ID | 67481 |
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Author |
Okayama University
Okayama University
Abstract | This study investigated the effects of artificial defects, introduced via focused ion beam (FIB) processing, on the tensile properties of thin titanium alloy wires (Ti-6Al-4V). Results indicated that the defective wires fractured when the net-section nominal stress reached the ultimate tensile strength of the smooth wires, probably because of localized stress concentrations relaxing due to plastic deformation around the defects. The effect of defects on tensile properties was classified into three regions based on the size of the defect area. In the case of small defects, wires fractured at the smooth area away from the defects where the cross-sectional strength was lower. In this case, the defects minimally affected the tensile properties. This is attributable to variations in the cross-sectional strength of the wire, which resulted in some sections with lower strength as compared with the defect area. In the case of medium-sized defects, the fracture strain decreased gradually as the defect area increased. Finally, in the case of large defects, the fracture strain was extremely small. The boundary between the medium-sized and large defects indicates the transition from plastic deformation to no plastic deformation in the smooth area.
Keywords | Ti-6Al-4V
Thin wire
Tensile properties
Focused ion beam
Net-section nominal stress
Fracture surface
Fracture strain
Published Date | 2024
Publication Title |
Mechanical Engineering Journal
Volume | volume11
Issue | issue6
Publisher | Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Start Page | 24-00129
ISSN | 2187-9745
Content Type |
Journal Article
language |
Copyright Holders | © 2024 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
File Version | publisher
DOI | |
Web of Science KeyUT | |
Related Url | isVersionOf
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Funder Name |
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
助成番号 | JP21H01214