ID | 41467 |
Sort Key | 3
Title Alternative | Income Distribution and Tax Reforms in Aging Japan
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Author |
Okamoto, Akira
Abstract | This paper examines the effects of changes in the variance of income distribution on both capital accumulation and social welfare in Japan, the
society with an aging population. To analyze the problem, we adopt a simulation approach for an extended life-cycle general equilibrium model
of overlapping generations with continuous income distribution. The simulation results indicate that the changes in the variance affect economic variables under a progressive tax scheme but they do not under a proportional tax scheme. The results also show that social welfare greatly increases as the variance shrinks. Therefore, the recent shift in Japan, where the taxation system has tended in effect to become flat, may cause a significant damage to social welfare.
Note | 論説 (Article)
Publication Title |
Published Date | 2000-09-10
Volume | volume32
Issue | issue2
Publisher | 岡山大学経済学会
Publisher Alternative | The Economic Association of Okayama University
Start Page | 59
End Page | 98
ISSN | 0386-3069
NCID | AN00032897
Content Type |
Journal Article
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File Version | publisher
NAID | |
Eprints Journal Name | oer