ID | 11497 |
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Author |
Numaguchi Satoshi
Abstract | The global positioning system (GPS) is utilized for analysis of flows in the water environment. A float equipped with a GPS unit is designed to drift on the surface of the water. Its driving force is the fluid resistance exerted on a pair of rectangular plates. While it travels over the surface, the GPS unit evaluates its position every second, and spatiotemporal data that specify its motion are transmitted to be recorded. Results of experiments conducted to study unsteady flows generated in Kojima Lake are introduced.
Keywords | water environment
global positioning system
Publication Title |
Published Date | 2003-03
Volume | volume8
Issue | issue1
Publisher | 岡山大学環境理工学部
Publisher Alternative | Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology, Okayama University
Start Page | 23
End Page | 26
ISSN | 1341-9099
NCID | AN10529213
Content Type |
Departmental Bulletin Paper
language |
File Version | publisher
NAID | |
Eprints Journal Name | fest