ID | 14400 |
Sort Key | 7
Title Alternative | On Alphabetic Writing System in English Language Education
FullText URL | |
Author |
Seta, Yukito
Abstract | 本稿は、まず、中学校における英語学習の過程において、学習者の障壁となり得る要素の内のいくつかは、アルファベットという文字体系と深く関係していることを指摘する。次に、英語教育内容学という観点から、将来英語教師を目指す学生に、教育現場で必要とされる実践的な応用力を身につけさせるためには、大学の講義ではアルファベットに関してどのような知識を提供すべきであるかについて論じ、実践的な教授手順と共に具体的な教授内容を提示する。
抄録(別言語) | This paper aims to show a way of teaching in a framework of integrated studies in English language education which helps to solve some problems that probably hinder the junior (and/or senior) high school students from learning English. First, it is shown that some of the problems which the students encounter in English learning are closely related with the alphabetic writing system. Then, some important pieces of background knowledge about it (e.g., its history, its difference from the Japanese writing system, i.e, the writing system in kana mixed with Chinese characters, etc.) are given, and it is demonstrated how necessary it is to teach them at the university. Finally, some concrete model and its procedure for teaching background knowledge about the alphabetic writing system are proposed.
Keywords | アルファベット (alphabet)
仮名 (kana the Japanese syllabaries)
文字体系 (writing system)
英語教育内容学 (Integrated studies in English language education)
Publication Title |
Published Date | 2008-03-10
Volume | volume8
Issue | issue1
Publisher | 岡山大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター
Publisher Alternative | Research and Development Center for Educational Practice, Okayama University
Start Page | 63
End Page | 72
ISSN | 1346-3705
NCID | AA11529614
Content Type |
Departmental Bulletin Paper
language |
File Version | publisher
NAID | |
Eprints Journal Name | rdc