ID | 15098 |
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Title Alternative | Influence on Stress Reactions of Social Skill and Cognitive Appraisal in Junior High Students
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Author |
Nishimura, Hiroki
Abstract | 本研究の目的は、中学生を対象に、社会的スキルとストレッサーに対する認知的評価、ストレス反応の関係性を明らかにし、社会的スキルが、認知的評価のストレス反応への影響を調整する効果(調整効果)について検討することであった。その結果、ストレス反応に対する社会的スキルと認知的評価の影響には男女差が認められ、男子ではストレス反応と「関係参加行動」・「関係維持行動」という基礎的なスキルの間に負の関連が認められた。一方女子では、それら2つの基礎的なスキルに加え、認知的評価の「コントロール可能性」とストレス反応の間にも負の関連が、「関係向上行動」とストレス反応との問には正の関連が認められた。調整効果については、女子において部分的に確認された。
抄録(別言語) | The purpose of this study was to determine the relations between social skills and cognitive appraisal and stress responses in junior high school students. Moreover, we examined whether social skills coordinate influence on stress responses of cognitive appraisal(coordination effects). As results, gender differences were observed in influences on stress responses of cognitive appraisal and social skills. In males, stress responses were negatively associated with fundamental social skills such as "Behavior for participating in relations" and "Behavior for maintaining relations". In female sample, stress responses had negative associations with "controllability" of cognitive appraisal in addition to these fundamental social skills. Furthermore, stress responses were positively association with "Behavior for developing relations" in female. The coordination effects were confirmed in female partially. These findings were discussed.
Keywords | junior high school students
social skills
cognitive appraisal
stress responses
Publication Title |
Published Date | 2009-03-10
Volume | volume9
Issue | issue1
Publisher | 岡山大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Publisher Alternative | Research and Development Center for Educational Practice, Okayama University
Start Page | 1
End Page | 8
ISSN | 1346-3705
NCID | AA11529614
Content Type |
Departmental Bulletin Paper
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File Version | publisher
NAID | |
Eprints Journal Name | rdc