.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2021-02-01
Volume volume110
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
FullText URL srfa_110_colophon.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2021-02-01
Volume volume110
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative The List of Published by Members of the Faculty From January to December 2020.
FullText URL srfa_110_015_031.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2021-02-01
Volume volume110
Start Page 15
End Page 31
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Title Alternative Studies for stabilization of flower color and cut flower longevity
FullText URL srfa_110_007_013.pdf
Author Kitamura, Yoshikuni|
Abstract  My research interest is in the physiology and ecology of ornamental plants. Here, I introduce my research subjects on the stabilization of flower color and cut flower longevity. Seasonal color change of dahlia (Dahlia variabilis) is studied as practical study for improving the stable dahlia cut flower production during autumn and winter. The results obtained from pigment analysis and clone selection are presented. Research on cut flower longevity is presented from two aspects. Firstly, study on the structure of conductive tissues that contribute to water transport is presented. Secondly, study on the floral organs that contribute to transpiration from cut flowers is presented.
Keywords cut flower flower color transpiration
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2021-02-01
Volume volume110
Start Page 7
End Page 13
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120006955816
Title Alternative A comparative gene analysis reveals a diatom-specific SET domain protein family
FullText URL srfa_110_001_006.pdf
Author Nemoto, Michiko|
Abstract  The silica cell walls of diatoms, which exhibit species-spe-cific micro- and nano- patterned structures are promising candidates for applications in nanotechnology. Previous studies revealed a number of silica cell wall-associated proteins involved in silica formation. However, molecular biological analyses toward understanding of diatom cell wall formation have been mostly limited to model diatom species and general silica formation process in diatoms is still incompletely understood. In this study, to gain a compre-hensive insight into diatom silica biomineralization, tran-scriptome data of three diatom species, Nitzschia palea, Achnanthes kuwaitensis and Pseudoleyanella lunata, were newly developed. The reads obtained from RNA sequencing were assembled into 31,946, 60,767 and 38,314 unique transcripts for N. palea, A. kuwaitensis and P. lunata, respectively. In order to identify the diatom-specific genes, three transcriptome data sets developed in this study and the protein-coding gene sets of five genome-sequenced diatoms were compared. The proteins shared only by eight diatom species that are predicted to possess an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-targeting signal peptide were selected for further analyses. These include proteins showing homology to silicanin-1, a recently reported diatom-specific protein involved in silica formation, as well as a number of SET domain proteins. The SET domain proteins might be novel diatom-specific family of methyltransferases that may reg-ulate the function of silica formation related proteins or long chain polyamines. The genes encoding the diatom-specific SET domain proteins identified in this study, which were shown to respond to silicon were suggested to be implicated in silica biomineralization.
Keywords Biomineralization Diatom Silica Protein
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2021-02-01
Volume volume110
Start Page 1
End Page 6
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120006955817
FullText URL srfa_110_contents.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2021-02-01
Volume volume110
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher
FullText URL srfa_110_cover.pdf
Publication Title Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
Published Date 2021-02-01
Volume volume110
ISSN 2186-7755
language Japanese
File Version publisher