ID 11664
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A dietary survey in patients with chronic pancreatitis
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Hayashimoto, Kanae
Ochi, Koji
Harada, Hideo
Tanaka, Juntaro
Takuma, Masae
Masui, Etsuko
Tanizaki, Yoshiro
Matsumoto, Shuji
Seno, Toshinobu
Izushi, Michihiro
Importance of diet therapy has been emphasized in chronic pancreatitis. However, concrete measures and programs of the diet therapy have remained to be studied. Therefore, Intractable Pancreatic Disease Study Group recently carried out a nation-wide questionnaire survey on the diets in patients with chronic pancreatitis under the auspIces of the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Attendant physicians were requested to report the nutritional states of their patients and the kinds and amounts of foods taken by their patients on three consecutive days. The nutritional state was evaluated by a body weight index calculated by the following formula:Body Weight Index (%) = Present Body Weight / Ideal Body Weight X 100. Daily nutritional intake (calorie, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and others) was calculated by dieticians according to the Food Exchange Table published by the Japanese Association of Diabetes. The present study constitutes a part of the group study. Patients consisted of 44 men and 12 women who fulfilled the diagnostic criteria proposed by the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology;20 men and 3 women had secondary diabetes mellitus. Following results and conclusions were obtained. (1) Average daily calorie intake of the patients was 1,759kcal as compared with 2,057kcal in the general population in Japan. Sixteen patients (28.6%) showed daily calorie intake less than 1,400 kcal and consequently poor nutritional states (6 patients with body weight indices less than 80% and 10 with 80-90%). It is important, therefore, to try to improve the daily calorie intake by increasing the frequency of diets in these patients. (2) Average daily intake of protein was 72.1 g (animal protein 38.1 g), only slightly less than 79.2 g (animal protein 41.7 g) in the general population. However, as many as 16 patients (28.6%) showed daily protein intake of less than 60 g and poor nutritional states as described above. It is important, therfore, to encourage patients to maintain the daily protein intake of more than 60 g by increasing the frequency of diets with oral administration of digestive enzymes. (3) Average daily intake of fat was 39.9 g (animal fat 23.8 g), approximately 20 g less than 58.3 g (animal fat 28.0 g) in the general population. As many as 17 patients (30.4%) showed daily fat intake of less than 30 g , and 16 of the 17 patients showed poor nutritional states as described above. It is important, therefore, to encourage patients to maintain the daily fat intake of more than 30 g (especially by increasing the amounts of vegetable oil) by increasing the frequency of diets with oral administration of digestive enzymes. (4) Average daily intake of carbohydrate was 278 g, almost equal to 289 g in the general population. However, many patients took as much as 48 g of carbohydrate in the from of cakes, plain sugar and alcohol beverages. Seventeen men (39%) and one woman (8%) had continued drinking alcohol beverages even after the diagnosis was made. It is important, therefore, to encourage patients to improve the quality of carbohydrate intake, although it is admittedly difficult to realize the ideal. (5) Intake of vitamins and minerals (especially calcium) also tended to be insufficient. Green vegetables were especially insufficient. (6) In conclusion, it is utmost important in chronic pancreatitis to perform periodical evaluation of nutritional intake and feed back the information to the treatment through a close patient-dietician-doctor relationship.
慢性膵炎 (Chronic pancreatitis)
食事療法 (Diet therapy in chronic pancreatitis)
栄養状態 (Nutrition in chronic pancreatitis)
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岡山大学医学部附属環境病態研究施設, 岡山大学医学部附属病院三朝分院
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Institute for Environmental Medicine, Okayama University Medical Scool
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Departmental Bulletin Paper
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